Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 113


        MACRA Licenses Starlink to Provide Satellite Broadband in Malawi

                                             The  Malawi  Communications Regulatory   application  and  subsequent  negotiations.
                                             Authority (MACRA) has announced that it   MACRA  added  that  the  firm  has  been
                                             has granted a license to operate high speed,   issued  with  a  Network Facilities  license,
                                             low latency satellite  broadband services   a  Network  Services  concession  and  an
                                             to Starlink, the satellite internet service of   Application  Services  license.  Starlink’s
                                             SpaceX. According  to  the  regulator,  the   low-orbit satellites  are  designed  to offer
                                             process  commenced  in  February 2022   high speed, low latency broadband internet
                                             and  the  authorization  was  granted  after   in  remote  and  rural  locations  across  the
                                             ‘following  Starlink’s  successful  license   globe.

        China-Aided Project Helps 100,000 People in Rural Uganda Access Satellite


        China   has   officially   completed   the   are  very  useful  in  practical  learning. They   other  developing  communities. At  the
        installation  of the  satellite  television   can also compare  with  other schools   Johannesburg Summit  of the Forum
        project in 900  Ugandan  villages that  face   outside  their  community,"  Mengdai  said.   on  China-Africa  Cooperation  (FOCAC)
        connectivity challenges. Chris Baryomunsi,   He added that adults can now access key   held  in  South Africa in  2015,  the  Chinese
        Ugandan   Minister  of   Information,  health  and  commercial  information,  as   government  pledged  to provide  satellite
        Communication,  Technology and National   well  as  benchmark their  dreams  against   television for 10,000 African villages.
        Guidance,  officiated  at  the  handover
        ceremony held  in  Katabi  village  in  the
        central  Ugandan district  of Wakiso.  He
        praised  China  for  its  technical support
        to Uganda, noting  that  the  support  will
        drive  development  in  communities.
        Aoge  Mengdai,  Chief  Executive  Officer  of
        StarTimes  Uganda, the  project contractor,
        said  900  villages  have  been  connected
        to  satellite  television  service  since  2018
        when the project was executed. And more
        than 100,000 people in 18,000 households,
        2,700  schools and health  centers  have
        access  to satellite  television.  StarTimes
        is  a  Chinese  pay-TV  company.  "The
        benefits  are  beyond  simply  accessing TV.
        These children can now access television
        learning  and  video demonstrations  which

        Wise County Gets Grant for Satellite-Based Internet

        The    Virginia   Coalfield   Economic   wiring; and for two-year subscriptions for 94   toward  the  project.  For background  on
        Development  Authority  has  made a   residences in Wise County with the purpose   Starlink, see our previous story “Reaching
        $232,500 grant to the Wise County Industrial   being  to expand  education and  telehealth   for the  stars”  which  looks  at  the  push  to
        Authority  to  be  used  to  finance  low  earth   access  in  Wise  County.  According  to the   use Starlink’s  satellite-based  internet  to
        orbit  space-based  broadband  through   IDA’s application, this will result in a grand   reach  places  unserved  by  conventional
        Starlink  Satellite Internet  to additional   total  of 438  students  that  will  receive   fiber.  “VCEDA  was  appropriated  $500,000
        unserved  and/or underserved  children  in   Starlink  Satellite  Internet  service  in  Wise   in the Virginia state budget for FY2023 and
        Wise County. The grant funds will be used   County. Wise  County  has  committed to   $500,000 in FY2024 for initiatives intended
        for the cost and expense of hardware and   provide  $155,000  in  leveraged funding   to  expand  education  and  telehealth

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