Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 138


                         The telecoms watchdog  ARCEP has revealed  that   won in the auction. ARCEP originally aimed to conduct
                         the 5G auction for frequencies in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz   the auction in  April, but was  forced to  delay  due to
                         band has now concluded, with the successful bidders   Covid-19  (coronavirus). In  an  interview  with  France
                         agreeing to pay a total of EUR2.786 billion (USD3.271   Info, ARCEP  President  Sebastien  Soriano  said there
                         billion) for 310MHz of spectrum. In the last round of the   was no limit to the sum raised by the auction, but the
                         auction (held on 1 October), the qualified candidates   authority hoped operators would “remain reasonable”
                         requested  the  following  number  of  blocks:  Orange   and keep some money to invest in the networks. He
                         (four),  Altice  France  (SFR,  three),  and  Bouygues  and   referred to a deal struck in 2018 to close gaps in LTE
                         Free  Mobile (two  each);  as  the cumulative requests   coverage, which had already seen operators commit to
                         matched the number of available blocks, the auction   invest €3 billion into their networks. Soriano told the
                         was closed. In total, Orange secured 90MHz in the band   outlet 5G will bring better opportunities for people and
                         for EUR854 million, followed by Altice (80MHz, EUR728   will modernize a lot of industries, while playing-down
                         million), Bouygues Telecom (70MHz, EUR602 million)   concerns over potential adverse health effects.
                         and  Free  Mobile  (70MHz,  EUR602  million).  ARCEP  is   (September 29, 2020)
                         now planning to hold a ‘positioning’ auction in October,
                         to determine  the position  of the secured blocks in   French  telecom  authority Arcep published  a  new
                         the band. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s   version of the industry code of conduct introduced in
                         CommsUpdate,  ARCEP revealed in February  2020   2018 on Quality of Service (QoS) measurement, which
                         that four companies submitted  applications  for the   adopts  a  data-driven  ‘crowdsourcing’  approach  to
                         allocation of frequencies in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band   assess  the broadband quality experienced  by  end-
                         in  mainland  France,  namely  Bouygues  Telecom,  Free   users. The code of conduct is targeted at testing tools
                         Mobile, Orange France and Altice France. In March 2020,   from players such as nPerf and QoSi, with the aim to
                         however, ARCEP postponed the 5G spectrum auction   increase transparency  on  data collection  and enable
                         to an unspecified date due to the COVID-19 outbreak. A   any  third  party  to  analyze  results.  Among the main
                         spokeswoman for the authority was quoted as saying   changes,  the updated version  requires that industry
                         that  ARCEP  ‘won’t  be  able  to  maintain  the  auction   players  provide  mobile  and  fixed  broadband  end-
                         planned  for  mid-April’,  and  plans  to  ‘organize  the   users with information on the different elements that
                         frequency sale for a later date once more information   might impact QoS  measurements  and speed  tests.
                         is available’. (October 2, 2020)  This information  includes,  for example,  how the use
                                                                        of Wi-Fi  could  affect the internet connection,  and
                         French regulator ARCEP launched the country’s first 5G   factors including  the  model/version  of the operating
                         spectrum auction, covering frequencies in the 3.4GHz   system or the web browser installed on the equipment.
                         to 3.8GHz bands, with commercial services expected   Additionally,  industry  players that  want  to  comply
                         to go live by the year-end. In a statement, the authority   with the code are now asked to display median, rather
                         noted operators will be able to bid for 11 lots of 10MHz   than average  values for certain indicators,  notably
                         blocks and they  will  be able to  obtain no more than   latency. They are also required to introduce a minimum
                         100MHz  in  total.  The  reserve  price  is  €70  million   capacity for test  servers to  avoid hampering  test
                         per 10MHz,  with  expectations  the process will  raise   results. Looking forward, the regulator said that a new
                         more than €2.2 billion in total. As part of the auction,   revision of the code will be introduced to coincide with
                         operators  will need  to deploy 5G services  across   the  implementation  of  the  planned  “access  ID  card”
                         10,500 sites in 2025. The nation is conducting a two-  API, scheduled  for 2022.  QoS measurement  tools
                         stage process, with blocks of 50MHz of the spectrum   complying  with the  code  will be  able  to  benefit  from
                         available  being  sold  for  a  fixed  price  of  €350  million   the features offered by this API, leading to increasingly
                         each to the four main operators. This spectrum is due   accurate QoS tests.
                         to be made available at the same time as the blocks   (September 16, 2020)

                         The German  government  was  tipped to  tighten   be drafted into legal text,  which is  expected  to  be
                         restrictions  on equipment  vendors supplying  its   reviewed in November. Notably, Germany has not yet
                         mobile networks, but to stop short on following global   caved into US pressure to ban Huawei, unlike Australia
                         counterparts in issuing a formal ban on Huawei. Reuters   and more  recently  the UK,  which have restricted  the
        Germany          reported government sources said the nation planned   Chinese  vendor’s  involvement  in  their  5G  networks
                                                                        due to security concerns. Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone
                         to scrutinize vendors’ 5G RAN and core equipment. The
                         news outlet added authorities had developed a formula   Germany and  Telefonica  Deutschland are  major
                         for dealing with so-called high risk vendors, after two   customers  for Huawei and a ban would  represent  a
                         years of wrangling. The mooted restrictions will now   big blow to the company’s foothold in the country, and

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