Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Cisco Predicts Major Backhaul Upgrades for 5G

        Cisco is at Mobile World Congress Americas   to  have  it.”  In  addition  to  being  poised   of compute per location. Finally, Rakuten’s
        this week, which raises the question: Why?   to  deliver  upgraded  backhaul,  Cisco  is   network has two main data centers, which
        Cisco isn’t typically thought of as a radio   also positioned  to help  carriers  upgrade   handle  all  the  compute  for  the  central
        access  network  (RAN)  vendor,  and  its   their  core  networks  for  5G.    Gogo  today   control  functions.  All  of  the  compute
        name  doesn’t  immediately  come  to  mind   announced  that it selected  Cisco  to   in  Rakuten’s  network  is  based  on  x86
        —  such  as  Ericsson  and  Nokia  —  when   provide  core  network  solutions  that  will   servers.  “One  of  Rakuten’s  philosophies
        thinking of the mobile vendor ecosystem.   power  Gogo’s  nationwide  air-to-ground   was  to  really  anchor  all  their  technology
        But  Jonathan  Davidson,  Cisco  GM  of   (ATG)  5G  network.  Gogo  said  it  selected   onto  a  small  number  of  commodity
        service  provider  networking,  said,  with   Cisco because of its expertise in providing   building  blocks,”  said  Beesley.  “It  helps
        typical  Cisco  confidence,  “Cisco  is  the   4G/5G  solutions  for  some  of  the  world’s   them  a  lot  with  economies  of  scale  and
        most  important  5G  vendor  in  the  world.”   largest   wireless   telecommunications   with  pricing.”  While  this  makes  a  lot  of
        He said when mobile carriers are building   networks.  In  fact,  Cisco’s  work  with   sense  for  Rakuten,  it’s  kind  of  amazing
        their  5G  networks  they  have  to  select   Rakuten,  the  Japanese  company  that’s   that Cisco is on board with it. A few years
        vendors  in  three  key  areas:  They  have  to   building  a  greenfield  4G/5G  network,  is   ago,  it  felt  as  if  Cisco  was  resisting  the
        pick a radio vendor; they need a backhaul   giving  it some good  cred as  a  leading   trend  toward  generic  hardware  and  was
        vendor  to  rebuild  their  network  because   vendor of next-gen mobile core networks.   holding  onto  its  proprietary-hardware
        the  current  network  can’t  handle  the  5G   Rakuten  has  been  very  open  about  the   roots. But Davidson said, “There’s no point
        speeds; and they need a 5G core vendor.   buildout of its new, fully virtualized, cloud-  in fighting the ocean.” And he said Cisco
        Cisco  participates  in  two  of  the  three:   native  network.  It  said  in  February  that   actually  contributes  a  lot  of  networking
        backhaul and core. And actually, it’s also   it  had  hired  Cisco  to  build  its  network   code  to open  source groups such as  the
        beginning  to  help  drive  the  Open  vRAN   functions   virtualization   infrastructure   Linux Foundation. While Cisco is banking
        ecosystem. Davidson said 5G is going to   (NFVi) with 4,000 edge nodes. And Cisco   on  5G  for  new  business  from  backhaul
        need a lot of backhaul upgrades. “Globally,   is also the primary systems integrator for   and core, it’s also dabbling in virtual RAN
        the  average  backhaul  is  less  than  5   Rakuten’s  virtualized  telco  cloud.  Today,   by  leading  the  charge  on  Open  vRAN.  Its
        Mbps,”  he  said.  And  even  though  there’s   Michael  Beesley,  Cisco  CTO  for  service   partners on this initiative currently include
        a perception that backhaul in major metro   provider  networking,  elaborated  on  the   Altiostar,  Mavenir,  Parallel  Wireless  and
        areas is all built from high-capacity fiber,   company’s  work  with  Rakuten.  He  said   JMA  Wireless,  among  others.  Asked  if
        Davidson said, “You still see a lot of these   the  new  network  comprises  three  layers   Open vRAN conflicts with the work of the
        big round domes with a lightning bolt on   of  compute.  The  2,000  to  4,000  nodes   O-RAN Alliance, Davidson said he doesn’t
        them.  That’s  microwave.”  He  described   (or  cloud  RAN  locations)  are  fitted  with   see them as competitive at all. “It would be
        much  of  the  existing  backhaul  network   x86  compute  and  distributed  unit  (DU)   difficult to do Open vRAN if O-RAN didn’t
        in  America  as  “a  really  low  capacity   and  centralized  unit  (CU)  functions.  The   exist.  O-RAN  is  about  defining  interfaces
        network.” And when 5G starts to become   next layer of compute includes more than   and APIs. Open vRAN is about making sure
        pervasive, and it’s delivering speeds over   100  locations  for  distributed  user  plane   all these elements actually work together,”
        1  Gbps,  he  added  that,  “You  need  a  new   functions  for  the  packet  core.  Beesley   he said, adding that it’s a “take-to-market”
        backhaul  network.  You  absolutely  need   said  these  sites  host  three  or  four  racks   initiative with joint partners.

        Cisco SD-WAN Services Help Altice USA Offer Better Ways for Enterprises
        to Manage Their Networks

        Altice USA is working with Cisco to expand   customers a host of differentiated services   the  traditional  way  of  doing  things,”
        the scale of its Software-Defined Wide Area   in a seamless, reliable, and secure manner.   said  Kip  Compton,  senior  vice  president,
        Networking  (SD-WAN)  service  offerings   With  this  innovative  leap  forward,  Altice   Cloud  Platform  and  Solutions  Group,
        to enterprises,  to help  improve user   business  customers  can  have  their   Cisco.  “We  also  share  its  obsession  with
        experiences and gain greater flexibility in   managed  services  turned  up  quickly,   understanding and pleasing the customer.
        how  they  manage  network  applications.   managed  securely  from  the  cloud  and   With  Cisco  MSX,  Altice  USA  can  enable
        SD-WAN software technology provides the   modified  easily  using  software-defined   faster  innovation  and  increase  customer
        network  intelligence  required  to  connect   networking  technology.  Additionally,  this   satisfaction  by  speeding  time-to-market
        remote  work  forces  with  cloud-based   solution will enable Altice to provide a new   for SD-WAN, and other managed and on-
        applications  and  data.  Using  Cisco’s   set of infrastructure and platform services   demand services.”
        Managed Services Accelerator (MSX)   in the future. “We share Altice USA’s focus
        platform, Altice USA can offer its enterprise   on driving innovation  and challenging

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