Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 140


                         Spectrum  applications opened  last  week  and the   the companies Vodafone  and Wind to extend  their
                         process  should  be concluded  by  21  December.   4G  network sharing.  EETT  took  into account  the
                         Vodafone Greece has already said it intends to launch   agreement  between  the  two companies  does  not
                         commercial  5G  services  in  the  first  quarter  of  next   contain  "objectively" restrictive terms of competition
                         year. The operator’s CEO, Haris Broumidis, told Capital.  nor involve the sharing of spectrum or the companies’
                         gr that services will initially be introduced in the main   backbone networks. In addition, there are safeguards
                         cities of  Athens  and Thessaloniki  before  expansion   against  the sharing of sensitive data,  and also  it  is
                         to  other areas.  Rivals  Cosmote and Wind  are  also   mainly confined to rural and semi-urban areas of the
                         expected  to launch  5G in Q1  2021.  Greece  began   country. It assessed the impact of the agreement on
                         accepting  applications last  week for its  auction of   the mobile telephony market, and the benefits arising
                         spectrum  in  the  700MHz,  2GHz,  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  and   from the agreement especially the population gaining
                         26GHz bands, with the frequencies have a combined   upgraded 4G services faster than they would without
                         total  starting  price  of  €367.3  million.  Separately,  the   the network sharing in the areas of the country that are
                         Plenary  Session  of the Hellenic  Telecommunications   the least commercially viable for operators.
                         and Post Commission (referred to in Greece as EETT)   (September 28, 2020)
                         completed its investigation of the agreement between

                         A public consultation on arrangements  for the   it  through  auction. Prospective  spectrum  assignees
                         reassignment of the 90 MHz of spectrum in the 2.5/2.6   may  deploy  the acquired spectrum  in  a  technology
                         GHz band for the provision of public mobile services   neutral manner, including for the provision of 4G and
                         as well as the associated spectrum utilization fee was   5G services,  it added.  As for the related  spectrum
        Hong Kong        launched.  The  Secretary  for  Commerce  &  Economic   utilization fee,  similar  to other  spectrums  assigned
                                                                        for public mobile services where there are competing
                         Development  and the Communications  Authority
                         jointly launched the consultation to seek views by   demands,  it  should reflect the full  market  value.  The
                         October 20. A 90 MHz of spectrum in the 2.5/2.6 GHz   fee will be determined through auction with the reserve
                         band is  currently  assigned  to three mobile network   prices  to  be  set  by  the  Secretary  for  Commerce  &
                         operators for the provision of fourth generation mobile   Economic  Development.  The  bureau said auctioning
                         (4G) services and they  will  expire in March 2024.   the spectrum  will  ensure  that  such a  scarce public
                         Apart from the good radio propagation characteristics   resource can be place into the  hands of those who
                         of the 2.5/2.6  GHz  band in providing wide area   value it most and will consequently put it to the most
                         coverage and its  wide bandwidth  in  supporting high   efficient use for the benefit of the public. After taking
                         transmission capacity, the band can also be re-farmed   into account the views  and comments  received, the
                         to meet future demand for fifth generation mobile (5G)   bureau and the authority aim to make their decisions in
                         services. As there will  likely be competing  demands   the first quarter of 2021.
                         for the spectrum,  the authority proposed  to  reassign   (September 24, 2020)

                         The  National  Media  &  Infocommunications  Authority   ‘make it difficult’ for DIGI to enter the auction, by setting
                         (Nemzeti  Media-  es  Hirkozlesi  Hatosag,  NMHH)  has   criteria  that  could  lead  to  DIGI’s  bidding  application
                         published  the draft  documentation  for auctioning   being  rejected,  based  on previous experiences  of
                         900MHz  and  1800MHz  mobile  frequencies,  including   Hungarian spectrum sales. DIGI added that the auction
        Hungary          spectrum currently held by nationwide mobile network   should  be neutral,  fair  and in line with European  law
                                                                        and practices,  thus creating greater competition.  In
                         operators (MNOs) Magyar Telekom, Vodafone Hungary
                         and Telenor  Hungary  which will  expire in  April 2022.   March 2020 the NMHH awarded Telekom, Telenor and
                         Market participants may consult with the regulator on   Vodafone 15-year licenses including 5G spectrum in the
                         the auction plans until 29  September  2020,  with  the   700MHz and 3600MHz bands despite a pending legal
                         procedural details expected to be finalized in October   action from DIGI, which had its bid application rejected
                         and the spectrum sale scheduled for completion in Q1   by the regulator in September 2019 for failing to meet
                         2021. New licenses in the 900MHz (60MHz bandwidth)   eligibility criteria. DIGI argues that excluding it from the
                         and 1800MHz (120MHz bandwidth) ranges will be valid   upcoming 900MHz/1800MHz tender would force it to
                         for 15 years from April 2022, renewable for five years.   continue limiting its mobile customer capacity, with the
                         DIGI Hungary – the country’s newest and smallest MNO   potential for expansion highly dependent on available
                         – issued a statement in response to the NMHH claiming   frequencies. TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database
                         that the draft documentation contains regulations that   shows that DIGI launched its 2G/4G cellular network

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