Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        quality,  and  sensing,  while  also  triggering   •   Define  the  technical  paths  forward  and   needs  and technological  developments.
        explosive growth in demand for computing   standards for F5.5G           The white papers also outline key trends in
        power and storage. Wang noted, "We must   •   Quickly reach a consensus on evolution   these domains and specify actions that the
        continue to work hard if we hope to reach   towards Net5.5G              company recommends the industry should
        an  intelligent  world.  The  5.5G  era  is  an   •   Define  a  profile  for  L4/L5  autonomous   take before 2025. Huawei's Chief Strategy
        important milestone on this path – one we   networks and promote unified standards  Architect  Dang  Wenshuan  then  took the
        cannot miss. In the 5.5G era, we will need   •  Build an open and diversified computing   stage to discuss the contents of the white
        ubiquitous 10 Gbit/s experience; intelligent   industry for shared success and redefine   papers in more detail. He emphasized two
        and  high-quality  compute scheduling;   the computing architecture      concepts  the  company  would like  to  pro-
        highly  autonomous  L4  networks;  Cloud   •   Define a storage architecture that meets   mote as we move towards 5.5G and even-
        Native  2.0  services  for enterprises,   diversified data processing requirements  tually the intelligent world:
        and  a  10-fold  increase  of computing   •   Build a cloud foundation for the intelligent   1.  "ICT for  Intelligence" which focuses on
        effectiveness,  storage, and infrastructure   world and  cultivate  a stronger cloud   constant  innovation  and  evolution  in
        energy efficiency." He went on to highlight   service industry ecosystem   different  ICT domains to improve key
        Huawei's belief that it will need the support   •   Adopt  a  unified  NCIe  system  to  help   capabilities, and
        of customers, ecosystem partners, industry   industry save  energy and  reduce   2. "Intelligence  for ICT"  which focuses
        organizations, and academic institutions to   emissions  with  innovative  ICT  on  the  intelligent  and  architectural
        continue  evolving  and  reinforcing  digital   technologies and solutions.   innovation  within the  ICT industry itself
        infrastructure, thereby accelerating  the   Wang also released Huawei's latest series   that will be needed to address challenges
        advent of the 5.5G era and intelligent world.   of white papers, which are titled Striding   like increasingly complex O&M, ensuring
        More  specifically,  he  said  that  industry   Towards  the  Intelligent  World. Guided  by   user  experience  in  diversified  service
        players would have to come together to:  the next steps relating to the eight facets   scenarios, and green  development.
        •   Promote the allocation of more spectrum   mentioned  above,  these  white  papers  ex-  Addressing these challenges will help us
          to accelerate industry development and   plore both the opportunities and challeng-  make  the  most of existing  and  coming
          continue  exploring  new  5.5G  use  cases   es that will be presented to major ICT infra-  core ICT capabilities and lead us to the
          with greater commercial value      structure  domains  by emerging  business   intelligent world faster.

        Huawei, FTI Partner to Localize Digital Energy Industry in Saudi Arabia

        Huawei and  First  Communications  and   to  the  development  of  the  digital  energy   and contributing to local supply chains in
        Industry  signed  a  partnership  agreement   sector and the localization of its industry,   Saudi  Arabia.  This  partnership  comes in
        for  localization  and the  digital energy   which is  one of the  objectives  of the   implementation  of the  agreement  signed
        industry, on  the  sidelines  of the  Local   “Rawafed”  program of stc,  which  aims  to   by STC Group with  Huawei during the
        Content Forum in Riyadh. Communications   transfer knowledge, technology and global   “LEAP” conference in  Riyadh, and is  an
        and  Information  Technology in  Saudi   expertise from Huawei in cooperation with   extension  of the  initiative to establish  a
        Arabia,  as  it  was  sponsored  by  the  Local   “Alawwal”, by supporting it with professional   digital energy localization plant to support
        Content  and  Government  Procurement   manufacturing  capabilities  and  expertise,   the  data  center  sector in  Saudi  Arabia.
        Authority  to promote and  develop  local   Transferring  knowledge  to  national  The  recently  signed  agreement  focused
        industries.  The  agreement  contributes   competencies, providing job opportunities,   on  Alawwal Company providing  the
                                                                                 factory site, while Huawei will rehabilitate
                                                                                 integrated production lines for the factory,
                                                                                 equip  offices,  a  training  and  production
                                                                                 support center, in addition to warehousing
                                                                                 facilities. The agreement also included the
                                                                                 two sides continuing to discuss future ways
                                                                                 of cooperation  in  other  opportunities  for
                                                                                 industrial localization within the Kingdom.
                                                                                 This  agreement is  a practical  step  to
                                                                                 support increasing the proportion of local
                                                                                 content, which contributes to achieving the
                                                                                 goals of "Vision 2030", by providing digital
                                                                                 energy equipment locally, which increases
                                                                                 keeping pace with technologies globally in
                                                                                 new local industries, creating an attractive
                                                                                 business  environment  and  supporting
                                                                                 technical  innovation,  which  in  turn  It  will
                                                                                 boost the growth of the digital economy in
                                                                                 Saudi Arabia.
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