Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        SAMENA Council  Demonstrates  Commitment  to  Industry Goals  & Global
        Digital Transformation  Priorities  through  its Participation  in Key Global

        Forums,  Advocating  on  Cybersecurity, Broadband  Development,  and

        During the past several weeks, the global   GCF  Annual Meeting. “A  range of new   monetizing  these investments  remains a
        ICT community has met and agreed  to   projects will  be launched  under  GCF’s   critical challenge. This requires being
        accelerate collaborative efforts relating to   umbrella, addressing some of the key   innovative and collaboration-oriented  in
        the security of Cyberspace, empowerment   issues and opportunities in Cyberspace,   order to meet connectivity  and digital
        of Citizens, protection of Children, fostering   from  cyber economics,  to  closing the   transformation goals.  Through  cross-
        Innovation & 5G Advancements, unlocking   cybersecurity  workforce and skills  gap,   sharing  of  deployment  experiences,
        New  Investment  Capital,  accelerating   and ensuring that Cyberspace is safe and   challenges,  methodologies,  and  other
        Digital  Literacy,  and making  progress on   secure for children,” stated HE Majed bin   useful information, new approaches can
        Sustainable  Economic Growth.  SAMENA   Mohammed Al-Mazyed, NCA Governor. BA,   be adopted in  deploying FWA  more
        Council’s  participation in three of the   in a  recent  media  engagement  held  after   speedily,  and  more  efficiently.  “At  the
        world’s leading  global forums has added   GCF also stated: “Cybersecurity is among   recently-held  Global Innovation Forum
        to the Industry’s strong voice, reaffirming   the key areas of the Council’s involvement   (GIF)  in  Malta, organized by  the ITU,
        the Council’s commitment to representing   in  Saudi  Arabia.  We work  with  the NCA,   SAMENA Telecommunications  Council
        the Private  Sector  across  the ICT  arena   National Cybersecurity Authority  through   brought valuable  insights to  discussions
        and to support worldwide efforts on digital   the Global  Cybersecurity  Forum  (GCF),   on the  global  digital  transformation
        transformation.  During  the  Global  where we are addressing  cybersecurity   landscape. Bocar  BA  highlighted the
        Cybersecurity Forum (GCF), held in Saudi   issues and contributing the global dialogue   central role of innovation in driving digital
        Arabia, SAMENA Council,  represented  by   on securing the cyberspace, ensuring   transformation,  urging stakeholders  to
        CEO & Board Member, Bocar BA, chaired a   overall  cyber safety  for both digital   foster environments conducive  to rapid
        high-level  roundtable  on  Advancing  systems as well as children. The successful   technological growth. He emphasized that
        Collective Action  in Cyberspace. He also   GCF  witnessed  great  openness  among   private sector engagement and sovereign
        participated in a panel discussion, centered   industry stakeholders  on cybersecurity   wealth funds  are essential for  resource
        on Safeguarding Future Networks, and was   issues, and how widely this dialogue needs   accessibility, reinforcing  the need  for
        among key  leaders participating in  the   to be maintained.” Following the GCF,   collaboration to scale digital infrastructure.
        Annual Meeting  of the Forum.  SAMENA   during the Global Mobile Broadband Forum   BA also advocated policy experimentation,
        Council’s contributions in the GCF focused   (MBBF),  held  recently  in Turkey, SAMENA   such  as  regulatory  sandboxing, to safely
        on aligning strategies and accelerating   Council voiced the need to accelerate Fixed   explore emerging solutions, while stressing
        collaboration  for enhanced  digital  safety,   Wireless Access  (FWA) growth, 5G   the importance of job creation and digital
        and   on    coordinating  harmonized  investment monetization,  as  well as   literacy—two areas essential to the long-
        stakeholder actions for securing networks   adoption of 5G-Advanced. BA emphasized   term success of digital economies. “It was
        and making networks resilient.  Established   that  “Operators in the SA-ME-NA region   a privilege  to be a part of ITU's flagship
        as an independent, non-profit organization   and in the neighboring  regions, including   event, the Global Innovation  Forum (GIF),
        in 2023, GCF announced  numerous     Central Asia,  have invested heavily  in  5G   and contribute  to the dialogue.  Digital
        projects  and partnerships  at  this year’s   networks.  However,  satisfactorily  transformation processes crucially require
                                                                                 innovation, and need investment & access
                                                                                 to capital, as well as policy experimentation.
                                                                                 We must accelerate  digital literacy and
                                                                                 create more jobs.  This is possible  with
                                                                                 Private  Sector,  Governments,  and
                                                                                 Sovereign Wealth  Funds working closely
                                                                                 together  in  creating access to  required
                                                                                 resources.”,  stated BA.  The Global
                                                                                 Innovation Forum has identified key ways
                                                                                 to help close the “digital innovation gap.”
                                                                                 The suggested  approaches,  focusing  on
                                                                                 critical factors that include  expanding
                                                                                 collaboration,  attracting  investment,
                                                                                 spurring  sustainable  economic growth,
                                                                                 and finding solutions to pressing societal
                                                                                 challenges  through accelerated, localized
                                                                                 technology innovation.

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