Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 39


        BT to Deliver Cyber Security Services for icare

        BT has signed a contract to deploy a cloud-based SIEM service   strong links and investments into the New South Wales region.”
        for icare, a  regional  provider of  insurance  and care services to   James Hennah, BT’s director of security for Asia, Middle East and
        the businesses,  people  and communities of New South  Wales,   Africa, said: “Supporting customers in 180  countries,  including
        Australia. By selecting BT, icare will benefit from market-leading   some of the world’s largest financial service providers, we have
        cyber  security capabilities to  protect its  customer  data  and   a  unique insight into cybercrime. We know  that  an  attack  can
        enable  secure business  operations.  The  solution  has been   happen  anytime, and our  CloudSIEM solution  will  help  icare
        designed  to be  scaleable  and flexible  to minimize icare’s risk   contextualize every relevant event with external intelligence. With
        exposure as business requirements change and security threats   our service, icare gets a real-time picture of what is happening on
        evolve.  BT’s  CloudSIEM  service  combines  an  Amazon  Web   its network, enabling it to spot anomalies so security analysts can
        Services-based enterprise SIEM platform with integrated threat   investigate and respond to threats.”
        monitoring,  investigation,  response  and intelligence  services.
        BT will deliver a 24x7 managed service and work collaboratively
        with icare to effectively complement its  internal cyber  security
        operations team. The service will be primarily delivered from BT’s
        Australian Security  Operation  Centre (SOC),  which  expanded  in
        2017 and forms part of BT’s global network of 15 SOCs. Frances
        Bouzo, Chief Information Security Officer, icare, said: “The cyber
        security services BT is providing will help support the strategic
        transformation of our security  infrastructure.  The increased
        visibility, responsiveness and alignment with our internal security
        operations  team  provided  by  BT  will  enable  us  to  proactively
        detect  and  counter security  threats, and ultimately protect  the
        critical data that our customers entrust us with. We’re delighted
        to  be  working  with  a company  that provides  all the  benefits  of
        a global presence across the security ecosystem, coupled with

                                             Cisco Demonstrates 26.4Tbps on MAREA

                                             Transatlantic Subsea Cable

        Cisco  announced  the successful testing   Network operators  do not have unlimited   back  to  Bilbao)  showing  that  18.5Tbps
        of its NCS 1004 platform over MAREA, the   bandwidth  so  spectral  efficiency  is  the   could be deployed for double the distance,
        6,600 km subsea cable system connecting   most important measurement  in subsea   also with plenty of system margin,” said Bill
        the United States to  southern  Europe   deployments.  Spectral  efficiency  refers   Gartner, Senior Vice President and General
        (Virginia Beach, Virginia to Bilbao, Spain).   to the rate that can be transmitted over a   Manager,  Optical  Systems and Optics,
        The test was to demonstrate the ability to   given bandwidth and is a measure of how   Cisco. Cisco NCS 1004 has been designed
        provide increased transatlantic bandwidth   efficiently  a  limited  frequency  spectrum   to maximize wavelength and fiber capacity
        as well as simulate transpacific distances   is  utilized by  the physical layer.  Spectral   with a minimum space and power footprint.
        via  loopback  on one  end of the cable.   efficiency of a communication link can be   At 2RU, the system supports up to 4.8Tbps
        Leveraging the flexibility of the NCS 1004,   enhanced  by  packing more information,   of client and 4.8Tbps of trunk traffic. Cisco
        several channel capacity combinations   bits,  in  a  single transmission.  Thus,   NCS1004 delivers multi-haul coherent
        were tested to maximize the performance   maximum capacity of 26.4Tbps can be   DWDM  transport  capabilities with  agility,
        and  spectral  efficiency  on  the  cable.  For   achieved on MAREA cable deploying the   programmability, and simplicity of use.
        the Virginia to Bilbao trial, 400G error-free   NCS 1004 with margin. In the same way, the   The Cisco NCS 2000 working with the NCS
        performance was demonstrated; channels   transatlantic loopback  scenario reached   1004 delivers agility, programmability, and
        with  record  spectral  efficiency  of  6.445   up to  18.9Tbps.  “We  demonstrated that   massive scale for ultra-long-haul, subsea,
        b/s/Hz  were achieved, while  4.52b/s/  24.7Tbps could  be used on MAREA with   metro, and enterprise optical networks.
        Hz  spectral  efficiency  was  tested  on  the   plenty of  margin.  We also  tested in full
        looped  back scenario  of over 13,200km.   loopback  mode  (Bilbao  to  Virginia  and

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