Page 149 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 149


                         Steinmaurer explained. It’s almost as if the regulator’s   divided into two phases: the first will see frequencies
                         main priority is  ensuring  decent  5G coverage,  rather   in the 700MHz  (six  blocks)  and 2100MHz  (twelve
                         than securing  a  giant windfall for the government.   blocks) bands allocated, with eight blocks of 1500MHz
                         Nonetheless,  it will be  interesting to see  what the   spectrum  set to be awarded  in the second  stage.
                         operators  make of the proposals. “Once the tender   Following this, a ‘bonus system’ has been developed
                         conditions have been approved by the Federal Minister   whereby operators will be able to gain a reduction in
                         of Transport, Innovation and Technology, the start of   the spectrum price if  they  agree to  cover additional
                         the second 5G auction is scheduled for spring 2020; at   underserved areas.  In terms of coverage  obligations,
                         the end of the second quarter of 2020, the frequency   700MHz license winners will be obliged to supply 900
                         allocation procedure will  be completed,”  Steinmaurer   underserved communities  with  speeds of  30Mbps
                         said. (September 24, 2019)       download  and 3Mbps  upload.  Furthermore, 98% of
                                                                        motorways and selected railway lines, as well as 90%
                         The  Regulatory  Authority  for  Broadcasting  and   of federal and state roads, are to be supplied with at
                         Telecoms  (RTR) has launched  a public  consultation   least  10Mbps  download and  1Mbps  upload rates.
                         on the conditions for its planned ‘second 5G auction’.   Interested parties  have been  given until 21  October
                         The  regulator is looking  to award 20-year licenses   2019  to submit comments  on the proposed  auction
                         for spectrum in the 700MHz, 1500MHz and 2100MHz   conditions. (September 24, 2019)
                         frequency  bands  in  spring 2020.  The auction will  be

                         The  Brazilian  Senate’s  Science  and  Technology   stage before drifting back down again on Sao Paulo’s
                         Committee  has approved a  bill  that will  modernize   stock market, while Telefonica Brasil SA gained 1.1%.
                         Brazil’s telecommunications law and boost companies   The bill could also benefit Claro, the local subsidiary
                         in the sector by lifting restrictions on asset sales. The   of  Mexico’s  America  Movil  SAB  de  CV,  and  TIM
        Brazil           full Senate could vote on the bill, known as PLC 79. The   Participações SA, a subsidiary of Telecom Italia SpA .
                         bill has already passed the lower house of Congress   The bill changes the current, more restricted model so
                         and, if approved by the Senate, will go the President Jair   that assets used under concessions would no longer
                         Bolosonaro to be signed. The law aims to encourage   revert to the  government  once a service  provider’s
                         investment in broadband in remote areas of Brazil by   contract  period  expires. It also ends  the  requirement
                         allowing companies  to own outright  telecom  assets,   that  providers invest in outdated  technology  such
                         such as cellphone towers and valuable real estate, that   as  public  phones  and  landlines.  Besides  removing
                         they may sell if they so choose. Passage of PLC 79 is   restrictions  on asset sales, the new law  would  allow
                         expected to unleash a wave of asset sales and benefit   fixed-voice concessionaires to swap obligations they
                         the  entire  Brazilian  telecommunications  industry,   have under  current concessions  for investments in
                         especially Oi SA, which is in bankruptcy protection and   broadband assigned by  telecoms  regulator Anatel.
                         would become more attractive to a buyer. Shares of Oi   (September 11, 2019)
                         jumped 4% on news that the bill cleared the committee

                         Canada’s  leading  rural  fixed-wireless  broadband   access and consumer premise  equipment,  meeting
                         provider  Xplornet  Communications  has  sublicensed   3GGP standards.  The AWS-4  downlink spectrum  will
                         40MHz  of AWS-4  spectrum  from TerreStar Solutions   be paired with  available  uplink spectrum,  including
                         covering most of the rural households across Canada’s   frequencies  currently  held  by  Xplornet.  AWS-4  is
        Canada           ten provinces  to support a  national 5G wireless   one  of a number of bands  that will  be  deployed to
                         broadband network rollout. The ‘mid-band’ (2000MHz-  deliver 5G services, with Xplornet holding mobile and
                         2020MHz    and   2180MHz-2200MHz)    spectrum  fixed  licensed  spectrum  in  the  3500MHz,  2500MHz,
                         agreement with TerreStar covers 37 ‘tier three’ and 13   600MHz, 700MHz and AWS-1 bands. Tim Dinesen, CTO
                         ‘tier four’ areas for a period up to March 2035, with an   at  Xplornet,  said:  ‘Having  more  mid-band  spectrum
                         option for Xplornet to extend the term of the agreement   is an important next step in our plan to advance the
                         should  TerreStar’s  AWS-4  licenses  be renewed.  The   availability  of wireless  broadband  services to rural
                         spectrum band can be used to provide fixed or mobile   Canadians. We have made significant investments in
                         broadband.  Xplornet  says  the  spectrum  investment   our broadband network in recent years and are eager to
                         will enable it to develop the latest wireless technology   put this AWS-4 spectrum to work, complementing our
                         to deliver 5G-based services with speeds of 100Mbps   existing spectrum holdings.’ Xplornet intends to invest
                         and affordable unlimited data plans for rural broadband   over CAD500 million (USD379 million) in the next five
                         customers  across Canada. The  operator  is currently   years. (September 13, 2019)
                         working with manufacturers to develop 5G-ready radio
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