Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 63


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        EU, US Join Hands on Chip Supplies, Big Tech

        The  European  Union  (EU)  and  US  reaffirmed  a  commitment  to   during  the meeting, which was  co-chaired by  high-ranking
        build partnerships  aimed at  rebalancing  global semiconductor   officials including European Commission EVP Margrethe Vestager.
        supply chains and collaborate  to  lead development  in the   In  an  inaugural  statement,  the  TTC  explained  the  US  and  EU
        segment,  while also  pledging  to work  together  to  regulate the   would work to enhance security of supplies and their respective
        big tech sector. In the first meeting of the recently-formed EU-  capacity  to  design  and  produce  semiconductors,  “especially,
        US  Trade  and  Technology  Council  (TTC),  numerous  objectives   but  not  limited  to,  those  with  cutting-edge  capabilities”.  The
        to  coordinate approaches on key  technology  issues were up   partnership would be balanced and of equal interest to both sides,
        for discussion. Semiconductors were identified as a top priority   while they further underlined the importance of working together
                                                               to identify gaps in the value chain and strengthening domestic
                                                               markets. Addressing a current chip shortage, the group detailed
                                                               an  initial  focus  on short-term  supply chain issues, with  longer
                                                               term  goals  to  be  defined  at  a  future  meeting.  TTC  also  agreed
                                                               joint development of AI platforms, and cooperation on screening
                                                               investments and export controls covering sensitive technologies.
                                                               The group added it planned to engage with tech giants to improve
                                                               data practices. “We are committed to transatlantic cooperation
                                                               regarding platform policies that focus on disinformation, product
                                                               safety,  counterfeit  products,  and  other  harmful  content.”  While
                                                               TTC did not specifically mention the threat posed by China, the
                                                               message was clear. “We stand together to protect our businesses,
                                                               consumers and workers from unfair trade practices, in particular
                                                               those posed by non-market economies that are undermining the
                                                               world trading system.”

        Vodafone, Nokia, Cisco, and Others Conduct First Multi-Vendor Test of New

        Broadband Standard

        Vodafone,  Nokia,  Cisco,  Benu  Networks,   greater  flexibility  and  choice  of  control   cloud. “As a leading BNG vendor, Nokia is
        and  Casa  Systems  have  successfully   and user planes from different vendors   pleased to demonstrate support for a wide
        conducted  the  first  multi-vendor  test  of   leveraging the TR-459 standard.” Just as   range of BNG deployment models including
        a  new  broadband  standard.  The  vendors   Open RAN is helping the mobile ecosystem   Broadband  Forum’s  disaggregated  BNG
        tested  a new open  architecture for the   to  avoid  vendor  lock-in, disaggregated   architecture,” commented Vach Kompella,
        Broadband Network Gateway (BNG). BNGs   BNGs  will  help  to  do  the  same  for  fixed   VP and GM of Nokia’s IP Networks Business
        are critical for connecting  multiple users   broadband. “We are already driving a more   Division.  “Nokia  envisions  a  significant
        to the internet  but have historically been   diverse and open mobile  ecosystem with   evolution  in  BNG  architecture  with  the
        locked to a single supplier. Disaggregated   Open RAN, and now we are targeting fixed   introduction of CUPS in fixed, wireless and
        BNGs based on the global TR-459 standard   broadband,”  explained  Johan  Wibergh,   5G  fixed  wireless  applications  which  will
        from  the  Broadband  Forum  will  enable   Chief Technology Officer for Vodafone. “As   allow rapid feature introduction,  optimal
        the component to work using  separate   an industry, and with government support,   user plane placement  and selection,  as
        software and hardware from multiple   we owe it to people with no or slow internet   well  as  improved  operations.”  Vodafone
        vendors.  “Cisco  is  committed  to  driving   access  to quicken the rollout  of new   says  the  use  of  disaggregated  BNGs  will
        solutions to expand broadband penetration   capabilities on fast, fixed broadband.” The   enable  it to upgrade,  scale, and deploy
        worldwide,”  said  Andy  Schutz,  Product   multi-vendor  test successfully  separated   new features and add more capacity
        Management  Senior  Director  for  Cisco.   core gateway control functions – including   separately, increasing agility when making
        “We  believe  the  work  being  done  in  the   authenticating  a user  and increasing   enhancements  across its  broadband
        Broadband Forum is fundamental to these   bandwidth to  support  streaming services   network.
        efforts, especially  in the area of creating   – and enabled them to be managed in the

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