Page 152 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         Openreach has identified 168 exchanges (in addition to   than 4.2 million residential premises (14%) covered as
                         a trial Salisbury exchange) where it expects to provide   of 31 May 2020, up from 3.5 million (12%) in January.
                         ultrafast services to 75% of premises in each exchange   According  to OFCOM,  the gains are the result of
                         area. As such, OFCOM said in its latest consultation on   ‘increased rollout both from the expansion of existing
                         the matter: ‘Given the speed at which Openreach’s fiber   broadband  NETWORKS  as  well  as  the inclusion  in
                         roll out is progressing, we now believe that where there   [its]  analysis  of companies  building  entirely new
                         are a limited number of customers remaining on copper   fiber networks’. The watchdog also reported that the
                         services, and there are fiber services available to them,   availability of ultrafast broadband – which it classifies
                         it may be reasonable to allow Openreach to withdraw   as a connection offering download speeds of at least
                         copper  services in some  cases during  the  WFTMR   300Mbps  –  had  also  improved,  with  57%  of  homes
                         market review period.’ A deadline of 26 November 2020   (16.6  million)  now able to access  such  service  by
                         has been set for the submission of comments to the   May  2020,  up roughly 500,000  from  January  2020.
                         consultation. (October 16, 2020)  Superfast  (download speeds of  at  least  30Mbps)
                                                                        broadband  was  reportedly  available  to  27.8  million
                         The regulator OFCOM advanced plans to open access   premises (95%) at  the same date, with an additional
                         to extremely high frequency (EHF) spectrum, a move   100,000 premises having been covered since OFCOM’s
                         it  claimed would boost innovation by  enabling  high-  previous  report.  Meanwhile,  ‘decent’  broadband
                         speed  wireless services. OFCOM  began  accepting   (10Mbps/1Mbps  down/up)  was  available  to  the vast
                         applications for  licenses covering the 116GHz  to   majority of UK properties, with only 590,000 (2%), down
                         122GHz; 174.8GHz to 182GHz; and 185GHz to 190GHz   from 680,000 at January 2020, unable to access such
                         bands. The move is part of plans to allocate 18.2GHz   a  service.  In the  mobile  sector, OFCOM  said  that  4G
                         of EHF  spectrum and follows a  consultation  on the   coverage  had  ‘not  seen  significant  changes  over  the
                         plan conducted earlier this year. The regulator stated   last  reporting  periods’,  with  two-thirds  of  the  UK’s
                         it was considering further allocations of EHF spectrum   landmass  –  an  area  blanketing  97%  of  premises  –
                         in future.  It  explained  frequencies in the 100GHz  to   having ‘good’ 4G coverage from all four mobile network
                         200GHz range are suitable for services requiring high   operators (MNOs), EE, O2 UK, Three UK and Vodafone
                         data capacity over short distances. The regulator said   UK. In terms of 4G ‘not-spots’, which it described as
                         its  move  “will  create  new  opportunities  to  develop   ‘areas where good 4G services are not available from
                         wireless  services  across  a  range  of  industries”,   any  mobile  operator’,  the  regulator  said  that  both
                         including  the health and manufacturing  sectors. It   geographic and road not-spots remained at 9% and 5%
                         cited potential applications  around health screening;   respectively, although it noted that picture in individual
                         3D  imaging; holograms; IoT; and product  assembly   nations varied significantly, particularly in Scotland and
                         and quality assurance services.                Wales. Meanwhile, with OFCOM noting that the country
                         (September 30, 2020)       remained in  the early  stages  of  5G  rollout, it  did not
                                                                        offer up any information  regarding current coverage
                         Telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  published  the latest   levels, though did note that it is continuing to work with
                         interim update to its annual Connected Nations report,   MNOs ‘to establish how best to evaluate and report on
                         in  which  it  said  that  access  to  full  fiber  broadband   5G coverage’. (September 11, 2020)
                         connectivity  has  ‘increased  significantly’,  with  more

                         US regulator the Federal Communications Commission   adding  it  would  be  “bad  policy”  to  make  long-term
                         (FCC) advanced a  proposal  to establish a  $9  billion   funding  decisions  without accurate maps.  However,
                         fund for rural 5G deployments, asking stakeholders to   FCC chairman Ajit Pai contended “we cannot pretend
                         comment on how the pot should be distributed. First   there  is  no  trade-off  between  precision  and  speed”.
        United           unveiled in December 2019, the draft plan approved in   On  a  call  with journalists, he explained  the agency
                                                                        needs additional funding from Congress before it can
                         a  vote yesterday  (23  April)  includes  two distribution
        States           options: one would allocate a majority of funds through   begin work on new maps. Even then, he noted agency
                         an auction in 2021 using  existing mobile  broadband   staff  estimated  it  would  take  18-to-24  months  to
                         coverage  data to identify  areas in need;  the second   collect,  analyze and verify the data  needed  for their
                         would delay the auction until 2023 to allow collection   development.  The FCC opened  a  public  consultation
                         of more accurate coverage details. Ahead of the vote,   on the merits  of each auction approach. In  another
                         Commissioners  Jessica Rosenworcel and Geoffrey   high-profile  decision,  commissioners  approved  new
                         Starks  argued  the proposal presented  a  false  choice   rules opening  the entire 6GHz  band for unlicensed
                         between distributing the money quickly or accurately.   use, freeing up  1200MHz  of spectrum  for the next
                         Rosenworcel  said  “we  need  to  do  both”,  with  Starks   generation of Wi-Fi. While the move drew praise from

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