Page 154 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         A  committee has  been  established in  Uruguay   introduction of MNP, reviewing the numbering plan and
                         to prepare for the introduction of mobile  number   determining the costs. The move follows the approval
                         portability (MNP), which  enables mobile  users  to   of Law 19,889/2020 in July, Article 472 of which states
                         retain their number if they switch service provider. The   that operators will be obliged to offer MNP under the
                         committee comprises representatives from a number   guidelines  provided by  the regulator and that  they
        Uruguay          of industry  regulators, including the Regulatory  Unit   will also have to assume the  costs of adapting  their
                         of Communications Services (Unidad Reguladora   networks and systems to implement portability. These
                         de Servicios de Comunicaciones,  URSEC), as  well as   costs cannot be transferred to end-users.
                         the  country’s  three  mobile  network  operators.  It  will   (September 25, 2020) TeleSemana
                         be responsible  for formulating a  timetable for the

                         The  Postal and Telecommunications  Regulatory   of  the  operators’  costs  are  denominated  in  foreign
                         Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz), has bemoaned  poor   currency, meaning that  the operators incurred huge
                         quality service from telecoms network operators due to   costs  when  the  exchange  rate  moved  from  the  fixed
                         congestion, but says the industry is working to address   $25 to US$1 to a variable rate. And with the costs now
                         the problem after being given additional bandwidth at   pegged  to  the auction rate, Dr.  Machengete  said  the
        Zimbabwe         no cost. POTRAZ Director General Dr. Gift Machengete,   current tariff  would guarantee  viability  for telecoms
                         said  in an interview that  each of the operators  were   operators.  However,  the  regulatory  authority’s  boss
                         given about 20 megahertz up to the end of this year   said that the  only concern  for the regulator  was  the
                         to  ease  congestion, which has  affected  quality  of   issue  of  congestion  and  poor  service  quality.  “The
                         service. But, the operators are reportedly lobbying the   losses were before we gave them a tariff increase. But
                         regulator  to maintain the free additional bandwidth   after  we  authorized a  tariff  increase, we  believe  they
                         beyond  year-end to maintain high  quality service,  a   should be able to sustain operations, we had last given
                         request the authority said it was still considering. Dr.   them a tariff increase a long time ago. “As such, they
                         Machengete said Potraz took the decision to increase   made exchange control losses before we gave them a
                         bandwidth  for  operators  because  of  significant  and   tariff increase because of the exchange rate movement
                         sudden  increase in  the usage of online  and digital   from the fixed $25 to US$1 to between $70 and $83
                         platforms due to Covid-19 restrictions. Following the   to US$1, which  translates into  losses. Most  of the
                         outbreak  of the  coronavirus  global pandemic  earlier   network operators require forex. After the Government
                         this year, Governments  across the  world  enforced   said they can now use the auction rate to convert their
                         strict restrictions  that  included  national lockdowns   foreign currency  denominated  costs, we  gave them
                         to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. Commenting   a  tariff  increase and after that  we  also  issued them
                         on viability issues in the sector, Dr. Machengete said   another tariff increase because their costs had lagged
                         Potraz had given operators  permission to increase   behind for some time,” he said. Now that the issue of
                         tariffs to cover costs, which ballooned on the back of   costs had been  addressed,  Dr.  Machengete  said  of
                         exchange  rate and inflation increases. The  telecoms   major concern was the poor quality service, which has
                         operators incurred $13  billion loss  in  the quarter  to   been occasioned by congestion as a result of Covid-19
                         June on account of huge losses incurred as a result   regulations. “The only problem is congestion and poor
                         of  inflation and  the exchange  rate, which moved to   quality of service. Everybody has gone virtual. There is a
                         around $81 to the US dollar from $25. In the quarter to   problem of congestion which operators are working on.
                         June 2020, operators saw revenue increase 45 percent   We gave them additional spectrum to cover Covid-19
                         to $3 billion while costs vaulted from $5 billion to $16   pressures. We gave them for free,” he said.
                         billion due to  inflationary  pressures emanating from   (October 5, 2020)
                         exchange  rate  increases.  A  significant  component

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                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.

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