Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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        SAMENA Council Leads Space Sustainability Dialogue and Contextualizes
        Sustainability in View of WRC-27

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council, at   to be explored and for making  collective   who steered the discussions at the WSSA
        the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre   progress in the complex space landscape.   Forum. For WRC-27, new studies for
        (MBRSC) headquarter, led a dialogue last   SAMENA Council,  with  its  membership   mobile in  the bands 4400-4800  MHz;
        week on space sustainability, organized by   comprising  both Terrestrial  and Space   7125-8400  MHz  and 14.8-15.35  GHz,
        the World Space Sustainability Association   segments, observes that space economy,   among other areas, are deemed important
        (WSSA). Held as  Space  Sustainability   driven  by  both  space-exploration  agenda items. The Industry, over the next
        Leaders Forum, the roundtable discussion   initiatives,  cost-effective  satellite  five  years,  requires  more  harmonized
        led by  SAMENA Council  focused  on   production  and   launching,  and  capacity for mobile  services  and the
        Accelerating Global Coordination on Space   constellation-based business models, will   identification   of   these   bands   for
        Sustainability;  setting  Priorities  for  face a  dramatic increase in the next   International Mobile  Telecommunication
        Collaboration and Progress for the Space   decade.  during  this time frame,  several   (IMT) by  WRC-27  would provide an
        Ecosystem;  and identifying  Opportunities   critical challenges will  surface, ranging   important resource for mobile connectivity
        and Imperatives  for Space Stakeholders.   from  signal  interference  to  orbital  slot   and service evolution. Having timely
        The space-sustainability dialogue held at   allocations;  fuel  and light pollution  to   discussions relating to predictable access
        the MBRSC headquarter aligned well with   debris management; and from solar flares   to spectrum, such as during  the WSSA
        new expectations set forth by  the United   to  in-space collisions.  “One  of  the key   Forum led by SAMENA Council, is expected
        Nations” recently  adopted  Pact  for the   areas  to  address  within  the larger space   to help Operators and Technology
        Future, with  sustainable development,   sustainability area, is collaboration among   Providers the attain visibility and facilitate
        among other  focus areas, at  its  heart.   all  stakeholders and to streamline better   informed  decision-making  regarding
        international  peace  and security; science   international  governance  approaches  to   investment,  spectrum  utilization,  digital
        and   technology;  youth  and  future  ensure space  and human  activities in   experience,  and innovation in digital
        generations  and transforming global   space  remain sustainable. This is  one  of   services and applications.  “Emerging
        governance. SAMENA Council highlighted   the reasons why  this dialogue  organized   Space Economy has intricate dimensions,
        that  with rapid advancements,  emerging   by WSSA and hosted by MBRSC was very   and it is imperative to account for them. At
        commercial interests, and increasing   important. A diverse group of space-sector   the WSSA's Space  Sustainability Leaders
        global recognition of space as an essential   stakeholders  not  only delved into space   Forum 2024, held at the MBRSC HQ, it was
        domain for security, economic growth, and   sustainability  issues  of  importance  a  pleasure to moderate  the discussion,
        sustainability, a  set of differing, and, at   specifically  to  space  ecosystem  players,   centered  on  understanding  rapid
        times, conflicting priorities have emerged.   but also issues and matters pertaining to   advancements,  emerging  commercial
        Nonetheless, these differing priorities give   WRC-27, such  as those  relating to   interests, and increasing global recognition
        room to a diverse set of opportunities as   spectrum, fixed-satellite and broadcasting-  of  space  as  an  essential domain  for
        well, especially for innovation  and new   satellites, space-to-Earth  and Earth-to-  security, economic growth, terrestrial and
        collaborations  in digital economy and   space communication”, stated Bocar BA,   space  sector  collaboration,  and
        space economy. Such opportunities need   CEO & Board Member of SAMENA Council,   sustainability, at large”, added BA.

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