Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 117


        5G Rolling Out Faster Than 4G, Europe Focuses on eMBB

        The 5G market is  developing  much  more   of 5G began just weeks after the standard   Europe and Asia, there are operators that
        quickly than the previous generation 4G LTE   was  completed,  setting  the stage for the   offer both FWA and eMBB services. A major
        standard, with a total of 31 5G commercial   rollout of the technology  in locations   factor driving the acceleration in the pace
        service  launches  globally  by the  end  of   across  the globe  in  less  than  a  year.  We   of launches is the maturity and experience
        the second quarter of 2019, new analysis   expect the number of 5G deployments to   of wireless operators,  according  to IHS
        from  IHS  Markit  reveals.  The report   grow exponentially, with possibly hundreds   Markit.  “During  the transition from 3G to
        finds  that  the  deployment  of  5G  is  now   of deployments per quarter during the   4G, wireless operators  learned valuable
        “widespread”, with projects in 17 countries   period from 2020 to 2021, the time when   lessons that they are now applying to the
        in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North   we  expect the peak of 5G  deployment.”   5G rollout,” Aravantinos said. “In terms of
        America. This level of deployment has   The  analysis  finds  that  enhanced  mobile   knowhow, the operators are ready and able
        been  achieved just 10 months after the   broadband  (eMBB)  and  fixed  wireless   to ramp up 5G services at  a  tremendous
        first  commercial  5G  launches  in  August   access  (FWA)  are the  primary use  cases   rate. Currently, the only factors preventing
        2018.  Elias  Aravantinos, Senior  Research   for 5G launches.  The split between the   operators from  starting even more  5G
        Analyst, Operator Strategy,  at  IHS  Markit   services varies  dramatically  by  region.   launches are money and the availability of
        |  Technology,  commented,  “Although  the   A total  of 72  percent  of 5G launches  by   phones and routers.” One inhibitor to 5G’s
        4G/LTE standard was finalized in 2009, it   European  operators  in  the  first  half  were   growth could  be a  lack  of 5G-compliant
        wasn’t until 2012 that the pace of launches   exclusively  for  eMBB  services,  compared   devices, as well as delays with routers in
        picked up, and not until the first quarter of   to  just  50  percent  of the 5G  launches  in   UK and Switzerland. The US ban on Huawei
        2013  that  the total  number  of  launches   the Middle East. Some operators, mainly in   buying  American parts  and components
        exceeded  100.  “In  contrast, deployments   the Middle East, exclusively offer FWA. In   could also have an impact.

        Malaysia to Expand 5G Trials Nationwide

        Malaysia’s  Communications  and Multimedia Minister
        Gobind  Singh  Deo  has announced  that nationwide
        demonstrations of 5G technology will begin next month,
        further extending a series of trials that commenced in
        Putrajaya and Cyberjaya in April 2019, and which were
        subsequently  extended  to  a  total  of  five  states.  Local
        news source The Star Online cites the minister as saying
        at the GSMA Mobile 360 Digital Societies event in Kuala
        Lumpur: ‘The initial 5G testbeds which were first launched
        in April this year in the administrative capital of Putrajaya
        and Malaysia’s global tech hub Cyberjaya, has now been
        extended  with nationwide  5G demonstration  projects
        due to commence in October.’ The ministry notes that,
        alongside the two aforementioned trial locations, in July
        2019 Gobind confirmed that the testbed areas had been
        expanded to include Terengganu, Perak and Kedah.

        DOCOMO to Switch on ‘Full-Fledged’ 5G Pre-Commercial Service

        NTT DOCOMO  will  kick  off 5G services   Yoshizawa  as  saying that  the cellco  is   devices’ compatible  with the 5G network
        on 20  September to  coincide  with  the   ‘marking  Friday  as  the day  we  begin   will be available, enabling users to view the
        opening of the Rugby World Cup in Japan,   our full-fledged  5G  services’. The pre-  game from multiple perspectives. The trial
        allowing people in Tokyo and major cities   commercial  next-generation  network  service will also be available at four NTT
        such as Nagoya and Osaka to experience   service will  be available  at  competition   DOCOMO  stores  across  Tokyo,  Nagoya
        the service, ahead  of its  full commercial   venues for the Rugby World Cup and other   and Osaka, it said.
        rollout in spring  2020.  The Japan Times   locations, the company said in a statement,
        cites DOCOMO’s  president/CEO  Kazuhiro   noting  that three  ‘special  smartphone

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