Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 24


                                            SAMENA LEADs 2023

        SAMENA Council Holds its LEAD Awards to Recognize 5G Development
        and Regulatory Efforts Around the Region

        SAMENA Council,  on  October  10th, held   investments have been made on terrestrial   As Bocar BA, CEO  & Board Member  of
        its  Leadership  & Excellence  Award in   networks; tough business decisions taken in   SAMENA Council stated in his message
        Digital-development  (“LEAD”) in Dubai.   view of shareholder, partner, and customer   to the  audience,  “SAMENA LEAD awards
        In an auspicious ceremony, the SAMENA   interests; innovations pursued; and diligent   transcend the bounds of inter- and intra-
        Council, along with invited guests of honor,   efforts to deliver on expectations from the   market  competition.  LEADs  are  designed
        presented the award trophies to winners.   digital user have been carried out.  to identify our unique  strengths,  unique
        LEADs focused  on  4 critical aspects  in                                value-propositions, and to encourage and
        telecoms  technology business  success,   In all this, enablement  and business-  capitalize on those strengths as we tread
        including in 5G.                     conducive environments  were  created   a  complex  path to sustainable digital
                                             in  alignment  with  market-specific  goals   development.”
        Over the past  three years, Telecom   and global  commitments made by  193
        Operators and Regulators have proven the   UN Member  States under  the  tenets  of   The 2023 edition of LEADs acknowledged
        central role that communication networks   Sustainable Development Agenda almost a   efforts  on  Business,  Regulatory
        play  in  the well-being of our society and   decade ago.                Enablement,  Experience,  and Innovation
        of our businesses. In so doing,  heavy                                   fronts.

                                                                                            24   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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