Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 8
SAMENA Council on the Future of 5G, Fixed Wireless Access, and Digital
In an interview, Bocar A. BA, CEO of
SAMENA Telecommunications Council
delved into the transformative potential of
fixed wireless access (FWA) and 5G-Ad-
vanced (5G-A), particularly in driving con-
nectivity across underserved regions and
supporting global sustainability goals. As
digital transformation accelerates across
the Indian Subcontinent, Asia, Middle
East and North Africa (SA-ME-NA) region,
SAMENA Council CEO discussed how
SAMENA Council’s strategic initiatives
align with the United Nations’ Connect
2030 agenda and sustainable develop-
ment objectives.
He also shared insights on the region’s
readiness for 5G-A and the collaborative
efforts needed to address cybersecurity development strategies and innovative Moreover, 5G-A adds greater intelligence
challenges, support economic diversifica- ways for engaging potential contributors, and security updates and machine
tion, and foster digital inclusion for lasting especially through new approaches learning (ML) capabilities, which support
impact. Here are excerpts from the discus- to funding broadband infrastructure applications such as extended reality (XR),
sion. development. I see FWA as a great option industrial IoT (IIoT), and smart cross-
for expanding advanced broadband industry applications. Thus, all of these
In consideration of the global ICT connectivity infrastructure. facets of technology deployment and
development agenda, especially the technological evolution in 5G systems
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), I had the privilege to be a part of ITU’s and infrastructure have a direct role in the
and given the SAMENA Council’s active flagship event, the Global Innovation fulfilment of the SDGs.
involvement in the international ICT arena, Forum (GIF), and contribute to the dialogue.
how do you view the importance of fixed I strongly view digital transformation Multiple types of digital divides can also
wireless access and the role it could play processes require innovation, new wireless be overcome through 5G-A, and I view
for the industry? technology adoption, as well as investment eradication of digital divides to be among
Across all geographies, including the and access to capital. We must accelerate the greatest use cases that applied mobile
SA-ME-NA and Central Asia regions, digital literacy and create more jobs. I see technologies, such as FWA, can help us
based on the observations of the FWA Elite FWA as a viable option for meeting these achieve.
Club members and predictions from the objectives.
Industry, 5G FWA will continue to grow. As 5G-A continues to evolve globally, how
This is so not only because of the much How do you see 5G-A playing a role given do you foresee its future in the Middle East?
higher speeds afforded by 5G FWA, but due the Connect 2030 agenda and various use Especially, as we talk about sustainability
to the end-to-end experience and choice cases that the latest telecom technologies and digital transformation – where do you
that can be offered with FWA. So, we have are expected to bring forth? foresee 5G-A fit into this narrative?
a technology that carries tremendous Advancements in 5G have a direct I am very optimistic about the prospects
potential. correlation with enhancing purposeful of 5G-A– both globally and in the Middle
and sustainable connectivity. Use East. This is supported by the fact that this
FWA can help focus the Industry’s efforts cases such as in the education sector region has led on 5G adoption, and thus it
on digital inclusion, and in making our (for example, in the shape of virtual is well-positioned to lead on 5G-Advanced
goals of “connecting the unconnected” classrooms for impoverished areas, where fronts as well. According to the latest
more cost-effective, and more achievable. education infrastructure is insufficient), GDI index issued by Huawei, whereby
Various SDGs demand innovation. In this or in healthcare (especially to connect ICT maturity is assessed across almost
regard, if we look at FWA purely as an ambulances, conduct remote patient the whole of the SA-ME-NA region, many
innovation, we can see that its impact is monitoring or surgeries, etc.) are central leading countries of the Middle East are
far-reaching. At both the ITU and the UN to fulfilling objectives of the UN Connect in the “frontrunner” category. This means,
Broadband Commission, SAMENA Council 2030 agenda. many markets are ready or are readying for
is strongly contributing to broadband 5G-A deployment.
8 OCT-DEC 2024