Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 53


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Bangladesh to Send Observation Satellite into Space

        The  Bangladesh  Communication  Satellite   infrastructure projects  in neighboring   government owned satellite management
        Company Ltd (BSCL) has embarked upon a   countries such as dams, power plants, and   firm is working with Arianespace of France
        project to send a second satellite to space   river diversion  that may pose  threats to   to jointly develop and launch  the second
        after the success of the first one known as   Bangladesh in the long term according to   satellite in to space  before the tenure
        Bangabandhu-I in partnership with Thales   The Bangladesh Defence Analyst security   of  the  present  government  expires.  The
        Alenia  Space.  Unlike  the  Bangabandhu-I,   experts.  Price  water  house  Coopers   French company has launched more than
        the second  satellite  is  designed  for   (PwC)  recommended  the  type  of  satellite   850  satellites  since  1979  using  several
        observation  including  environmental  following  exhaustive  feasibility  studies.   versions  of  its  launch  vehicles.  Currently
        monitoring, meteorology, and cartography.   It  is  to  be noted  the cost for the second   it  offers  the  Ariane  5  heavy  launcher,  the
        It  can be  used  to clearly monitor  the   satellite will be lower than that of the first   Soyuz  medium launcher,  and the Vega
        vast  maritime  territories  of  Bangladesh   one because Bangladesh already has the   light  launcher.  Bangladesh  became  the
        and surrounding countries.  While such   ground station and other infrastructure in   57th  country  in  the  world  to  maintain  a
        satellites  have  aerial  surveillance  place.  Bangladesh  will  also  not  need  to   presence in space. The country is rapidly
        applications in a military context, they can   lease any orbital slot because the satellite   developing its technological prowess as it
        be used to monitor effects of man-made   is a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite with far   moves forward with its Digital Bangladesh
        ecological  disasters from poorly  planned   less operational altitude. The Bangladesh   plan.

        Zimbabwe to Launch its First Satellite in 2022

        The  first  Zimbabwean  satellite,  the   in  Japan.  Japan’s  space  agency,  the   launch of the Zimbabwe Science Park and
        ZIMSAT-1,  will  be  launched  in  2022.   Japan  Aerospace  Exploration  Agency   commissioning of the Zimbabwe National
        Zimbabwean  engineers  will  assemble   (JAXA),  will  launch  it.  “Congratulations   Geospatial  and  Space  Agency  (ZNGSA)
        the nanosatellite, and it  has reached  an   and  well  done  for  this  first  national   on  13th  September  2021.  Zimbabwe  is
        advanced development stage. In addition,   space project which lays  the foundation   putting  a lot of effort into developing  its
        flight readiness and review will be done in   for  space  and  scientific  programmes.   education  system  for the development
        December 2021, and its launch is expected   This is indeed a major step in enhancing   of  the  nation.  ZNGSA  is  housed  in  the
        to take place in Japan in February 2022. The   the deployment  of earth observation   University  of  Zimbabwe  and  manned  by
        ZIMSAT-1 is a 1U educational and amateur   technologies  in supporting the National   the  young scientists  from the  innovation
        radio mission cubesat  manufactured   Development  Strategy,”  the  President,   hubs  under  the  Education  5.0  plan.  This
        under the Kyushu Institute of Technology   Emmerson Mnangagwa, said at  the   concept  places higher  institutions  of
                                                                                 learning as  champions of  modernization
                                                                                 and industrialization. Launched in 2018,
                                                                                 ZNGSA  will  make  it  possible  for  the
                                                                                 country  to manage its  natural resources
                                                                                 and mitigate the effects of climate change.
                                                                                 Furthermore, it  will  be deployed for earth
                                                                                 observation satellites, global navigation
                                                                                 satellite  systems,  geospatial  and
                                                                                 space technologies. Additionally, these
                                                                                 developments  are  part  of  the  country’s
                                                                                 plan to catch up with  other  nations and
                                                                                 become  an  upper-middle-class  economy
                                                                                 by  2030.  Moreso,  the  president  pledged
                                                                                 more support to the newly commissioned
                                                                                 agency to see the growth of a technology
                                                                                 innovation environment that supports the
                                                                                 development and use of new technologies.

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