Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 124


        The  Going  Digital  Toolkit maps a core   2. Compare your country’s overall state of digital development
        set of indicators to each  of the seven
        policy dimensions  and allows  users to   How does your country compare? Find out by mapping your country’s performance on
        interactively explore these data to assess a   the Going Digital indicators against another country, or to the EU28 or OECD average.
        country’s state of digital development. The   Each visualisation shows all of the Going Digital indicators at a glance, grouped by the
        Toolkit also contains OECD policy guidance   seven policy dimensions. In the overall visualisation, each indicator has been normalised
        and insights related to each of the policy   to express each country as a proportion of the highest OECD country value.
        dimensions  to help governments  design
        and implement policies that are fit for the
        digital age. In due course, the Toolkit will
        incorporate  innovative policy  practices.
        Users can explore the Toolkit using three
        entry  points: 1)  policy  dimensions,  2)
        countries and 3) themes.

        1. Analyse your country’s performance by
          policy dimension

        The Going Digital  Toolkit allows  users to
        assess  performance in  each dimension
        of the Going  Digital  Integrated  Policy
        Framework. For example,  the  Use policy
        dimension  includes indicators  of how
        people and firms use digital technologies
        by country. Related publications and policy
        guidance are also provided to help design
        and develop well-suited policies.    3. Explore the indicators and policy insights by theme
                                             Users may wish to learn more about particular themes, including: 1) data and data flows;
                                             2) development; 3) digital government; 4) digital technologies; 5) gender; 6) productivity;
                                             7) skills; and 8) small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Such issues cut across
                                             several policy dimensions of the Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework. For example,
                                             issues related to SMEs are relevant for the Access, Use, Innovation, Trust and Market
                                             Openness policy dimensions. SMEs create jobs, spur innovation and underpin growth
                                             across the economy, but also face challenges in successfully adopting and using digital

        Visit the Going Digital Toolkit now!

            @OECDInnovation - #GoingDigital

        For best  results,  please use the latest
        version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome
        or Mozilla Firefox to explore the Toolkit.

        This article, as well as any data and any map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers
        and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
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