Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 76


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        Satellite Technology to Accelerate Financial Inclusion, Digital Finance

        The Bangko  Sentral ng Pilipinas  (BSP)   enhanced  countryside connectivity,  we   benefit  from  digital  innovations.  Signed
        sees  the issuance  of the  implementing   see previously unserved and underserved   into law  by  President Rodrigo  Duterte in
        rules and regulations  (IRR)  on expanding   areas  being  reached  by  digital  financial   August 2018, Republic  Act 11055, or the
        the provision of  internet  service through   services, especially those designed for the   Philippine Identification System Act, aims
        satellite services  as  further promoting   lower income segments, like remittances,   to establish a single national ID for all Fili-
        financial inclusion and digital finance in the   bills payments and the opening of trans-  pinos and resident aliens.  The  national
        country. Issued under Department Circular   action accounts,” BSP Governor Benjamin   ID  shall  be a  valid  proof of  identity  that
        No. 002, Series of 2021, by the Department   Diokno said  in  a  statement Thursday.   shall  be  a  means of simplifying public
        of Information and Communications Tech-  Internet  connectivity  is  recognized as  a   and private transactions,  enrollment  in
        nology (DICT) on sept. 28, the IRR aims to   critical enabler of financial and economic   schools,  and opening  of bank  accounts.
        promote  the  development  of an inclusive   inclusion  as  financial  transactions  and   It  will  also  boost  efficiency,  especially  in
        and vibrant satellite industry by liberalizing   services shift  to  online  platforms.  With   dealing  with government  services  where
        access to satellite  systems.  Expanded   expanded  internet service, banks, and   people  will  only need  to present one  ID
        access to satellite services is expected to   other  financial  service  providers  (FSPs)   during transactions. “These developments
        accelerate the rollout of internet connec-  will be able to better serve rural areas with   will  contribute  towards  the  BSP’s  finan-
        tivity  for  the unserved, underserved, and   more access points, such as  automated   cial  inclusion  targets,  namely  that  first,
        geographically  isolated  and disadvan-  teller machines  and cash agent  services   70 percent of the adult population should
        taged areas of the country. With the issu-  that  rely on internet  connectivity.  Mean-  own  a  transaction account,  and  second,
        ance of the IRR, banks, fintech companies,   while, with the launch  of the Philippine   that half of all retail payments should be
        and  other  financial  sector  entities  will  be   Identification  System  and  its  electronic   in digital form by 2023,” Diokno said. The
        further guided in exploring ways of tapping   know-your-customer  facility,  greater  BSP encourages FSPs to seek opportuni-
        into satellite technology  for their opera-  internet access will allow more unbanked   ties from this policy reform for innovation
        tions, particularly toward expanding pres-  rural  clients and  low-income communi-  and market expansion toward accelerating
        ence  in underserved  communities.  “With   ties  to  use  digital  financial  services  and   financial inclusion in the country.

        XL Tests Huawei’s ‘RuralStar Pro’ Solution; Telkomsel Launches 5G in Papua

        Indonesian  mobile network operator   advance of the XX Papua National Sports   by  presenting Trifecta Digital  Telkomsel’.
        (MNO)  XL  Axiata,  working in partnership   Week (PON)  2021.  During the event, the   During  the test phase  for the new 5G
        with  Huawei Indonesia,  has  carried   public and visitors have been invited to use   network in Papua, Telkomsel reported
        out tests of a  new wireless broadband   the new 5G network as part of Telkomsel’s   a  download  speed  of up to 1Gbps with
        solution dubbed  ‘Huawei  RuralStar Pro’,   initiative ‘to strengthen  an inclusive and   latency of 8ms in trials in Sorong.
        with  a  focus on exploiting  its  ability  to   sustainable national digital ecosystem
        provide 4G  LTE  backhaul in  rural  areas.
        The  trial was  carried  out in Kalimantan
        and the two parties said that it suggests
        the solution will  be useful  in expanding
        broadband  connections  to remote  areas,
        where so  far  there are often problems
        related to  limited  backhaul access.  The
        RuralStar Pro trial yielded download data
        transmission speeds of  up to  106Mbps
        over a  distance  of 31km.  In  unrelated
        news, as  part  of its  ongoing  5G network
        rollout XL’s  rival  Telkomsel said  it  has
        deployed next generation  infrastructure
        in Papua province, eastern Indonesia. the
        MNO has reportedly installed equipment in

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