Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        popular open source frameworks. As part   medical materials (Personal Protective   in  the coming times.  Organizations are
        of the collaboration, Tech  Mahindra will   Equipment  (PPE)  Kits,  Face Masks,   advised to  leverage technologies like
        offer the following solutions through  the   Gloves and Sanitizers)  through  the   Blockchain  to  address  the  challenges
        AWS Marketplace using Amazon Managed   medical supply chain              and create a competitive advantage  for
        Blockchain services:                 Further, Tech Mahindra plans to develop and   themselves.  Our  collaboration  with  AWS
        •  Kit  Management   (Aviation  and  market several transformative blockchain   will support future pandemic preparedness
          Aerospace) – Effective track and trace   solutions across a gamut of industries like   and accelerate an economic rebound post
          of the ‘kits’ as they are procured from   Banking and Financial Services, Telecom,   COVID-19 for organizations  operating
          multi-tier suppliers in the aviation   Retail, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Travel and   global  supply  chains  and eliminate
          industry                           Logistics and Healthcare in the next 12 to   siloes.”According  to  the  2020  Supplier
        •  Outbound  Logistics  (Telecom  Supply   18  months.  Rajesh  Dhuddu,  Blockchain   Information  Study,  81%  of  supply  chain
          Chain) – Enhanced visibility for Original   and  Cybersecurity  Practice  Leader,  Tech   leaders   aren't   completely   confident
          Equipment  Manufacturers (OEMs)  on   Mahindra,  said,  “Global  businesses  are   in  their supplier  data,  while 60% say  it
          the Expected  Time of  Arrival  (ETA) for   facing sustained headwinds and struggling   took them four days  to update outdated
          business  to  consumer  (B2C)  supply   to  collectively  navigate  and  strategize  in   supplier information. This has resulted in
          chain in the telecom industry      this new, unchartered territory and facilitate   missed deadlines, unhappy  clients and
        •  Medical Material  Track  and  Trace   business  continuity in the current COVID   financial loss. The collaboration is in line
          (Healthcare Supply Chain) – Timely   world.  Ensuring  supply chain continuity   with  Tech  Mahindra’s  TechMNxt  charter,
          tracking and identification of fraudulent   is  paramount and needs  more attention   which focuses on providing solutions that
                                                                                 enable digital transformation and meet the
                                                                                 customer’s evolving needs. Tech Mahindra
                                                                                 provides a  holistic  framework  called
                                                                                 ‘Block  Ecosystem’  comprised  of  various
                                                                                 levers:  Block  Studio,  Block  Engage,  Block
                                                                                 Talk, Block Geeks, Block Accelerate, Block
                                                                                 Access & Block Value, which can be used
                                                                                 to create industry leading applications that
                                                                                 unlock  significant  value  for  clients.  Tech
                                                                                 Mahindra’s  technologists  can  also  assist
                                                                                 clients  to  build  Blockchain-Platform-as-
                                                                                 a-Service  (BPaaS),  System  Integration
                                                                                 and Product Engineering Services on AWS

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