Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 76


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Fiji Gives Starlink Green Light to Launch Satellite Internet

        SpaceX  subsidiary  Starlink  (Fiji)  has
        been granted an operating license by the
        Telecommunications  Authority of Fiji
        (TAF), alongside a spectrum license from
        the Ministry of Communications, allowing
        it to offer satellite internet  services in
        the country.  In  a  short  statement, the
        government  of Fiji  said that using Low
        Earth Orbit (LEO)  satellites to provide
        telecommunications  services has come
        ‘as a lifeline for geographically dispersed
        countries like Fiji’. Meanwhile, the deputy
        PM  and Minister for Communications,
        Manoa  Kamikamica, is  quoted  by  local
        press as  saying that the licensing  of
        Starlink (Fiji) for commercial use is a ‘game
        changer’ to bridge the digital divide.

        OneWeb Given Green Light for Satellite Broadband Service

        Satellite communications provider Eutelsat   India. In a statement from the Low Earth Or-  the company already holds the necessary
        OneWeb has been granted permission by   bit (LEO) operator, the group noted that its   licenses from the Department of Telecom-
        the Indian National Space Promotion and   Indian subsidiary would be able to begin of-  munications (DoT). OneWeb India has also
        Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) to launch   fering services as soon as it is allocated the   been given in-principle approval to estab-
        commercial satellite broadband services in   necessary spectrum by the government, as   lish and operate two satellite gateways in
                                                                                 Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Commenting  on
                                                                                 the development, Cyril Dujardin, Eutelsat’s
                                                                                 Co-General Manager of Connectivity, was
                                                                                 quoted as saying: ‘We are pleased to have
                                                                                 received these approvals  from  the space
                                                                                 regulator that bring the country a signifi-
                                                                                 cant  step  closer  to  providing high speed
                                                                                 connectivity to even the most remote lo-
                                                                                 cations. Having completed  our  LEO  con-
                                                                                 stellation last year, we are perfectly placed
                                                                                 to deliver this vital connectivity service to
                                                                                 businesses across India.’

        Telecoms Minister Confirms Armenian Aim to Join Starlink Network

        Arka News cites an exclusive interview with   Starlink  satellite  broadband service.  ‘It   to  elaborate,’ Khachatryan  is  quoted  as
        the country’s Minister of High Technologies   can become  an alternative means of   saying. The US firm’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
        Industry Robert Khachatryan as confirming   communication for our country, which it is   satellites are designed to offer high speed,
        that the government is in talks with SpaceX   in many places. We have already started a   low latency broadband internet in remote
        concerning  plans  to launch  the latter’s   dialogue on this issue, but I would not like   and rural locations across the globe.

                                                                                            76   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81