Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 40


        BT Brings  5G Future to Belfast Harbor  with “Live” Demonstrations of
        Augmented and Virtual Reality

        Belfast  Harbor,  BT  and  mixed  reality   health and safety is essential, and built to   the customer, letting them experience the
        partners Ubimax and VRtuoso showcased   work  with  personal  protective  equipment   environment and services in a much more
        the  tangible  benefits  that  5G  can  deliver   such  as  hard  hats.  EE,  part  of  BT  Group,   captivating  and  immediate  way.  They
        to  business  and  industry  across  the  UK.   was  the  first  operator  to  launch  a  5G   can also be a powerful training tool - an
        In  a  first  for  the  UK,  the  demonstrations,   network in the UK, with Belfast one of six   immersive  360-degree  experience  makes
        performed  “live”  over  BT’s  public  5G   cities  chosen  for  phase  one  of  the  roll   the brain feel like the user has experienced
        network, show two 5G enabled applications   out.  The  potential  industry  and  business   a situation, creating a memory that leads to
        that are being explored by Belfast Harbor   benefits  of  5G  enabled  applications  like   higher levels of engagement and retention.
        as part of their vision for creating a “Smart   this  are  vast,  from  improved  operational   Gerry  McQuade,  CEO  of  BT’s  Enterprise
        Port” and an iconic waterfront for the City.   efficiency  and  productivity,  to  fast  and   unit, said: “We’re delighted to be working
        The first demonstration shows a member of   reliable  knowledge  transfer  and  higher   with Belfast Harbor, Ubimax and VRtuoso
        Belfast Harbor’s operations team wearing   employee  satisfaction  and  engagement.   to  explore  the  benefits  that  5G  can  bring
        an augmented reality headset connected to   The  second  demonstration  shows  a  5G   to the Port and to the City of Belfast. “Over
        a 5G device. They’ll be seen inspecting one   immersive experience, illustrating how 5G   the  next  15  years,  5G  technologies  are
        of the Harbor’s cranes and receiving step-  can  make  virtual  reality  “boundary-less”   expected  to  contribute  2.2  trillion  dollars
        by-step maintenance guidance and remote   by  allowing  geographically  dispersed   to  the  global  economy.  It  will  deliver  far
        support through video collaboration with a   participants to draw virtual reality content   more  than  enhanced  mobile  broadband
        remote expert, via an application server in   down  from  the  cloud.  Participants  can   services  for  consumers  and  will  have  a
        the cloud. 5G provides the ultrafast speeds   then  be  connected  into  the  same  real-  far bigger impact in the enterprise space,
        and  reliability  needed,  while  augmented   time, virtual presentation or training event.   by  transforming  entire  industries.  But  5G
        reality solution specialists Ubimax provide   Content  creation and event sessions   can’t  be  viewed  in  isolation.  It  needs  to
        the  software  for  the  headsets.  These   are managed using the simple to  use   be  considered  as  a  vital  component  of  a
        computing  devices  can  easily  be  worn   VR  solution  from  VRtuoso.  Only  5G  can   brand-new  digital  ecosystem  comprising
        by  any  operational  staff  working  out  in   provide  the  connectivity  needed  for  the   the  Internet  of  Things,  data  analytics,  AI,
        the  Port.  The  demonstration  shows  how   content  download  and  real  time  event   mobile edge computing, content and cloud
        maintenance  activities  can  be  simplified   interaction.  Immersive  experiences  have   infrastructure. “The demonstrations we’ve
        and  improved,  by  delivering  information   the  potential  to  transform  marketing  and   shown today are a powerful illustration of
        directly to staff when and where they need   training activities. They enable companies   what  5G  can  do  for  business,  both  here
        it. The hands-free headsets are particularly   like  Belfast  Harbour,  with  large  fixed   in  Northern  Ireland  and  across  the  UK.
        suitable in hazardous environments, where   infrastructures,  to  take  the  Harbour  to   They’ve shown that 5G will be the catalyst
                                                                                 for a revolution in how technology supports
                                                                                 people, enables workplaces and simplifies
                                                                                 operations.”  Joe  O’Neill,  Chief  Executive
                                                                                 of  Belfast  Harbor  added:  “Working  with
                                                                                 BT on this initiative has opened our eyes
                                                                                 to a whole new world of 5G possibilities.
                                                                                 We have a strong ambition and motivation
                                                                                 to  become  the  world’s  best  regional  port
                                                                                 and create an iconic waterfront district for
                                                                                 Belfast,  making  it  an  attractive  place  to
                                                                                 live, work, visit and invest in. Using the very
                                                                                 latest technologies and collaborating with
                                                                                 expert partners is a key part of how we will
                                                                                 deliver that vision for Belfast. What we’ve
                                                                                 seen  so  far  has  given  us  a  real  appetite
                                                                                 to  continue  exploring  how  5G  enabled
                                                                                 applications will help us transform the Port
                                                                                 and Belfast’s waterfront, boost trade and
                                                                                 make an even more significant contribution
                                                                                 to Northern Ireland’s economy.”

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