Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Ericsson Makes 5G Data Call Using Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

        Ericsson says it made the world’s first 5G data call using dynamic   band. I haven’t heard that yet as a declared strategy for a Verizon.”
        spectrum  sharing.  The call  was  made on a  3GPP  Frequency   Ookla  analyst Milan Milanovic told  FierceWireless  that Verizon
        Division Duplex (FDD) low band using commercial hardware and   owns spectrum in band 2 in the 1900 MHz range, band 4 in the
        Ericsson Radio System software. The data call was set up in August   2100 MHz range, band 5 in the 850 MHz range, and band 13 in
        at Ericsson’s lab in Ottawa, Canada using an Ericsson macro radio   the 700 MHz range. “My assumption would be that they [Verizon]
        that supported both 4G and 5G. The call was made between a   will use band 2, which is deployed everywhere and the AWS band
        5G mobile test device  powered by the  Qualcomm Snapdragon   4,” said Milanovic. “I think that’s the most likely they’ll use. But,
        X55 5G Modem-RF System and a commercial LTE smartphone.   we’re just guessing. This is a good strategy to compete on 5G
        The LTE smartphone and the 5G testing device data call sections   coverage. I think most operators would do the same thing without
        were running simultaneously  on  the same  FDD  spectrum. This   greenfield  FDD  spectrum.”  In  addition  to  deploying  New  Radio
        is innovative because in the past, new generation radio access   equipment  in its  existing LTE  spectrum,  Verizon will  also  need
        technologies were deployed on separate spectrum blocks. This   5G-capable user equipment. Although Ericsson used Qualcomm’s
        required operators to buy new spectrum or re-farm their existing   Snapdragon X55 5G Modem for its 5G data call, Milanovic said
        spectrum. Spectrum re-farming is a slow process that could take   current commercial devices sold by Verizon are powered by the
        as long as 10 years to complete. With dynamic spectrum sharing   Snapdragon  X50  modem.  Durga  Malladi,  Qualcomm’s  general
        (DSS), operators can introduce 5G immediately in the same band   manager for 4G/5G, said in a statement today, “With DSS support
        as 4G. The technology dynamically allocates spectrum resources   included in our comprehensive Snapdragon X55 5G Modem-RF
        between 4G and 5G based on user demand. Ericsson says its DSS   System architecture, and we’re looking forward to helping fast-
        is based on proprietary scheduler algorithms that enable optimal   track  the mobile industry  to  nationwide coverage during  the
        performance  as the mix of 4G and 5G devices in the network   second phase of 5G commercialization next year.”
        changes over time. Verizon’s CEO Hans Vestberg has repeatedly
        said that the carrier plans to use Ericsson’s DSS as an integral
        part of its 5G strategy. However, Ericsson’s DSS technology only
        works on its New Radio equipment deployed in the same spectrum
        currently being  used for LTE.    And, Verizon has  not divulged
        whether it is deploying Ericsson NR equipment in any of its LTE
        spectrum. When talking about 5G, Verizon mainly talks about its
        mmWave deployments in high frequency spectrum that has never
        been used for LTE. On an earnings call with investors earlier this
        year, T-Mobile CEO John Legere said, “To get to dynamic spectrum
        sharing, you’ll deploy New Radio. So, I am yet to hear anybody in
        Verizon declare that they are deploying New Radio in low-band
        or mid-band.  And, if  you want  to use DSS, you are effectively
        committing in the same breath to rolling out 5G in mid- and low

        MegaFon Gets Ready for 5G with Microwave Transport

        One of Russia’s largest operators,   Frederic  Vanoosthuyze, Chief Technology   density of radio interfaces (up to 15 radio
        MegaFon, has chosen Ericsson to develop   and  IT  Officer  (CTIO)  at  MegaFon,  says:   directions  in three radio units),  system
        a  new nationwide  transport  network.   “MegaFon pays  great  attention to  the   gain enabling higher capacities, and longer
        As part  of the three-year contract, the   implementation  of the most promising   hops or small antennas. MINI-LINK 6000
        partners say  Ericsson will  supply  mobile   technical solutions and the readiness of all   also supports  modulations  up to 16k
        transport solutions  based  on  its MINI-  elements of the company’s infrastructure   quadrature  amplitude modulation (QAM),
        LINK  platform to offer high  capacity,   to launch  a  new standard of mobile   large  buffer  sizes  (up  to  720MB)  and  up
        efficient  use  of  spectrum,  low-energy   communication,  setting the direction of   to 112MHz  channels.  MINI-LINK  6000 is
        consumption  and  simplified  operations   development in the industry. “The transport   used together with MINI-LINK 6363, which
        and maintenance. According to Ericsson’s   network is  one  of the key  elements that   Ericsson  claims is the world’s smallest
        Microwave Outlook Report 2018, 40% of   determine  the level  of  service for our   high-power radio, available in bands from
        global backhaul connections are expected   customers, where we constantly test and   6 to 80GHz.  Other features of MINI-LINK
        to be based on microwave by 2023. Russia   pilot innovative technologies,  together   6352  for  E-Band  (70/80  GHz)  include
        covers 17,098,246  km2  (excluding  the   with partners  like Ericsson.” Ericsson   10Gbps capacity in a single carrier as well
        Crimea) and spans has  nine time zones,   said key features of the MINI-LINK  6000   as multiple 10 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
        with a  population  of almost 147 million.   portfolio  for 6-38GHz  include a high

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