Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 47



        stc  Kuwait  Aims  to  Reduce  OPEX  and  Carbon  Dioxide

        Emissions with Advanced Green Power and Eco-friendly


                                                             As  a leader  in the  ICT sector  in Kuwait, stc
                                                             continues  to develop  and deploy  solutions

                                                             to  reduce  the  impact of  its operations  on
                                                             environment. stc is also dedicating its efforts
                                                             towards  implementing  environment  friendly
                                                             solutions through digitization and automation.

                                                          Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader
                                                          providing innovative services and platforms to customers,  enabling
                                                          the digital transformation in Kuwait,  announced  its  commitment to
                                                          build  on its environmental  responsibility  role  by reducing  its carbon
                                                          dioxide emissions and operational expenditure through advanced, green
                                                          powered and eco-friendly solutions.

                                                          With  renewable  energy expected to be the largest single source of
                                                          electricity growth in the next five years, according to the International
                                                          Energy Agency (IEA), and based on the vision of His Highness the Amir of
                                                          the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, calling
                                                          for 15% of Kuwait's electricity consumption to be sourced from renewable
                                                          energy by 2030, stc has taken the steps to implement its green power
                                                          solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (the most common global
                                                          warming gas) caused by generators burning diesel fuel.

        Fahad Al Ali                                      With the lack of commercial power at some of stc’s live networks sites,
        Chief Technology Officer                          the Company uses generators as a power supply, which consumes more
                                                          than 13 million liters of diesel fuel each year. Additionally, the generators
        stc Kuwait                                        also require frequent maintenance which comes at an added cost.

                                                          In  2017,  stc  started  planning  for  green  energy  initiatives  to  power  its
                                                          remote sites to reduce the operating time of diesel generators on the
                                                          entire network to save costs and reduce  its  environmental  footprint.
                                                          The designs  incorporated  state-of  the-art  technology  with  the latest
                                                          generation  of the  solar-battery-diesel generator  hybrid system.  The
                                                          solution uses solar panels and generators to charge high cycle lithium-
                                                          ion batteries to  store energy as  a  main  source of power for telecom
                                                          equipment  in tower cell  sites. The  generator  will  only work when  the
                                                          batteries are fully discharged.

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