Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 114


        Enabling block for CSP Transition    approach, operators  can leverage a    Operators         have       to
        Consider how easy it is to book a cab for   modular, micro-services driven  approach
        your  destination on  Uber  and making   and prioritize which  service or “platform   cautiously  and judiciously
        the payments once  you’ve reached  your   component”  they  need  to  replace  first.   roll  out  5G and  5G based
        destination. Telecom providers aspiring to   This not  only promotes  faster service   digital  services  in  high
        become  digital service providers want  to   delivery  but also  reduces  the cost and
        provide the same level of contextualization   implementation  timelines pertaining to   dense  urban areas and
        and personalization to their customers.   digital transformation.           gradually  move to other
        However, the biggest roadblock coming in
        its way is the “chaos” and the “complexity”   Looking into the future       areas  with  specific  use
        of  the  existing  BSS  systems  that  restrict   While many of the  operators  have gone   cases.   As per  GSMA
        its ability to launch digital services quickly   ahead with 5G  trials  the jury  is  still
        and efficiently.                     out on 5G usage cases like connected   survey, 85% of operators in
                                             cars because  of the long  gap between   5G era will play the role of
        Since  BSS  upgrades  are  costly  and   investment cycle  and the revenue cycle.   Platform and digital service
        time taking, the ‘big bang’ approach   However, in the interest of future proofing
        of transformation  has seen to fail.   their business, the operators should invest   providers and only 10%
        This  approach  does  not  fit  to  serve  the   in platforms that can be scaled for driving   will  play the role  of  sole
        agile world in which  we live, one where   5G usage cases of the future.  Operators
        subscribers want everything personalized,   have to cautiously and judiciously roll out   connectivity providers.
        now and on-demand.                   5G  and 5G based digital services in high
                                             dense urban areas and gradually move to   it  has become  imperative for the Middle
        Another favoured approach to digitization   other  areas  with  specific  use  cases.    As   East  operators  to  drive linkages  between
        is to add new digital systems to support   per GSMA survey, 85% of operators in 5G   customers,  channels, products,  digital
        new digital  services like Netflix etc. and   era will play the role of Platform and digital   services, technologies, locations and user
        new lines  of business i.e.  5G, IOT  etc.   service providers and only 10% will  play   segmentation.  Over the  years, Comviva
        These  new systems can be added  as   the role of sole connectivity providers.  has leveraged its ecosystem of partners to
        an  overlay  to existing legacy systems                                  drive digital service for its client. Now, with
        .The new  add-on  system  can support  a   Conclusion                    its new digital capabilities, it is providing
        segment  of customers initially  and once   Comviva believes that the  classical   traditional telecom operators  with  the
        stable can  replace legacy system  over   telecom  operator  model has  become  a   building  blocks needed  to become  full
        time.  This  phased approach  reduces   liability  for operators  in the Middle East.   digital service providers.
        the costs and risks  involved in large   In order to recognize new opportunities
        scale  transformations.  By  using  this   in revenue and customer  engagement,

        About the Author:

        Atul Madan has over 20 years of experience and has held a variety of senior executive roles in the software and telecom domains.
        At Comviva, Atul heads the Digital Services business unit which focuses on leveraging the mobile to develop world-class lifestyle
        solutions spanning music, video and content and digital services for diverse geographies - Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America
        and South Asia. Atul has helped grow Comviva’s digital services business, which contributes 35% to Comviva’s total business. Atul has
        wide experience of PSTN, 3G, CDMA and ATM Switching Systems and has been responsible for developing products in the areas of IP
        Switching, Routing and X.25.

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