Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        Verizon 2.0 strategy is to upskill its current   An  essential  first  step  to  do  so,  however,   The  digital  future  of  the
        workforce, while providing access to  a   is to assess the digital skills needed and
        learning environment that enables them to   ensure there’s organizational alignment in   MENA region looks bright.
        keep up with the changes in technology.   creating a reskilling program. From there,   By  keeping  talent  at  the
                                             it’s imperative to create an environment
        Leveraging  Pluralsight, Verizon has been   that celebrates learning and development   forefront  of  its  objectives
        able to define and build over 130 roles for its   so that workers feel  empowered  by   and   prioritizing   the
        future and map the skills required for each   reskilling initiatives. Finally, there must be   development  of  digital
        role. Employees have taken thousands of   clear goals  and  metrics to measure the
        assessments to date, enabling leaders to   outcomes and successes of the program.   skills, the MENA region will
        quickly benchmark skills, identify gaps and                                 be well positioned to reap
        develop their digital workforce.     This strategy would be common to
                                             most telecom  operators  in the region,  as   the benefits of connectivity
        Using analytics, leaders at  Verizon have   most share the same business  models   and  enterprise  software,
        also been able to see continuous skill gains   in  the delivery  of  integrated  digital
        among its workforce and move people into   communication  services. The  difference   cementing  its  leading
        critical roles based on these outcomes.   in the types  and number  of roles that a   position  in  the  global
        Overall, by leveraging, Pluralsight, Verizon,   given  operator  may  define  for  its  future   economy.
        has been able to:                    workforce, ultimately, will be a function of
        •  Upskill across the entire organization  ambitions, national ICT visions, economic
        •  Build out roles of the future     diversification goals and market dynamics.  skills  to  advance the digital economy is
        •  Deliver product releases more quickly                                 imperative.
                                             A Connected Future Powered by Enterprise
        By    prioritizing  technology  skill  Software                          The digital  future of the MENA region
        development  in this manner, telecom   Digitization remains one of the key enablers   looks  bright.  By  keeping  talent  at  the
        operators  in the MENA region  can also   of economic diversification and a capable   forefront of its  objectives  and prioritizing
        prepare their organizations for the evolving   digital workforce, will be critical to attaining   the development of digital skills, the MENA
        digital  technology  landscape,  readying   these economic goals. Particularly within   region will be well positioned to reap the
        their workforce with the skills of tomorrow   the telecom industry, where connectivity   benefits  of  connectivity  and  enterprise
        and help their businesses  achieve better   empowers technological progress, a robust   software, cementing its leading position in
        outcomes.                            employee  pipeline  with the  necessary   the global economy.

        Vista is a leading global investment firm with more than $81 billion in assets under management as of June 30, 2021. We believe the
        transformative power of technology is the key to an even better future – a healthier planet, a smarter economy, a diverse and inclusive
        community and a broader path to prosperity. We view education and digital skills as critical to realizing this vision.

        *Note: Pluralsight is a Vista Equity Partners portfolio company.

                                                                                                    69   OCTOBER 2021
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