Page 42 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 42


        AsiaHawala  has  facilitated  financial  aid   of millions.”AsiaHawala  is  powered by   acquire new customers, create long-term
        disbursement to over 200,000 households   Comviva’s mobiquity® platform. It delivers   loyalty with existing ones,  and seize new
        covering approximately 1 million internally   a  host  of  digital  financial  services  that   revenue  opportunities to increase their
        displaced people and refugees. On the other   transforms the  way  consumers  save,   footprint  in  the market.  The platform
        hand, it has enabled Iraqi youth (millennial   borrow, transfer and pay.  It  is designed   empowers financial service providers to be
        and Gen-Z consumers) to top-up internet,   to seamlessly integrate  consumer touch   agile in their markets, with complete focus
        shop online and purchase e-vouchers, and   points with a  wide ecosystem of banks,   on the customers. mobiquity® has clocked
        experience  the  digital revolution  just like   billers, merchants and third-party payment   over 70 deployments  in more than 50
        their peers in other countries. AsiaHawala   systems, creating a convergence powered   countries. It serves 110 million customers
        is leveraging technology to enable digital   by  interoperability.  Apart  from delivering   globally and processes  more than 6.5
        payments and eventually helping to rebuild   convenience  to consumers,  the solution   billion transactions every year amounting
        Iraq.” Ramy Moselhy, Vice  President  and   enables  financial  service  providers  to   to over $130 billion annually.
        Head of MENA region  at  Comviva  said,
        “We are glad that  we are playing a part
        in AsiaHawala’s digital transformation
        journey, which is  providing peace and
        convenience to millions of people through
        safe and secure mobile  money services,
        anytime  and anywhere.  These  awards
        also validate our  ability to innovate
        and rise to the occasion  in challenging
        conditions  in any part  of the world. We
        believe  that  the intersection  of  business
        and technology opens  new opportunities
        for digital  transformation, while doing
        social good. We are very pleased that our
        mobiquity®  Money is leading  the way in
        digitizing  societies and impacting lives

        inwi Launches Mobile Money Service ‘inwi Money’ Powered by Comviva’s
        mobiquity® Money Platform

                                             through  “inwi money” mobile  application   As it did in various countries, mobile
                                             or USSD menu. The service is available in   money  service aimed at  simplifying and
                                             French and Arabic languages. It facilitates   enhancing lives of millions of Moroccans
                                             multiple levels of registrations  ranging   by providing  them easy, fast  and more
                                             from self-registration to agents supported   convenient  digital financial services”. “By
                                             registration. “inwi money” customers   digitizing money  transfers and payments
                                             can send money to other  “inwi money”   we  participate  to  accelerate  financial
                                             customers instantly  anytime  anywhere.   inclusion  and to  contribute  towards  the
                                             The  service also allows customers  to   economic  development  of the country”
                                             request  money  from  other “inwi  Money”   said  Ghassane  El  Machrafi,  Chairman
        inwi, Moroccan  telecom  operator known   customers. Customers can also recharge   of “inwi money”. Ramy Moselhy, Vice
        for its digital innovations, has recently   their own or other  people’s  mobile   President  and Head  of MENA region  at
        launched  its  mobile  money service   subscription using the app. Moreover, the   Comviva, said, “Mobile phones  today  are
        “inwi  money”.  The service works  on   contract  customers can pay their  mobile   not just  communication  devices; they
        Comviva’s mobiquity® Money, one of the   subscription  bill from comfort  of their   have become a holistic channel for digital
        world’s largest mobile  money platform.   home or office. The operator will also allow   lifestyle. Comviva  is  making this reality
        The  service  offers consumers  a quick,   merchants to collect payments using “inwi   through  its  mobiquity® Money  platform
        convenient and secure  way  to  perform   money”. To pay merchant customers need   that enables  service providers to provide
        multiple  financial  transactions  such  as   to  enter merchant’s  mobile number  or   digital  financial  services  to  consumers
        person-to-person money transfer, airtime   scan a QR Code. Nicolas Levi, CEO of “inwi   through  mobile phones.  In Morocco,  we
        purchase,  bill payments and merchant   money” said, “We are delighted to offer   are  carrying forward  this  revolution with
        payments.  Customers can access the   “inwi money” service which is powered by   inwi through its mobile money service that
        service using any type of mobile phone   Comviva’s  mobiquity® Money  platform.   delivers  a  seamless  and  secure  financial

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