Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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Huawei Launches the F5.5G-Oriented All-Optical Target Network
Architecture for Three Phases
During UBBF 2023, Richard Jin, President
of Huawei Optical Business Product
Line, delivered a keynote speech entitled
“Bring F5.5G to Reality: Milestones on Our
Way to Intelligent World”. In the speech,
Richard proposed the concept of three-
phase network construction for the first
time. Specifically, there are three driving
forces for network development, that is,
video (100Mbps network), experience
(1Gbps network), and intelligence (10Gbps
network). Against this backdrop, Huawei
launched the F5.5G-oriented three-phase
all-optical target network architecture
— all-optical coverage for 100Mbps
home broadband, all-optical connections
extending 1Gbps to each room, and all-
optical computing for 10Gbps Everywhere.
The three-phase construction of the all-
optical target network can meet the network
connection requirements of hot services in
each phase, bringing F5.5G into reality and
striding towards an intelligent world. Richard Jin delivering his keynote speech at UBBF 2023
Phase 1: Video-Driven, All-Optical Phase 2: Experience-Driven, All-Optical Phase 3: Intelligence-Driven, All-Optical
Coverage for 100Mbps Home Broadband Connections Extending 1Gbps to Rooms Computing for 10Gbps Everywhere
With the continuous improvement of video With increasingly diversified digital AI accelerates content manufacturing and
resolution and the rapid popularization of applications, fibers are extended from living promotes the intelligent transformation of
video interaction and immersive XR, the rooms to bedrooms, studies, and kitchens, industries. To cope with traffic surges and
bandwidth is upgraded from 10 Mbps to enabling click-and-start applications migration of massive data to the cloud, a
100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps. In this phase, and delivering an immersive network computing-centric network is required to
HD video and video interaction become experience. All these developments pose provide bus-level connection capabilities.
the major driving force to realize the goal higher requirements on network coverage, Similar to the CPU, bus, and accessories
of building an all-optical network with a bandwidth, latency, and roaming. In this of a computer, the computing power and
100 Mbps home broadband rate. Operators phase, users are willing to pay for a more storage of the data center (DC) need to
need to fully move towards FMC, and premium home network experience. exchange information with end-users in
replace cooper lines and cables with FTTH Therefore, End-to-end (E2E) service real time through a high-performance
all-optical network. Serialized AirPON can experience assurance becomes the network to achieve the goal of all-optical
accelerate FTTH construction and support key to achieving the goal of all-optical computing for 10Gbps Everywhere. In this
GPON and 10G PON compatibility, enabling connections and 1 Gbps extending to each phase, the FTTR-based all-optical home
rapid provision of gigabit services in hotspot room. Operators need to upgrade 10G PON bus supports connect-and-play of IoT
areas. Meanwhile, operators need to deploy to fully deliver gigabit services, introduce devices and integrates connection, sensing,
OTN to metro aggregation layer, and build fiber-to-the-room (FTTR), metro 100G computing, and storage capabilities for
3D-mesh 400G ready backbone networks, OTN to CO, backbone 400G non-blocking 10Gbps throughout the house. In addition,
supporting non-blocking bandwidth and ultra-broadband. Typical technological the all-optical cloud bus based on 50G
zero video lagging. Typical technological innovations in this phase are FTTR, metro PON and 800G OTN implements all-optical
innovations in this phase include FlexPON, pooling WDM, and the intelligent network one-hop user-DC or DC-DC connections.
DQ ODN, and high-performance 400G. management and control system. Typical technological innovations in