Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 67


        Nokia Announces Most Advanced Fiber Broadband Platform in the World

        Nokia  has  announced  the  world’s  first  Generation  6  broadband
        platform,  designed  for  a  ‘fiber-for-everything’  world  where  fiber
        broadband  networks  evolve  to  become a  single  infrastructure
        for all services. The new Lightspan MF-14 platform extends the
        upper end of Nokia’s fiber broadband portfolio bringing unmatched
        capacity, low latency, intelligence, six  nines  reliability  and the
        highest power efficiency, enabling operators to address broadband
        needs for the next decades. The new platform will be premiered
        at the Network X event in Amsterdam from 18 to 20 October. The
        industry  is  entering  a  ‘fiber-for-everything’  era.  Once  operators
        have deployed fiber-to-the-home, their networks pass every other
        building  in  the  street,  as  well  as  the  homes, meaning  they can
        connect businesses and other services. Fiber PON will be capable
        of supporting  high  bandwidth  consumer  services, industry 4.0
        applications,  business  connectivity, 5G transport and  smart  city
        services.  This  creates  more  revenue  opportunities,  lowers  TCO
        and  significantly  reduces  overall  power  consumption.  This  new
        broadband era, designated Broadband 6 by the World Broadband
        Association  (WBBA), requires  a new technical  solution.  Nokia’s
        pioneering Lightspan MF-14 is the first Gen 6 optical line terminal
        (OLT) in the world and has already been selected by customers
        building 25 Gb/second capable networks in Europe, North America
        and Asia Pacific. Geert Heyninck, Nokia’s VP Broadband Networks,   platform that  can increase  network performance  exponentially
        said:  “Fiber-to-the-home  is  becoming  fiber-for-everything.  This   compared to most networks in use today." Based on new, advanced
        is enabled by several technology advances, most notably higher   hardware and disaggregated  software design,  MF-14  is  a
        speed PON technologies to accommodate all new services, and   generation leap in fiber access solutions. It is the highest capacity
        SDN to bring more intelligence in the network. If you think about   platform  in  the  industry and the only solution  ready for  mass
        it,  the  massive  number  of  connection  points  on  fiber  make  it  a   delivery of 25G, 50G and 100G PON services. It’s also the industry’s
        challenge to get an instant view of everything that happens in your   first OLT with the six-nines availability and sub-millisecond latency
        network, fully automate network control, and perform actions with   needed for mission critical industry 4.0 and 5G transport services.
        no service interruption. Our current portfolio is doing an excellent   Frontier Communications, the first in the U.S. to trial 25G PON, is
        job in  supporting many of these  requirements  for today’s  and   also the first to evaluate MF-14 in its live network. Frontier’s Scott
        tomorrow’s services, but we are looking ahead. The MF-14 platform   Mispagel,  SVP National  Architecture and Engineering,  said:  “We
        will suit operators who are planning large scale 25G PON, 50G and   are proud to be the first to embrace this next-generation platform.
        even 100G PON within the same environment.” In his recent report*   This is another way for us to provide customers with the fastest
        Erik Keith, Senior Research Analyst for Broadband Infrastructure   broadband available.  The  MF-14  platform will  support  our  path
        at S&P Global, says: "The PON market is at a pivotal moment in   to  100G  using  our  existing  fiber  network  and  future-proof  our
        the evolution of networks, where fiber broadband means so much   network with speeds that will continue to outpace cable and other
        more than residential connectivity. There is a huge opportunity for   technologies for generations to come.” In July this year CityFibre
        service providers to connect everything much more efficiently by   – the UK’s largest independent full fiber infrastructure platform –
        leveraging  their  existing  fiber  broadband  networks.  After  all,  the   signed a 10-year equipment agreement to support its nationwide
        same fiber cables that were originally laid in residential areas also   network upgrade. John  Franklin, CTIO, CityFibre  said:  “As we
        pass  commercial  buildings  such  as  office  blocks,  hospitals  and   accelerate our full fiber rollout to serve a third of the UK market by
        government properties. This approach eliminates multiple overlay   2025, the demand placed on those networks will also accelerate.
        networks, minimizes digging up the streets, and lowers energy use   MF-14’s flexibility and capacity will help us to meet the needs of
        substantially. The new Lightspan MF-14 OLT can enable operators   our partner’s and their customers for generations to come.”
        to deploy a solution that will last for decades, while providing a

        Nokia Announces SaaS for Fixed Networks Portfolio Line-Up

        Nokia has announced a cross-portfolio line up of Fixed Network   cloud,  Nokia’s market-leading  Fixed Networks applications  can
        solutions now available on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) basis.   now be deployed by operators on a SaaS delivery model with  a
        The  SaaS delivery model reduces  IT dependencies,  and with  a   portfolio including the Altiplano Access Controller and WiFi Cloud
        usage-based  subscription  can deliver up to 25%  lower cost of   Controller. Operational tools for automated activation of end-user
        ownership. Already available  on bare  metal  servers  and  in  the   fiber modems, predictive care and network build and management
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