Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 40


        Cisco and ITU Launch Digital Transformation Initiative

        ITU,  in  partnership with  Cisco,  launched   businesses  and  it  assists  policy-makers   as in entrepreneurial areas where project-
        the  Digital  Transformation  Centers  in the  formulation  and implementation   based learning and design thinking
        Initiative to equip people  with the  skills   of policies  and  programmes related to   are critical,” says  Laura  Quintana, Vice
        needed to effectively participate in today’s   digital skills,  with the overall  objective   President  and General  Manager of Cisco
        digital  society and economy.  Through   of enabling a  successful  national  digital   Networking  Academy.  “Cisco’s objective
        this initiative, launched  at  ITU  Telecom   transformation process. The initiative will   is  to  help countries  transform  digitally
        World, ITU  and  Cisco will  work  with  a   rely on a multistakeholder partnership for   and accelerate economic growth, and the
        network of institutions to run digital skills   its success. “We are proud to partner with   collaboration  between  Cisco and  ITU  will
        training  programmes  in  specific  tech   Cisco  to enhance  digital literacy,”  says   be key  to providing the needed human
        areas.  Providing digital skills  training is   ITU  Secretary-General Houlin Zhao.  “We   capital to support that transformation.”
        key to bridging  the  digital divide. Digital   call on  governments,  the  private sector,   To kick-start the initiative, ITU and Cisco
        skills are needed at all levels: at the basic   development agencies, local communities   will  identify 10 Digital Transformation
        level,  to  help  people  connect  and  benefit   and other stakeholders to help us advance   Centers  to  participate  in  the  first  phase,
        from Internet  services and applications;   this initiative. Join us to boost digital skills   which will  run for 18  months starting in
        at the intermediate level, to help students   to  facilitate  the digital  transformation   January  2020.  The Centers  selected  will
        and job seekers get the necessary  skills   journey  and accelerate  the achievement   be  located in the  Americas,  Africa and
        required by  the  digital economy; and at   of the United Nations Sustainable   Asia-Pacific regions. “Today half the world
        the advanced  level to increase  the pool   Development  Goals.”  The  Digital  is  online,  but raw  connectivity  alone will
        of ICT experts  and meet the demands   Transformation Centers Initiative builds on   not solve development  challenges,”  says
        of the industry.  This initiative targets   the existing collaboration between the two   Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,  Director  of  the
        people who need basic digital skills to use   organizations.  “We are excited to  partner   ITU  Telecommunication  Development
        digital  tools and  access e-services and   with  ITU  on the Digital  Transformation   Bureau.  “Research  shows  that  lack  of
        those who seek  to  enhance  their basic   Center  Initiative which  will leverage  the   digital knowledge and skills has emerged
        and intermediate skills.  It  also targets   Cisco Networking Academy to prepare   as a major barrier to Internet uptake, digital
        entrepreneurs  who wish to develop  their   individuals with skills in technology as well   inclusion  and digital transformation,
                                                                                 especially  in  developing  countries.
                                                                                 The   Digital  Transformation  Centers
                                                                                 Initiative is designed  to strengthen  the
                                                                                 effectiveness  of current activities in the
                                                                                 field of capacity development by providing
                                                                                 training programmes to meet and address
                                                                                 local needs,  and  address technology
                                                                                 trends, developments and gaps. It is also
                                                                                 a  step forward  to  help our membership
                                                                                 implement  their regional  initiatives in
                                                                                 this  field.”  The  Digital  Transformation
                                                                                 Centers  Initiative will  complement the
                                                                                 ILO-ITU  Digital Skills  for Jobs Campaign,
                                                                                 which is  part  of the Global Initiative on
                                                                                 Decent  Jobs  for Youth,  and will  directly
                                                                                 contribute to the achievement of the 2030
                                                                                 Sustainable Development  Agenda.  It  will
                                                                                 also complement the existing work of the
                                                                                 ITU Centers of Excellence network, which
                                                                                 provides training to  ICT  professionals as
                                                                                 well as the existing ITU efforts in enabling
                                                                                 digital transformation and national and
                                                                                 regional levels.

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