Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 105


        V.tal in Takeover Talks with Ligga, Report Says

        Brazilian  fiber-optic  wholesale  operator   bank BTG Pactual, which  co-owns  V.tal.   August 2021. It currently offers fiber-to-the-
        V.tal  has signed  a memorandum  of   Due diligence  is  on track  to  commence   home (FTTH)  connectivity  in  around  400
        understanding  (MoU) with  regional telco   this week and should last 180 days. Ligga   Parana municipalities and served 366,358
        Ligga  Telecom  regarding a  potential   Telecom  (known as  Copel  Telecom until   fixed  broadband  subscriptions  as  of  30
        takeover, a  source  familiar  with the   March 2022) has  been  100% owned  by   September  2023, of which  336,013 were
        matter has informed  BNamericas. As   Bordeaux Fundo de Investimento  em   connected via fiber.
        per the report, the process  is  being   Participacoes  Multiestrategia (Bordeaux
        spearheaded  by Brazilian investment   Multi-Strategic Investment Fund) since 3

        Senegal and Mauritania Commit to Cross-Border Frequency Management

                                                                                 Telecoms  regulators in Senegal and
                                                                                 Mauritania  have signed  a  cooperation
                                                                                 agreement   relating  to  cross-border
                                                                                 frequency management. Senegal’s Authority
                                                                                 of Regulation  of Telecommunications
                                                                                 and Post (L’Autorite de Regulation  des
                                                                                 Telecommunications et des Postes, ARTP)
                                                                                 and the Regulatory Authority of Mauritania
                                                                                 (Autorite de Regulation, ARE) have signed
                                                                                 a  memorandum  of understanding which
                                                                                 will see the two authorities strengthening
                                                                                 their collaboration in order to reduce cross-
                                                                                 border interference and improve the quality
                                                                                 of telecoms services in regions along the
                                                                                 742km border between the two countries.

        CMA Calls for Initial Views on Proposed Three-Vodafone Merger

        The UK’s  Competition  and  Markets   affect incentives to invest in the quality of
        Authority (CMA) has said it is providing ‘an   UK mobile networks. This is an opportunity
        early opportunity’ for interested parties to   for those with an interest in this merger to
        comment on the impact that the proposed   let us know their views before we launch a
        merger of Three UK and Vodafone UK could   full investigation.’ The plans for the merger
        have on competition. In a  press  release   of Three UK and Vodafone UK were formally
        regarding the matter, the competition body   announced in June 2023, with it revealed
        said  this call for initial  views comes  in   that Vodafone  Group  would  take a 51%
        advance of it  launching  a  formal   stake in the enlarged business, and Three’s
        investigation,  which  is  expected to get   parent company CK Hutchison Group
        underway once  it has received  further   Telecom  Holdings (CKHGT) taking the
        information  from the Three UK  and   other  49%.  In  terms  of  the  financial
        Vodafone UK. Commenting, Sarah Cardell,   elements  of the deal, there is  no cash   UK,  with  around GBP1.7  billion coming
        chief executive of the CMA, said: ‘We will be   consideration  to be paid, with the MNOs   from Three UK. Subject to regulatory and
        carefully  considering  how this deal may   instead contributing differential  debt   shareholder approvals, the deal is expected
        affect competition in the UK, which could   amounts  upon  its  completion;  to close before the end of 2024.
        affect the options and prices available to   approximately  GBP4.3  billion  (USD5.4
        customers. We will also assess how it may   billion) in  debt will  come from  Vodafone

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