Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 14


        increased to  more  than  OMR  276  million   Q. Progress  is being  made  in  achieving   the largest possible space in the Country.
        since its establishment in 2014.     Omanization  since  the  company's  In this regard, we affirm that the company
                                             inception. What is the current Omanization   is  committed to further expanding  and
        Moreover, the company  has achieved   ratio?                             improving the network's  infrastructure,
        several positive results, most notable is the   A. Omanization in the company reached   to provide a  large-scale  and high-speed
        total reliance on external funding for project   a stunning level, amounted to 99%, which   internet access  to  populations  and  to
        implementation  rather than  government   means more than 200 Omani employees in   participate in the sustainable growth of the
        support.                             all specialties.                    national economy.

        The   company   also  succeeded  in  Along  with Omanization,  the  company   Q. The company is gearing  up  to  initiate
        establishing  infrastructure used  by all   is keen  to involve employees  in various   an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Could you
        licensed  telecommunications  operators   training programs to convey their expertise   elaborate on the significance of this move
        in Oman, along with other  initiatives   to young people wishing to receive training   and  its role  in  fostering  the  company's
        through which it has been keen to support   and practical experience.  The company's   expansion?
        and empower  Omani youth  through  the   contribution  to  training  and  qualification   A. The company is willing to start an initial
        fulfilment of programs, such as “Tamkeen”   opportunities has reached more than 760   public offering (IPO) in order to increase the
        (Empowerment).                       training opportunities, including those   company's public property base, providing
                                             offered by the "Tamkeen" program to new   liquidity for planned expansions requiring
           We provide  unique  ser-          graduates and job seekers.          further continuous modernization as  an

           vices in the  Telecom-            The company continues  to encourage   element of attracting foreign investment to
                                                                                 Oman, as well as offering savings tools to
           munications           sector,     employees to participate in “Masar” (Path)   shareholders, which will support the State's
           which  includes  provid-          program, which is  a  specialized  program   plans to promote financial inclusion.
                                             in leadership  development,  additionally,
           ing support to key tele-          there are various opportunities accessible   The IPO  arrangements  are under  way,
           communications           ser-     for employees, whether  within  or outside   AlWahaibi added, mentioning that as
                                                                                 a  preliminary  step before  the  IPO,  the
                                             Oman, with the aim  of enhancing  their
           vice providers in Oman,           skills.                             company have  witnessed the acquisition
           as well  as operating             Q. What is the company's role in developing   of Oman Infrastructure Investments Fund
                                                                                 “Rakiza” on  39% of ITHCA Group  shares
           Oman's largest fiberop-           telecommunications services in Oman?  in Oman Broadband, the government arm

           tics  network,  through           A. We provide unique services in this sector,   in building and developing  broadband
                                                                                 infrastructure in Oman. Before the end of
                                             which includes  providing support  to key
           competent and qualified           telecommunications  service  providers  in   this  year,  a  partial  exit  of approximately
           Omani specialists and a           Oman, as well as operating Oman's largest   10% to 26% will take place, depending on
                                             fiberoptics  network,  through  competent
                                                                                 the ability to finalize negotiations with other
           number  of  contractors           and  qualified  Omani  specialists  and  a   investors. This will  help  to enhance  the
           and  technicians  in  all         number of contractors and technicians in all   confidence of investors and shareholders
                                             governorates. The company also provides
                                                                                 further, as well as strengthening the private
           governorates.                     all  training and enabling  requirements to   sector's contribution in Oman Broadband.
                                             ensure  fiberoptics  network  coverage  to
        Q.  What are  the company’s  efforts  to
        enhance supporting SMEs in parallel with
        the government policies to  leverage this
        A. There is no doubt that government efforts
        to uplift small and medium enterprises are
        evident. Therefore, at  Oman  Broadband
        Company, and in accordance  with  a
        comprehensive  strategic vision,  we  have
        taken it upon ourselves to empower small
        and medium enterprises. This is achieved
        by assigning  several projects  directly  or
        indirectly to entrepreneurs  with expertise
        in our field. The value of projects directly
        assigned to small and medium enterprises
        has reached over OMR 43 million.

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