Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 112


        Soyuz Launches GLONASS Navigation Satellite from Plesetsk

        Russia has added another satellite to its current satellite navigation   upper stage for the GLONASS launch. The Fregat, when used in
        network with the successful launch of a Soyuz-2.1b/Fregat rocket.   conjunction with Soyuz, allows satellites to be placed into higher
        Liftoff  occurred at  5:52  AM Moscow  Time  (02:52  UTC) on Oct.   or  more complex orbits than  could be achieved using  just  the
        10  from  the  Plesetsk  Cosmodrome in  the  northwestern  part of   core vehicle. In the case of GLONASS missions, it allows for direct
        Russia carrying GLONASS-K1 No. 17. The GLONASS constellation   insertion into medium Earth orbit. The Soyuz-2.1b is a modernized
        of satellites is very similar to the US Global Positioning System   version of the Soyuz family of rockets, which trace their history
        (GPS)  and  European  Galileo  satellites.  GLONASS uses  satellites   back  to  Sergei  Korolev’s  R-7,  the  world’s  first  intercontinental
        in medium Earth orbit broadcasting highly accurate timing signals   ballistic missile. The R-7, which first flew in 1957, was also used to
        which receivers can use to triangulate their locations. GLONASS   launch the world’s first satellite, Sputnik, and formed the basis of
        satellites  broadcast  four  navigation  signals  in  the  L-band:   the rockets that carried Yuri Gagarin’s Vostok 1 mission into orbit.
        unrestricted  L1  and  L2  signals  for civilian  use,  and  equivalent   It  also  deployed  the  Soviet  Union’s  earliest  probes  to  the  Moon
        restricted signals for the Russian military. The GLONASS satellites   and other planets. The Soyuz-2 series was engineered to improve
        are  positioned  in  three  different  planes  120  degrees  apart  from   performance and reliability. Digital flight control systems replace
        each  other  with  eight  satellites  in  each  plane.  This  particular   the analog equipment used on earlier versions of the Soyuz, while
        satellite will function in medium Earth orbit at an altitude of 19,100   the first and second-stage engines have also been upgraded. In
        km (11,900  mi) and a 64.8°  inclination.  This  plane  allows for   addition, the Soyuz-2.1b uses an RD-0124, a more powerful third-
        coverage to higher latitudes, which can be difficult to reach with   stage  engine.  Soyuz  launched  from Site  43/4  at  the  Plesetsk
        traditional GPS networks operating at a 55° inclination. The first   Cosmodrome in Northwest Russia. Plesetsk is one of four Soyuz
        satellite in the GLONASS network was launched in 1982, eventually   launch sites worldwide – alongside the Vostochny Cosmodrome
        reaching full capacity in 1996. Previous satellites in the GLONASS   in Eastern Russia, the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, and
        constellation had short lifetimes, resulting in 140 different satellite   the  Centre  Spatial  Guyanais  in  Kourou, French  Guiana,  although
        launches  as  old ones  failed  and needed  replacing.  In  2001,  the   launches  from the  latter  have  been  placed  on hold  during the
        switch was made to the Uragan-M model, which offers a fivefold   ongoing Russian conflict with Ukraine. The ignition sequence for
        increase in accuracy as well as an improved on-orbit lifespan. The   the Soyuz rocket began 16 seconds before liftoff. That includes
        current generation of GLONASS-K1 satellites, including No. 17, is   the first stage, which consists of four boosters clustered around
        expected to continue working for 10 years. These satellites can be   the second stage. Each one contains an RD-107A engine. At the
        launched aboard a Proton rocket, or in the case of Sunday’s launch,   same time, the second stage, also known as Blok-A ignites its RD-
        aboard a Soyuz. The K series of satellites has a major improvement   108A engine that includes additional vernier motors to help steer
        over older versions. It includes the first unpressurized GLONASS   as  the  rocket  ascends. All  three stages  burn RG-1,  the  Russian
        satellites, allowing them to work solely in the vacuum of space. In   equivalent to the rocket grade kerosene known as RP-1 used in
        addition, it has a reduced mass of only 750 kg (1,650 lb) compared   the US, and use liquid oxygen as an oxidizer. After 118 seconds,
        to  the  older  M  series  which  has  a  mass  of  1,450  kg  (3,200  lb).   the first-stage boosters are depleted and separated with the help
        The  three-stage  Soyuz-2.1b  vehicle  was  topped  with  a  Fregat   of vented gases to push them away from the vehicle. This results
                                                               in a pattern known as the “Korolev Cross,” named after the chief
                                                               designer of the Soyuz. At around three and a half minutes into the
                                                               flight, the fairings protecting the GLONASS satellite separated as
                                                               the rocket escaped the thicker portion of the Earth’s atmosphere.
                                                               Four minutes and 45 seconds into the flight, as Blok-A neared the
                                                               end of its burn, the third stage, known as Blok-I, fired its engine
                                                               while Blok-A is still lit. This process is known as hot staging. Many
                                                               Russian rockets use this procedure to ensure Blok-I remains settled
                                                               through separation and prevent the need for additional separation
                                                               motors. A few seconds later, separation occurred. Blok-I continued
                                                               to burn for an additional five minutes before shutting down, placing
                                                               the satellite into a parking orbit. At this point, the Fregat upper stage
                                                               and GLONASS-K1 No. 17 were released from Blok-I and separated
                                                               from  the launch vehicle.  The  Fregat  used  storable  propellants,
                                                               unsymmetrical  dimethylhydrazine  and  dinitrogen  tetroxide,  and
                                                               was fitted with an S5.98M engine which can be restarted multiple
                                                               times. The engine performed three different burns over three and a
                                                               half hours to place the spacecraft into its final orbit. At that point,
                                                               GLONASS-K1 No. 17 separated from the Fregat. Once in this final
                                                               orbit, the satellite is expected to be designated Kosmos 2559. This
                                                               marks the 13th Soyuz rocket so far this year and the fourth of the

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