Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 11


                                      Call-to-Action by SAMENA Council

                                        to Accelerate Fiber Deployment

                Our  societies  and  the  global  economy  are  digitalizing  rapidly,  and  there  are  ever  more
                possibilities  to  advance  standards  of  living  through  human-centric,  data-driven,  and
                evidence-based  policies,  increased  economic  competitiveness,  higher-quality  jobs,
                enhanced provision of public services throughout the SA-ME-NA region's urban and rural
                communities. Fiber holds the power to do to rural communities what it has enabled for urban
                areas: more possibilities of digital inclusion and socio-economic participation.

                SAMENA Council views that, in order to achieve greater penetration of Fiber, the regional
                markets need to:

                1.   Draw upon global recommendations, such  7.  Consider implementing the 4 core
                   as from the ITU and the UN Broadband           recommendations of the Broadband
                   Commission, to inspire accelerated             Commission’s  Working  Group  on  21
                   efforts in Fiber-optic deployment across       Century  Funding  Models,  which  could
                   the region                                     address ICT infrastructure gaps, including
                2.   Recognize the necessity and inevitability    of Fiber, and which may play an important
                   of deploying Fiber for reaching Universal      complementary  role  in  the  initiatives
                   Digital  Access; for fostering greater         taken by the Governments
                   productivity  in  the  Enterprise  Sector;  8.  Set  coverage  and  minimum  speed
                   for  improving  Government  Digitization       targets through a national broadband
                   processes;  realizing  the  Smart  City        plan or universal service obligation, which
                   visions;  fortifying  5G with  the  right  level   is  aligned  with  our  emerging  desire  to
                   of Fiber penetration; and, as a whole, for     create “giga-bit societies”
                   building a sustainable Digital Economy      9.  Recognize  and  address  issues  that
                3.  Optimize approval and permit processes        have  impeded  Fiber  deployment  or
                4.  Incentivize investment in non-economical      Fiber  migration  --  whether  such  issues
                   and complex geographies                        relate to processes, lack of an enabling
                5.  Foster CAPEX reduction and better return      environment,     lack    of    investment
                   on  investment  by  reducing  redundancy       incentives,   or   other    business    or
                   and the cost of network expansion – this,      operational difficulties
                   for example, can be achieved via use of  10. Incentivize  the  Private  Sector  to  work
                   existing infrastructure such as electricity    in  closer  collaboration  with  the  Public
                   infrastructure                                 Sector, to drive common understanding
                6.  Create enabling environment of positivity,    on  the  flexibility,  scalability,  and  asset
                   predictability,   tax   relief   incentives,   potential of Fiber networks. This alignment
                   reduced license fees, among other              will  support  our  efforts  in  building  a
                   regulatory, legal, and financial incentives    sustainable digital economy, which relies
                   and  supportive  measures  should  be          not  only  on  connectivity  infrastructure,
                   considered  for  readily  implemented          but  also  on  capacity-building  and
                   in  letter  and  spirit.  Moreover,  outdated   ICT  talent  development  initiatives,  to
                   or  non-essential  regulation  should  be      help  realize  digitization-driven  socio-
                   removed                                        economic impact from urban areas to the
                                                                  last mile

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