Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 63


        Huawei Launches Annual ICT Competition in Lebanon

        Huawei launched the 6th edition of its annual   Lebanon's  digital  transformation  journey,"   ICT  competition  are  expected  to receive
        ICT  Competition  in  Lebanon  to  support   Corm was quoted as saying by the Huawei   internships,  opportunities  to join  Huawei,
        "aspiring  students"  in  the  country, the   press  release.  Winners  of the  Huawei   and 20,000 U.S. dollars in cash prize.
        Chinese tech giant said in a press release.
        From October to  December,  thousands
        of undergraduate  students  are  expected
        to participate in the competition, which is
        being held virtually, Huawei said. "Huawei
        is committed to developing the ICT industry
        by  investing  in  local  young talent  and
        creating an open, collaborative ecosystem,"
        Public Relations and Governmental Affairs
        Director of Huawei  Lebanon  Mohamad
        Sharara said in the press release. Lebanese
        Telecommunications Minister Johnny Corm
        highlighted  Huawei's  role  in  empowering
        Lebanon's  youth.  "Collaborating  with  a
        global  technology  company  reconfirms
        our commitment to empower our nation's
        youth and prepare a future generation for

        Huawei Middle East Vice President Reaffirms Commitment to Jordan’s ICT


        In an exclusive meeting with a group of Jor-  years  ago  and  has  maintained  close  rela-  innovations  and  support  the  development
        danian media, Shunli Wang, Huawei's Vice   tionships  and  strong collaborations  with   of Jordan's ICT ecosystem, creating more
        President in the Middle East, reaffirmed the   three  local  carriers  –  Zain,  Orange  and   value  for promoting  industry upgrades
        company's commitment to supporting the   Umniah – to jointly provide continuous and   and  social  development,"  Wang  added.  In
        development  of Jordan's  telecom sector   secure  network connections  and  services   the 5G business, in particular, Huawei has
        and the wider ICT ecosystem. The senior re-  across the country. In addition, the compa-  helped  some Middle  Eastern  countries to
        gional executive confirmed the company’s   ny maintained an excellent record of zero   build high-speed 5G networks and reach 11
        mandate in the ICT talent ecosystem in Jor-  accidents in the past 17 years. Huawei en-  million 5G users, including 1.3 million home
        dan  through the continuous investments   gineers and experts have always support-  users. In addition, the company partnered
        in  CSR initiatives  and  programs targeted   ed  their  customers and  partners  in  chal-  with carriers to explore 5GtoB services for
        at nurturing the local talent. With these ini-  lenging times such as the heavy snow and   critical sectors such as the oil and gas and
        tiatives, Huawei aims to develop the future   COVID-19.  Huawei  Jordan  currently  has   ports, helping them to improve production
        technology leaders that can drive Jordan's   over 300 direct employees and contributes   efficiency  and  safety,  reduce  operational
        digital transformation, socio-economic de-  more  than  2,000  indirect  jobs. The  global   costs, and  create  opportunities for oper-
        velopment and the Kingdom's future digital   ICT leader serves customers across diverse   ators to enter  the new blue ocean of the
        economy. Wang  further  highlighted  that   sectors to achieve their digital transforma-  industry. Wang  attributed  the  company's
        the company is looking to introduce the 5G   tion goals by utilizing its international expe-  success  in  the  5G  business  to its  strong
        network  benefits  to  Jordan,  coupled  with   rience and best practices and providing ad-  R&D and continuous bold investments in in-
        AI, Cloud and other advanced technologies   vanced  technologies,  solutions,  products   novations. Huawei started researching 5G
        to better serve the citizens' needs. He also   and services to enrich people's lives. "Hua-  technologies in 2009 and maintained heavy
        called for maintaining a fair, unbiased and   wei has always been customer-centric and   investment in R&D and innovation over the
        transparent 5G business environment. Hua-  committed to creating value for its custom-  years.  Huawei's  R&D  investment  over the
        wei believes that providing equal opportu-  ers in Jordan. In addition, we attach great   past decade has exceeded $132.5 billion.
        nities to all global telecom vendors based   importance to openness and collaboration   In 2021 alone, the company invested $22.4
        on a proven track record of existing work   for  shared  success. We  are  dedicated  to   billion  in  R&D,  or 22.4%  of the  company's
        with operators, global experience, cost and   transparent  communications with  cus-  total revenue. Huawei has one of the larg-
        industry standards will ensure the interna-  tomers,  partners,  government  regulation   est patent portfolios in the world. By 2021,
        tional competitiveness of Jordan's telecom   bodies, industry organizations, universities   it  held  more  than  110,000  active  patents
        market. The Regional Vice President stated   and think tanks. We hope to work with all   across  more  than  45,000  families.  This
        that Huawei started business in Jordan 17   stakeholders to achieve core technological   led  to a successful 5G  business  and  the
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