Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 129


        RIPE NCC and CITC Join Forces to Promote IPV6 Deployment in Saudi Arabia

        The Réseaux IP  Européens  Network  Coordination Centre  (RIPE   Internet infrastructure. These meetings also provide the perfect
        NCC), in  collaboration with  Communications  and Information   opportunity to review the Kingdom’s capability to meet its 2030
        Technology  Commission  (CITC),  held  five  workshops  and  three   vision. We look forward to continuing our successful collaboration
        training courses  to foster the deployment of Internet  Protocol   with  the  RIPE  NCC.”  Chafic  Chaya,  Regional  Communications
        version  6  (IPv6)  in Saudi Arabia.  The course  took place over a   Manager for Middle East at RIPE NCC, commented: “We would like
        four-day period at CITC headquarters in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi   to thank our partners at CITC for their efforts and contribution,
        Arabia (KSA), and was  attended by  CITC, local Internet  Service   which  has  reaffirmed  our  commitment  towards  our  members
        Providers (ISPs), telecom operators and other interested parties.   and  the  Internet  community in  supporting them with  our
        The  RIPE  NCC  conducted  three  training  courses  and  five  IPv6   technical expertise. Capacity building is crucial to technological
        workshops including:                                   advancement and migrating to IPv6 will provide KSA with better
        Basic IPv6 Training Course – which elaborated on the imminent   economic opportunities.
        IPv4 run-out, the necessity to switch to IPv6 and how to prepare
        for deployment.
        IPv6 Security Training Course – which provided an overview of
        IPv6 security issues and how to address them.
        Measurements and  Tools  Training  Course  –  an  introduction  to
        RIPEstat,  a  web-based interface providing information  about
        IP  address  space, Autonomous  System Numbers (ASNs), and
        related data for hostnames and countries; and RIPE Atlas, a vast
        Internet measurement platform that employs a global network of
        over 10,000 probes to actively measure Internet reachability and
        Dedicated workshops for the mobile operators and ISPs.
        Eng.  Raed Al-Fayez, Head  of  Internet Services at  CITC, said:
        “There are many opportunities and challenges for the Internet in
        KSA. The workshop and training courses helped us to understand
        how deploying  IPv6 can help  Saudi Arabia improve its current

        China Agrees to Help Transform ICT Services in Zimbabwe

        Zimbabwe  and China have signed  a   the development of Zimbabwe’s fiber-optic   ICT products. Zimbabwe’s ICT, Postal
        memorandum  of understanding (MoU)   backbone  network, mobile broadband   and Courier Services Minister,  Kazembe
        to  cooperate on  the development of ICT   network and internet  connectivity;  the   Kazembe,  highlighted  the contribution  of
        services in  the African nation.  According   development  of international  and cross-  Chinese equipment suppliers such as ZTE
        to  a  report  from  The Herald, the MoU   border land cables, as well as international   and Huawei: ‘The Chinese firms operating
        aims to create an environment ‘to enable   submarine  cables; the development and   in the ICT sector in Zimbabwe have assisted
        the  sector’s players to collaborate,   operation  of international  voice  and data   in transforming our sector as we strive to
        and will  go a  long way  in  reducing  the   services  in Zimbabwe;  research  and   bridge  the digital  gap.  These  companies
        digital  divide and  contributing  to  various   development of ICT and the establishment   have reinforced the good relationship that
        economic activities’. Some of the areas of   of manufacturing and assembling factories   Zimbabwe has enjoyed with China.’
        cooperation  covered by the MoU include:   in Zimbabwe to  develop  and assemble

        Polish Operators Considering 700MHz Collaboration for 5G

        A press  report  from Poland says  the writes that Orange, T-Mobile, Play   service providers. CommsUpdate reported
        country’s  four main  mobile  network   (P4) and Plus (Polkomtel) are considering   earlier this week that Poland’s Minister of
        operators  (MNOs) are preparing  to sign   working with  Exatel  on the project which   Digitization Marek Zagorski has said he is
        a letter  of intent with state-backed  telco   would see one entity manage all available   in favor of a single nationwide network in
        Exatel which could lead to the construction   frequencies in the band and lease capacity   the 700MHz band.
        of a shared 5G network in the 700MHz band.   on the shared infrastructure to retail

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