Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         indeed the continent. A source, however, told Reuters   indicated in July it had already significantly cut down
                         that while a ban will not be formally issued, the German   its  business  with  Huawei  since  2017,  as  it  struck  a
                         government will effectively strangle Huawei in red tape   deal with Ericsson to deploy its 5G RAN and spectrum
                         and “the final outcome is the same”. Deutsche Telekom   sharing solutions. (September 30, 2020)

                         The Ministry  of  Communications  (MoC), the Ghana   one of our important agenda. We selected Huawei as
                         Investment  Fund  for Electronic  Communications   a partner in this rural network project as we have seen
                         (GIFEC) and the Export-Import Bank of China officially   Huawei’s  unremitting  efforts  in  bridging  the  digital
                         signed  a  financing  agreement  on  29  September   divide.’ (September 30, 2020)
        Ghana            under  which  Huawei Technologies  Ghana  will deploy   The National Communications  Authority (NCA) has
                         more than 2,000 Rural Star sites in rural areas of the
                         country.  The network project,  which is  scheduled  for   initiated a public consultation on revised guidelines for
                         completion by September 2021, is expected to provide   the deployment of communication towers. The purpose
                         voice and data services to over 3.4 million people in   of the review is to include emerging industry standards
                         underserved and unserved communities,  thereby   and procedures for the installation of communication
                         extending national mobile coverage from 83% to 95%.   towers, facilitate the development of infrastructure to
                         The initiative is being led by the MoC through GIFEC,   enhance the delivery of quality services and address
                         a government  agency  mandated  to facilitate the   environmental issues. Interested parties are invited to
                         provision of universal access to basic telephony, and   submit their comments before 23 October. Aspects of
                         will be  leased  to mobile  network operators  (MNOs)   the guidelines to be revised include a requirement for
                         which will  be responsible  for market  expansion  and   parties intending to construct a tower to demonstrate
                         user development  after its  completion.  Whereas   that all reasonable  steps  have been  taken  to
                         traditional rural network infrastructure employs   investigate tower sharing before applying for a permit
                         microwave or satellite transmission, towers and diesel   to construct a new tower within a specified radius of
                         generators,  Huawei’s  Rural  Star  solution  uses  Relay   300m in built-up  areas and 200m elsewhere. Under
                         Remote  Node  (RRN) wireless backhaul, simple poles   the revised requirements for co-location,  operators
                         and solar energy, reducing the cost by more than 50%.   must, in consultation with the NCA and Environmental
                         Mr. Abraham Kofi Asante, the Administrator of GIFEC,   Protection  Agency  (EPA),  cooperate  to agree issues
                         noted the agency has already deployed 400 Rural Star   relating to site access, security, rates and compensation,
                         sites in over 2,000 rural communities through the Rural   while the tower owners shall  provide information  to
                         Telephony Project, providing mobile network coverage   the NCA, EPA and Metropolitan, Municipal and District
                         to more than 1.2  million people.  ‘Partnering  with   Assemblies on an annual basis to maintain a database
                         Huawei  on this  project, therefore, will  ensure that  all   of towers available for co-location. A new clause also
                         persons in Ghana are part of government’s digitization   forbids any sanction being applied to a new tower that
                         agenda, and improve the socio-economic wellbeing of   is compliant with the stipulated location requirements
                         people living in Rural Ghana,’ he added. Commenting   relating to proximity to high voltage transmission lines
                         on  the  project, Communications  Minister Ursula   if these are subsequently compromised by electricity
                         Owusu-Ekuful  said:  ‘ICT  development  plays  a  vital   providers. Finally, the guidelines  set out revised
                         role in revitalizing the national economy, especially in   timelines for obtaining permits from the coordinating
                         promoting  rural economic  development.  Accelerating   agencies and details of an applicant’s right to appeal.
                         the improvement of rural communications facilities is   (September 25, 2020)

                         The   telecommunications  authority  EETT  has  into the proposed extension of a 4G network sharing
                         announced  the extension  of the application  deadline   agreement between local cellcos Wind and Vodafone.
                         for the 5G auction covering the 700 MHz, 2 GHz, 3400-  The  regulator  approved  the  extension  after  finding
                         3800  MHz  and  26  GHz  radio  bands.  The  watchdog   that the agreement does  not contain  ‘restrictive
        Greece           delayed the deadline to 30 October from 23 October.   terms  of  competition’  and  does  not  concern  the
                                                                        sharing of  spectrum  or  the backbone  networks of
                         The bidders will be announced on 21 December.
                         (October 15, 2020)            the two companies. In addition, it was found that the
                                                                        geographical scope of the deal is mainly focused on
                         The  Greek  National  Telecommunications  &  Post   rural and semi-rural areas and it therefore benefits the
                         Commission  (Ethniki  Epitropi  Tilepikoinonion  kai   inhabitants of these areas to have access to improved
                         Tachydromeion, EETT) has completed its investigation   4G coverage. (September 29, 2020)

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