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        access,” said  VCEDA Executive Director/  school districts, resulting in a grand total of   “Discussions  concerning  the  funding
        General Counsel  Jonathan  Belcher in  a   719 children in four counties being provided   being received by VCEDA in FY2023 have
        statement.  “Previously, in  FY2022, VCEDA   access  to Starlink,  including  connections   resulted in several of the county industrial
        also  received  $500,000  for this  purpose   made possible by leveraged funding from   development  authorities  expressing  a
        and  developed  the  VCEDA Education  and   the  participating localities  of Dickenson,   desire to apply for the funds for the Starlink
        Telehealth  Access  fund  to  administer  the   Russell,  Tazewell  and  Wise  counties,   projects  in  their respective jurisdictions,”
        funds being received from the state.” The   according  to ACI.  The  grant  application   Belcher  said  in  a statement,  noting  Wise
        first application approved from the fund was   approved by VCEDA and closed recently will   County’s  IDA  was  the  first  to  submit  an
        for the Appalachian Council for Innovation   further that program. After the initial two-  application.  “Data  shows  students  with
        (ACI) for its project to provide the initial low   year subscription  has  passed,  individual   high-speed broadband perform at one-half
        earth orbit Starlink Satellite Internet service   account  holders will  be responsible  for   letter grade better than those without,” Wise
        to unserved and/or underserved children in   the  ongoing  monthly  subscription  unless   County Industrial  Development Authority
        the VCEDA footprint. The project was done   other  support  mechanisms  are  found,   Executive Director  Brian  Falin  said  in  a
        by ACI  in  association  with  various  local   according to the Wise County application.   statement.

        Second Time Lucky: AngoSat-2 Enters Space

        Angola   launched   its   AngoSat-2  Mario Augusto da Silva Oliveira, AngoSat-  of satellite  services  will  go hand-in-hand
        communications satellite  on12 October   2’s  services  will  contribute to reducing   with  investment  in  national  broadband
        aboard  the  Proton-M  Blok  DM-03   the digital divide by extending ICT access   infrastructure, including  submarine  and
        rocket  from the  Baikonur  Cosmodrome,   to  more  Angolans,  while  development   terrestrial fiber-optics.
        Kazakhstan,  reports
        The  high-throughput  satellite  (HTS)  is
        based on the Eurostar-3000 platform with a
        design lifespan of 15 years, enabling near-
        complete  Ku-Band  coverage  of  southern
        Africa plus  C-Band  coverage  of  the  entire
        African  continent  and  a  significant  part
        of southern  Europe.  The  ill-fated  USD328
        million  AngoSat-1  orbiter  was  launched
        in  December 2017  but  was  lost  shortly
        afterwards,  prompting  AngoSat-2  to be
        built  by  Russia’s  Reshetnev Information
        Satellite  Systems  at  no  cost  to  Angola.
        According  to statements  from  Angolan
        officials  including  the  telecoms  minister

        Starlink Launches Services in Guadeloupe, Martinique

                                             Starlink  has  launched  its  satellite  on  a  legal  technicality, after  the  original
                                             internet  access  service in  Martinique  and   decision  to  grant  two frequency  bands  to
                                             Guadeloupe, with a planned debut in French   the  company  was  over-ruled by France’s
                                             Guiana  in  2023.  The  company charges   highest  administrative court, the Conseil
                                             EUR450  (USD446)  for equipment  and   d’Etat. The authority said that the decision to
                                             connection, with a monthly subscription of   award the license ‘could impact the market
                                             EUR65; the satellite broadband link provides   of access  to high-bandwidth  internet  and
                                             download speeds of between 50Mbps and   affect the interests of end users’, therefore
                                             200Mbps. Arcep granted SpaceX’s Starlink   it would have been required by the law to
                                             satellite  broadband project a ten-year   carry  out  public  hearings  before  granting
                                             license  covering the  10.95GHz-12.70GHz   the licenses, a step which Arcep omitted.
                                             and 14GHz-14.5GHz  bands  to provide   Starlink secured a new concession (for the
                                             internet in France in February 2021. In April   10.95GHz-12.70GHz  and  14GHz-14.5GHz
                                             2022, however, the concession was revoked   bands) in June 2022.

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