Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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        Nonetheless, in order to meet the service   commercialization  of  new Industry  4.0   There is  much more innovation  to come
        requirements of various industries, global   use cases in smart  transport, smart   as  IPv6  and  the  closely  associated
        industry momentum is also gaining    mining, smart  manufacturing,  and other   technologies  of  IPv6+  expand  and
        around further IP functionality innovation.   industries.  It  does  so by creating on-  mature.  Created  in  October  2020,  the
        For example, according to ETSI , cloud AR/  demand and capillary networking through   ETSI  IPE  (IPv6  Enhanced  Innovation)
        VR services require high bandwidth and a   the  combination  of  IPv6  address  space   Industry  Specification  Group  aims  to
        latency of less  than 20ms.  Autonomous   for  IoT  devices  combined  with  IPv6-  identify  new  IPv6-based  use  cases  and
        driving requires a delay of 5–20ms, while   based  network  slicing,  AR/VR,  and  other   specify  requirements needed  to enable
        industrial automation  requires  a  latency   technologies. Benefits for these industries   the  deployment  of  IPv6  across  new  and
        of 1–10ms. Moreover, smart city projects   include  improved  efficiency  and  safer   evolving technology domains,  including
        now use ICT to improve efficiency, manage   work  environments, increased worldwide   5G, AI, and hybrid multi-cloud services. IPE
        complexity,  and  enhance  citizens'  quality   competitiveness, and reduced  energy   aims  to  drive  full  connectivity  with  IPv6,
        of life.  Smart  cities encompass  various   consumption.                enabling the vision of "IP on everything."
        initiatives  across  governance, safety
        and security, transport, energy, physical   In  addition,  IPv6+  allows  for  new   Ultimately, we must remember  that the
        infrastructure, and healthcare.  In  short,   service  innovations.  This  includes  scale  of  IP  networks  is  expanding.  The
        the digital revolution has shifted from the   selling differentiated quality  of  service   attributes of IP connectivity are increasing.
        “Internet of Everything” to the “Intelligent   through network  slicing and  shortening   The application scenarios supported by IP
        Connection of Everything”.           provisioning  times to match cloud-  continue to be diversified. With this in mind,
                                             application  requirements,  all through   a digital world in which IP is ubiquitous—
        This  requires  a  new  approach  to  IPv6,   automation   and   software-defined   and intelligence is omnipresent—beckons.
        which  we  refer  to  as  IPv6+.  It  is  an   networking (SDN) control.
        innovation  concept  based  on  IPv6,  and
        has a wide range of social, economic, and   Created  in  October  2020,  the  ETSI IPE  (IPv6 Enhanced
        industrial values. Through the combination   Innovation) Industry Specification Group aims to identify
        of massive address space  and advanced
        technologies, IPv6+ can play a crucial part   new  IPv6-based  use  cases and  specify  requirements
        in smart cities achieving SLAs and helping   needed to enable the deployment of IPv6 across new and
        KPI fulfillment.
                                                evolving technology domains, including 5G, AI, and hybrid

        IPv6+     can     accelerate    the     multi-cloud services.

        1  ETSI, IPv6 Best Practices, Benefits, Transition Challenges and the Way Forward, ETSI White Paper No. 25, August 2020

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