Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        TRA  UAE  Awarded  the  Certified  Innovation  Organization  by  the  Global

        Innovation Institute

        The         Telecommunications  innovative ideas, the innovation   empowering  TRA  employees  in  the  field  of  innovation.
        Regulatory   Authority  (TRA)  process,  and innovative projects   TRA has been keen to transform innovation into a practice,
        announced that it has been awarded   during the last three years until the   culture and lifestyle.  In  this  accelerating  time, where
        the   Innovation  Organization  beginning of 2020. The evaluation   developments are successive, innovation is no longer a
        Certificate by the Global Innovation   process  also included  innovation   need for growth, but rather a necessity for survival. Today
        Institute,  after  achieving  the  financing,   innovation   budget,   we can say with confidence that survival is for those with
        internationally approved conditions   innovation organizational structure,   innovative.” Al Kitbi added: “Awarding TRA this certificate
        in this field, which places TRA one   and others among  the topics   comes as an endorsement of its leadership in the field of
        step away from reaching innovation   related to adopting innovation in all   innovation and future foresight. In TRA, we developed our
        leadership.   TRA’s   achievement   operations, functions and services   plans and strategies for future foresight and innovation,
        of  this  certificate  is  a  result  of   provided  by TRA.  Commenting  on   in order to excel in one of the fastest developing sectors.
        the great  efforts  made by  TRA   this achievement,  Mohammad Al   Today, we focus on innovation, future foresight, and their
        innovation team in recent months,   Kitbi,  Director of Administration   requirements,  and implement  them  through  innovative
        which included training workshops,   Affairs and Innovation CEO in TRA   plans, developed and implemented  by  our trained and
        development   meetings    and  said: “In line with the directives of   highly qualified national cadres. Today, we are proud of
        procedures, as  well  as  meetings   the wise leadership to  promote   what we have achieved as we are only one step away from
        with evaluators accredited  by the   innovation and future foresight   reaching the leadership position in the field of innovation,
        institute. The evaluation process   in all  government  entities, TRA is   which is the rank that will enable us to be evaluators of
        assessed  the  innovation  TRA’s   committed  to implementing  the   the level of innovation in various local, regional and global
        strategy and policy, the innovation   highest  standards of innovation,   bodies.”  Through  adoption  of  innovation,  TRA  aims  to
        objectives and their alignment   enhancing  and promoting  the   provide advanced  and new ICT services  to enhance
        with the innovation policy, training   culture  of  innovation  in  the   the smart  lifestyle in the UAE,  develop  ICT innovation
        workshops, innovative  individuals,   institutional work environment, and   competencies,  and contribute  to  strengthening  the
                                                                      UAE's  position  as  an  intellectual  leader  in  the  field
                                                                      of enabling  innovation in the ICT sector.  TRA works
                                                                      according to a comprehensive methodology to enhance
                                                                      innovation in all sectors that fall within its responsibility.
                                                                      TRA has  developed  a  special policy that  serves  11
                                                                      innovation-related  topics:  open  data,  VR  technologies,
                                                                      Internet  of  things,  smart  city  technologies,  artificial
                                                                      intelligence,  future  generations  of  communications,
                                                                      cyber technologies, Arab digital technology, blockchain,
                                                                      robotics,  and advanced  data  analysis.  The UAE  has
                                                                      achieved leading positions in the Arab region in the Global
                                                                      Innovation Index 2019, as innovation is a component of
                                                                      the national pillars of the UAE Vision 2021, under the title
                                                                      United in Knowledge, which seeks to achieve a diversified
                                                                      and  flexible knowledge economy  led by  skilled  Emirati
                                                                      competencies, and reinforced by the best experiences to
                                                                      ensure long-term prosperity for the UAE and its people.

        UAE Telecom Subscribers Top 21.8 Million

        The number of  subscribers  in  telecom-  in the number of mobile phone subscribers   to 2.127 million from 2.125 in July, which
        munications  services in the UAE, includ-  to 16.685 million at the end of the month, a   indicates  a  rise  from  23.6  to  23.75  lines
        ing mobile phones, landlines and Inter-  growth of 206,000 from 16.479 million from   per 100 people. In the meantime, the total
        net, grew to 21.808 million by the end of   July. Pre-paid mobile phone subscriptions   number  of internet subscriptions slight-
        August,  1  percent up compared to the   totaled  13.107  million,  while  post-paid   ly declined to 2.996 million from 3 million
        preceding month. The latest statistics re-  mobile phone subscriptions stood at 3.578   in July, with all  subscriptions  conducted
        leased by the Telecommunications Regu-  million at the end of the reference month.   through broadband services.
        latory Authority, TRA, indicated an increase   Landline subscriptions likewise increased

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