Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 15


        Q.  Regarding  your expansion  strategy,
        what are  the key  areas  where  you are
        currently focusing on?
        A. The  company's team continues  its
        efforts towards expanding its network in all
        governorates, as we aim to reach new areas
        in the next phase.  These  areas  include:
        Otab and Al-Sowihira in Suhar, Al-Khashda,
        Hilat Ar-Rawasheed, Majz As-Soghra, Abo
        Ad-Doros, Alghowaisa,  Sor Ash-Sheyadi,
        Al-Qashi’ in Saham, plus Al-Amera and Al-
        Rumais in Barka, and a number of areas in
        Jalan Bani Bo Ali, and AL-Rusail in Muscat,
        besides some areas in Duqom, as well as
        Ad-Dahariz and  Al-Haffa  in  Salalah,  and

        Q. Tell us about the  'Affaq' project for   divide is one of the goals that the strategy   service operator from among the licensed
        covering rural villages implemented by the   seeks to achieve at the national, social, and   operators in the Sultanate of Oman.
        Oman Broadband Company?              economic  levels, in  addition to  what  has
        A. This initiative came in implementation   been accomplished in building broadband   Q. How do you work towards strengthening
        of the National Broadband  Strategy, the   networks using optical fibers.  partnerships with governorates  to foster
        implementation of which was entrusted to                                 local development?
        the Oman Broadband Company, which is   This initiative includes covering 600 villages   A.  There is  no doubt that  efforts  will
        one of the companies of ITHCA Group.  distributed across the various governorates   continue to enhance various partnerships,
                                             of the Sultanate in accordance  with the   and through the company's teamwork, we
        Accessing  broadband  service to remote   principle  of open access,  which  allows   have successfully activated and developed
        rural communities to  reduce  the digital   beneficiaries in these villages to choose the   a partnership model with the governorates
                                                                                 to provide broadband  infrastructure with
                                                                                 the aim of offering and improving internet
                                                                                 services and supporting the economic
                                                                                 Wide   spreading  broadband  network
                                                                                 contributes to increasing the local output
                                                                                 due  to  the  efficient  acceleration  of
                                                                                 business and services. This is in addition
                                                                                 to broader and faster coverage  of high-
                                                                                 speed  home internet networks,  creating
                                                                                 job opportunities for the youth in various

                                                                                 I have high hopes in this partnership model
                                                                                 with  governorates,  and the promising
                                                                                 investment opportunities it will create for
                                                                                 them, utilizing it to support sectors such as
                                                                                 education and health, among other service
                                                                                 sectors, which aligns  with  the national
                                                                                 broadband strategy.

                                                                                            15   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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