Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 71


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Nkom Notifies ESA of Proposed Price Regulation for Telenor’s Wholesale

        Fixed-Wireless Service

        Norway’s  National  Communications  Authority  Nasjonal  put in a margin squeeze’. To ensure Telenor complies with this
        kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  Nkom) has  sent a  draft decision   proposed  regulation,  the  Nkom has said it will conduct  margin
        regarding  price  regulation  related to Telenor  Norge’s  wholesale   squeeze tests  and gross margin tests  on the operator’s  retail
        fixed-wireless broadband to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA).   fixed-wireless  offerings  twice  a  year.  With  the  ESA  now  having
        In a press release regarding the matter, the regulator confirmed   one month to comment on the Nkom’s proposals, the regulator
        that the operator will be required to offer wholesale fixed-wireless   has said it will consider any feedback from the European body
        broadband ‘at prices which mean that the buyer of access is not   when it is received before issuing its final decision on this matter.

        Telekom Malaysia to  Provide Astro with  Wholesale  Infrastructure and

        Connectivity Solutions

        Telekom Malaysia  and MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems   with TM lays the foundation for Astro to be an internet service
        (Astro) have inked deals to collaborate in delivering ‘a high quality   provider. Astro’s goal is to provide Malaysians with the best digital
        digital experience  to all  Malaysians’, with the pair claiming the   experience and broadband value proposition. Leveraging on the
        partnership  ‘signifies  both  companies’  commitment  to  support   strength of TM’s wide HSBB network will enable Astro to realize
        the  [government’s]  Jalinan Digital Negara (JENDELA)  initiative   new revenue streams, scaling our broadband service with content
        in providing wider broadband coverage and a better experience   bundles, or standalone broadband and other product lines. This
        nationwide’. Through a strategic collaboration, Telekom Malaysia   deal gives us more flexibility to offer great value and convenience
        – via its TM Wholesale unit – will provide Astro with a full suite of   to our customers.’ Telekom Malaysia’s CEO Imri Mokhtar added:
        infrastructure and connectivity solutions that comprise a range   ‘This strategic collaboration also demonstrates our commitment
        of wholesale services, including ‘high speed broadband (‘HSBB’),   to ensure Malaysians are provided with a seamless and ‘always-
        bandwidth,  backhaul and internet access’. Utilizing  TM’s  HSBB   on’ connectivity experience. We are happy to work with Astro and
        service, Astro  will  be able  to  provide broadband services to  its   this is yet another testament to our pivotal role as the enabler of
        customers  across a wide area without  needing  to build  new   Digital Malaysia aspirations.’
        infrastructure of its own. Meanwhile, Telekom Malaysia’s internet
        access solution will enable Astro to offer ‘high performance internet
        connectivity and a comprehensive solution to its customers’. TM
        will also provide Astro with its Content Delivery Network (TM CDN),
        a newly developed content platform service, which is expected to
        enable the latter to strengthen its video streaming efficiency of
        its  current  service offerings. Commenting  on the collaboration,
        Astro chief executive Henry Tan said: ‘This strategic partnership

        CNMC Reworks Telefonica’s Wholesale Fiber Obligations

        Spain’s  National  Commission  for Markets and Competition   optical fiber networks. In the remaining 7,453 municipalities, where
        (Comision Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC)   there is less competition  between  operators,  wholesale  access
        has  approved  definitive  regulations  relating  to  the  country’s   obligations will continue. By way of a comparison, the number of
        wholesale  broadband  access  markets (Markets 1/2020  and   ‘competitive zones’ stood at just 66 in 2016. Within three years,
        3b/2014). In a total of 696 municipalities – which are home to   the CNMC says it will assess whether it is necessary to review
        around 70% of the Spanish population – Telefonica will be exempt   the areas  considered ‘uncompetitive’  or potentially withdraw
        from offering  its  competitors  wholesale  access services to its   wholesale fibre regulation throughout the territory completely.

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