Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 86
FCC Approves SpaceX Direct to Cell Services Over Starlink
The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) has approved SpaceX to provide
satellite coverage direct to mobile devic-
es through its Starlink service. It will allow
SpaceX to push forward with its partner-
ship with T-Mobile to deploy mobile sig-
nal connectivity from space to cover dead
spots. The license is the first between a
satellite operator and a mobile carrier to be
approved by the regulator to provide cell
coverage from space. “The Commission
recognized that satellite-to-device con-
nectivity can support critical public inter-
est benefits, including ubiquitous connec-
tivity, access to 911 service from remote
areas, technological advancement, and
innovative spectrum use,” said the FCC in “conditioned on successful physical co- leaving no area without coverage in the US.
its filing. Elon Musk-owned SpaceX filed ordination with NASA to ensure protection Last month, Musk confirmed that SpaceX's
for regulatory approval for its Starlink sat- of the International Space Station (ISS), satellite broadband subsidiary Starlink will
ellites more than two years ago but faced ISS visiting vehicles, and launch windows provide mobile phone Internet in the US
a lengthy battle to receive the FCC's ap- for NASA science missions.” Although exclusively to T-Mobile for just one year.
proval. SpaceX has been given permission SpaceX has been given the go-ahead to T-Mobile's domestic rivals AT&T and Veri-
to use cellular frequencies from T-Mobile operate 7,500 satellites, its request to op- zon previously told the FCC to delay T-Mo-
via its existing Gen2 Starlink constellation, erate an additional 22,488 satellites, within bile and Starlink's planned direct-to-cell
with the 7,500 satellites allowed to operate the 340km, 345km, 350km, and 360km or- satellite service, claiming that the plans
at orbital altitudes of 340 to 360km using bital shells, has been deferred by the Com- would harm their respective mobile broad-
the Ku-, Ka-, E-, and V-band frequencies. mission. SpaceX and T-Mobile were given band networks. SpaceX said its proposed
The FCC told SpaceX it is authorized to temporary authority to use Starlink sat- SCS operations will not harm its competi-
“conduct operations using its very high ellites to provide direct-to-cell coverage tors, while the company along with T-Mo-
frequency (VHF) beacons at altitudes of for cellphones in areas of North Carolina bile has claimed the filings are a tactic to
340km, 345km, 350km, and 360km.” How- hard-hit by Hurricane Helene last month. delay its deployment of the service. AT&T
ever, based on a recommendation from the T-Mobile and SpaceX first announced a and Verizon have their own partnerships
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- partnership in August 2022, when the car- with AST SpaceMobile to provide 100
tration (NASA), SpaceX’s deployment and rier set out plans to provide mobile signal percent coverage across North America
operations at altitudes below 400km are connectivity from space with the target of through messaging services.
Starlink to Boost Cape Verde's Tech Infrastructure with Launch
Starlink, the satellite Internet service by Starlink's low-Earth orbit satellite-based high-speed Internet directly from space,
Elon Musk's SpaceX, has launched in Cape connectivity solution, aiming to enhance ensuring that even the most isolated com-
Verde, marking a significant step in its Af- digital inclusion and economic growth. The munities can connect to the digital world.
rican expansion strategy. This move aims introduction of Starlink's satellite internet Economically, the availability of reliable
to enhance Internet connectivity across service represents a pivotal moment in high-speed Internet is poised to be a cat-
the continent, especially in underserved Cape Verde's technological advancement. alyst for growth. Local businesses can
regions. In October 2024, Cape Verde's Historically, the archipelago has faced leverage improved connectivity to expand
regulatory authority, Agência Regulado- challenges in establishing robust Internet their operations, access new markets, and
ra Multissectorial da Economia (ARME), connectivity due to its dispersed geogra- enhance productivity. Educational institu-
authorized Starlink to provide electronic phy and limited infrastructure. Traditional tions and students stand to benefit from
communications services nationwide, em- cable-based systems often struggled to a wealth of online resources, facilitating
phasizing the importance of competition provide comprehensive coverage, leaving better learning outcomes. In the health-
and quality in the communications sector. many remote areas without reliable inter- care sector, telemedicine can become a
This development positions Cape Verde as net access. Starlink's satellite technology viable option, improving access to medical
the 117th country,16th in Africa, to adopt overcomes these barriers by delivering services for remote populations. Starlink's
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