Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 43


        Cisco Partners with Perch Security to Help MSPs Respond  to Threat

        Cisco  is  partnering  with  Perch  Security   continuing  to  work  closely  with  our   threat  landscape,” said  Marc Inderhees,
        to  deliver  a  new  security  solution  for   partners and have them accelerate  their   Partner  Managed  Services  Leader,  Global
        managed  service  providers  (MSPs)  who   opportunities  across the entire customer   Partner Organization, Cisco. “They are easy
        are  challenged  by  an  evolving  threat   experience,”  said Nirav Sheth,  Vice   targets  for  cybercriminals  and  often  the
        landscape.  MSPs  are  on  front  lines  of   President, Partner Solutions, Architectures   least prepared. MSPs are now on the front
        protecting  their clients  against data   and   Engineering,   Global   Partner   lines of protecting their clients against data
        breaches,  malware,  ransomware  and   Organization,   Cisco.   “As   customers   breaches, malware, ransomware, and other
        other  attacks  for  which  they  are  often   reimagine  their  applications,  transform   attacks and often are feeling unprepared.”
        unprepared.  To  address  these  threats,   their   infrastructure,   empower   their   “The threat landscape, shortage of security
        Cisco is applying its security expertise and   teams, and secure their data -  our entire   experts and the ever-increasing number of
        portfolio to MSPs in partnership with Perch   portfolio is managed services ready.” This   security  products  are  forcing  partners  to
        to bring them the tools that will strengthen   announcement ties into the newly created   look for co-managed threat detection and
        their  security  posture  and  better  protect   Cisco  Secured  MSP  offer,  which  includes   response solutions,” said Aharon Chernin,
        both  themselves  and  their  clients.  “The   a  free,  internal  use  license  program  and   CEO, Perch Security. “For this reason, Perch
        MSP  space  is  struggling  to  meet  the   gives  MSPs  the  ability  to  elevate  their   is excited about expanding our ecosystem
        cybersecurity  demands  that  are  bearing   internal  security and protect  themselves   and our advanced integrations with Cisco.
        down  on  them,”  said  Karl  Bickmore,  CEO,   from  attack.  This  works  by  using  the   This  gives  our  partners  better  visibility
        SnapTech  IT.  “I  am  glad  that  worldwide   industry-leading   DNS   solution   from   into  their  customers’  environments  and
        leaders  in  security  like  Cisco  and  Perch   Cisco  Umbrella  for  MSP,  Next-Generation   brings efficiency to our security operations
        Security are recognizing the problem and   Endpoint  Detection  and  Response  with   center.  Increased  visibility  allows  Perch
        addressing  the  needs  of  the  MSP  and,   Cisco  Advanced  Malware  Protection   to  find  more  threats  and  take  better
        ultimately,  the  MSP’s  customers.  What   (AMP)  and  cloud-based  threat  detection   automated  actions.  You  will  continue  to
        Cisco  and  Perch  Security  are  doing  is   from Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud. The Cisco   see  us innovate and provide enhanced
        bringing  education,  awareness,  and  great   secured  MSP  offer  brings  the  best  of   integrations   with   additional   Cisco
        tools  with  integration  to  our  toolset  to   security to every MSP and the knowledge   products.”  Join  Cisco  at  ConnectWise  IT
        address the gaps that most MSPs have.”   and  training  to  get  it  right  the  first  time   Nation  Connect  in  Orlando,  FL,  October
        The  combined  technology  solution  offers   through  the  Protect  Your  House  course   30  through  November  1  to  learn  how
        clear benefits for Cisco partners and their   on  ConnectWise  MSP  University.  Cisco   Cisco is securing MSPs and their clients.
        customers by correlating events from both   helps  partners  grow  managed  service   Along  with  security,  Cisco  is  sharing  the
        the endpoint and network, reducing ticket   revenue  with  incentives,  promotions  and   details of its updated Cloud and Managed
        counts and lowering labor costs. Perch has   market development funds (MDF). “Small   Service Program (CMSP), bringing the best
        integrated  with  Cisco  Advanced  Malware   to medium-size businesses are looking to   to Cisco MSP partners of all sizes. If you
        Protection (AMP) for Endpoints and Cisco   MSPs as their trusted technology advisor,   can’t  make  IT  Nation,  check  out  the  new
        Umbrella, ingesting their logs and feeding   and with this responsibility comes the need   Cisco MSP partner site, your one-stop for
        them  into  Perch’s  security  information   to  protect  them  from  the  ever-increasing   all things MSP related.
        and  event  management  (SIEM)  solution.
        Features include:
        Perch’s Security Operations Center (SOC)
        provides  event  correlation,  alert  review,
        and custom alert options.
        Perch’s  Duo  integration  correlates  Duo
        Multi-Factor Authentication  and  endpoint
        visibility  with  data  from  other  Perch-
        connected  cloud  services,  such  as  Office
        365, Cisco Umbrella and Cisco AMP.
        By combining these solutions into a single
        pane  of  glass,  alerts  are  correlated  and
        consolidated to reduce tool sprawl.
        Perch feeds data from cloud services and
        security  products  into  a  single  data  lake
        that is monitored by Perch SOC.
        “This  is  a  great  example  of  how  we’re

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