Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 148


                         At  Russia’s  SatComRus-2020  conference,  Andrei   it does not achieve the recoupment of networks and
                         Zheglov, Deputy  Director  of the  Department of State   the ecosystem of  5G  equipment  is  not developed. In
                         Policy in the Field of Communications of the Ministry   addition,  it has restrictions  on  the  possibility  of use
                         of Digital Development,  Communications  and Mass   in the corridor 300km from the state border line. The
        Russia           Media, said that frequencies in the 4.8GHz band would   benefits  of  allocating  the  4800-4990MHz  range  are
                         be allocated to a single operator to create a 5G network,
                                                                        not obvious for the country’s economy.’ Furthermore,
                         ComNews reports. The official highlighted that key 5G   a spokesperson  for rival cellco Tele2  Russia noted
                         frequencies in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz and 700MHz bands   that ‘market participants have not yet come  to a
                         remained  unavailable due  to their continued  usage   common  understanding  regarding  the model  of a
                         by military/satellite and TV operators,  respectively.   single [5G] infrastructure operator.’ In July 2020 Mobile
                         ComNews quoted  a  representative  of  major  Russian   TeleSystems (MTS) received Russia’s first commercial
                         operator  MegaFon commenting on the limitations   license for 5G operations, in the 24.25GHz-24.65GHz
                         of the 4.8GHz band for 5G: ‘This range is not global,   mmWave band. (October 12, 2020)

                         Serbian  telecoms  watchdog  the Republic  Agency  for   downlink (SDL) spectrum, to be allocated in 2×5MHz
                         Electronic  Communications  (RATEL)  has  launched   and 1×5MHz  blocks, respectively.  In  addition,
                         a  public consultation  on a  frequency  allocation plan   the plan  features  protected  frequency  bands at
                         for  spectrum  in  the  694MHz-790MHz  range.  The   698MHz-703MHz/753MHz-758MHz  and  733MHz-
        Serbia           draft plan would allow the frequencies to be used for   736MHz/788MHz-791MHz,  which  the  regulator  has
                                                                        earmarked for Public Protection  and Disaster Relief
                         Mobile/Fixed Communications  Networks (MFCNs)  –
                         including  wireless  and  fixed-wireless  technologies  –   (PPDR) services. Ratel has invited  stakeholders  to
                         and would partition the range into 2×30MHz tranche   submit opinions  on the draft plan by 6 November.
                         of FDD frequencies  and 1×15MHz  of supplemental   (October 19, 2020)

                         The government of Slovakia says it intends to launch   to  the  report.  The  Office  for  Regulation  of  Electronic
                         its  5G spectrum  auction  process  by the end  of the   Communications  &  Postal  Services  (Regulacny  urad,
                         year. A report cites Ivan Martak, the chairman of the   RU)  intends  to  sell  5G-capable  700MHz  frequencies,
                         country’s telecoms regulator, as saying: ‘The priority is   alongside  900MHz  and  1800MHz  spectrum.  The
        Slovakia         to complete the 5G auction. We have suspended it since   60MHz  of  sought-after  700MHz  frequencies  will  be
                                                                        sold in six 2×5MHz blocks, with each carrying a reserve
                         18 June, which was three months ago. We have millions
                         of euros deposited [by interested bidders] as a financial   price of EUR16 million (USD18.7 million) with a validity
                         security. We definitely want to have it ready by the end   of 20 years. A limit of 2×15MHz per operator will apply
                         of the year.’ There was no official reason given for the   to ensure that there are at least two winners.
                         suspension of the sale in June, though it is thought to   (September 25, 2020)
                         have centered on ‘unspecified security risks’, according

                         The Agency for Communications Networks & Services   an enlarged regulator will ‘slow down the performance
                         (Agencija  za komunikacijska omrezja in storitve,   of  statutory  tasks  and responsiveness to  market
                         AKOS) has responded to government plans to create   conditions’.  It  says  that  its  existing  remit  is  already
                         a  new regulator  with a  much  wider remit.  The  new   one of the widest among European regulators, covering
                         watchdog – to be called the Public Agency for Market   electronic  communications,  radiocommunications,
        Slovenia         and  Consumers  –  will  incorporate  the operations   post, electronic media and railways, even though it is
                         of AKOS  and the Agency  for Financial Markets.  As   the fourth smallest regulatory body in Europe in terms
                         well as complaining that it was given just one day to   of employees.
                         respond to the government proposals, AKOS says that   (October 7, 2020)

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