Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         Peruvian watchdog the Supervisory Agency for Private   development,  meanwhile,  OSIPTEL  has  announced
                         Investment  in  Telecommunications  (Organismo  that  it  has  imposed  fines  totaling  PEN59.26  million
                         Supervisor de Inversion Privada en Telecommuniciones,   (USD16.2  million)  on  the  nation’s  operators  during
                         OSIPTEL)  has  ordered  full-service  provider  Movistar   the  first  seven  months  of  2020,  just  over  double  the
        Peru             Peru to  introduce  web and mobile applications that   amount it issued against the companies in the same
                                                                        period  of 2019 (PEN29.10  million). Movistar accrued
                         will  allow  subscribers  to  directly and easily  manage
                         procedures such  as the  migration,  cancellation  or   the lion’s share of the fines with penalties of PEN41.77
                         suspension  of  their  fixed  internet  plan.  OSIPTEL  has   million, for 115 infractions, including failing to comply
                         set  a  deadline  of  60  calendar days  for Movistar  to   with  requirements to  improve service quality.  Claro
                         implement the order. The timeline for the functions was   was subject to the next largest fine with a penalty of
                         also determined by the regulator, with the telco required   PEN7.19  million  for  23  infractions,  whilst  Entel’s  22
                         to complete a customer’s request for the termination or   fines totaled PEN5.92 million, with both having violated
                         suspension of their account within one business day.   rules regarding number portability. Bitel was charged
                         As  a  provider  with  significant  market  power  (SMP),   a total PEN1.91 million across eleven fines. OSIPTEL
                         Movistar  is  subject  to  greater  scrutiny  and  OSIPTEL   noted  that  nearly  half  of  the  fines  (48.94%  or  92  of
                         has additional powers to regulate the telco’s activities   the total of 188 fines issued) were related to failures
                         to  ensure  a  level  playing  field.  To  that  end,  OSIPTEL   to deliver on improvement  commitments,  whilst  the
                         has sought to make it easier for customers to switch   next most common infractions were (in order): failure
                         plans or migrate to alternative provider. As such, the   to deliver information on time or delivery of inaccurate
                         regulator has also required Movistar inform customers   information to OSIPTEL; activation of service without
                         of any price increases to a tariff 30 days in advance,   use of biometric  systems; non-compliance  with
                         with a follow-up  reminder  ten days before the new   portability regulations;  non-compliance  with service
                         rate  takes  effect.  As  part  of  these  notifications  the   quality regulations;  failure to compensate  users
                         company must also inform customers that they may   for service interruptions;  failing to communicate
                         move to a cheaper plan if they wish, switch provider   on interruptions  within a  timely manner;  and other
                         or  temporarily  suspend  their service.  In  a  separate   infractions. (October 5, 2020)

                         NOW  Corp  communications  arm NOW  Telecom  has   which reportedly ‘complies with the 70-30 requirement
                         secured an extension  to its  provisional authority   of  the  commission’.  With  NOW  Telecom  setting  out
                         (PA) to  install,  operate,  and  maintain  a  nationwide   its  stall  to  become  the  Philippines’  fourth  major
                         mobile  telecommunications  system, The Philippine   telecommunications  player, last month  it announced
        Philippines      Star  reports.  The extension,  issued by  the National   it  was  considering plans to go public  – either  in the
                                                                        Philippines or overseas – and to that end had picked
                         Telecommunications  Commission  (NTC), is  not
                         specific to 3G-based mobile technologies it said, and   Unicapital as its financial advisor for the task at hand.
                         can be utilized for 4G or 5G. It is understood the PA   (September 21, 2020)
                         comes with a number of conditions, however, including
                         a stipulation that NOW Telecom secure an infusion of   Filipino  telecoms  giant  PLDT  Inc.  says  the  recent
                         additional capital of PHP1.9 billion (USD39.2 million)   issuance of Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) orders to
                         –  based  on  ‘the  first  two  years  capital  expenditure   reduce red tape associated with securing tower permits
                         of PHP6.3  billion  in the submitted rollout  plan and   is already helping it to increase mobile coverage across
                         approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission   the country. Introduced in August via a Memorandum
                         (SEC) of the increase in the authorized and paid-up   Circular to shorten permit processing  times, the
                         capital’. In addition, NOW is tasked with accelerating   ARTA  measures  have  helped  PLDT  and  mobile  arm
                         the deployment  of its  mobile  internet  service in   Smart Communications  to secure 211 building  and
                         suburban  and rural areas where, ‘it  shall  strictly   preconstruction  permits to  deploy  towers in  Metro
                         comply with the 70:30 ratio of urban to suburban and   Manila; and the provinces of Batangas, Rizal, Palawan,
                         rural network rollout coverage in each of the phases   Bohol, Cebu, Iloilo, Negros Occidental, Guimaras, Leyte,
                         of  project  implementation’.  Further,  the  terms  and   Samar,  Southern  Leyte,  Camiguin,  Davao  del  Norte,
                         conditions prohibit the carrier from sharing or co-using   Davao Oriental, Zamboanga  del Sur, Zamboanga
                         its frequencies with any of the country’s other mobile   Sibugay,  Misamis  Oriental,  North  Cotabato,  Lanao
                         operators  –  PLDT  (Smart),  Globe  Telecom  and  DIT   del Sur and Maguindanao.  Additionally, the wireless
                         Telecommunity – or indeed, ‘any other entity’ without   unit tapped up a  number  of towercos last  month to
                         first  securing  approval  from  the  NTC.  In  agreeing   construct around 200 macro cell sites, it said. Alfredo
                         the  PA extension,  the regulator  said it had based  its   Panlilio,  Smart  president  and  CEO,  and  PLDT  chief
                         decision  on  the  strength  of  NOW’s  financial  position   revenue officer, said: ‘The initiative of the government

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