Page 109 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        authority can allocate them to other service providers via spectrum   the authority to provide service by using the unused frequency, it
        auctions. The authority has received criticism in the past for not   will be automatically returned,” a member of the committee said.
        doing  much  about telcos holding the frequency  without using   (November 1, 2023)
        them. The committee’s meeting chaired by the Communication
        Minister  Rekha Sharma  passed the new policy.  The meeting   The  Public Accounts  Committee  (PAC) of the  House  of
        revoked the earlier provision which was lenient on telcos for not   Representatives has urged the Ministry of Communications and
        fully committing to using frequency spectrum after getting them   Information Technology (MoCIT) and the Nepal Telecommunication
        from the authority. This new policy will discourage the act of not   Authority (NTA) to hold off from selling Smart Telecom’s revoked
        operating communication services while just holding the frequency.   license, recommending that the regulatory bodies stage further
        Likewise, it will ensure the maximum utilization of the frequency   discussions regarding the plan. The NTA revoked Smart’s license
        and contribute to better service quality. Using the frequencies to   in April this year, over the cellco’s failure to pay a NPR20 billion
        their optimum  capacity  also  helps  form a  competitive  telecom   (USD151 million) license renewal fee. the PAC also recommended
        market. With this policy, NTA will have the authority to get back the   postponing  the planned  deployment of the Telecommunication
        frequencies from telcos that only hold them. However, a member   Traffic  Monitoring  and  Fraud  Control  System  (TERAMOCS),  as
        of the committee shared that  the authority will  allow  service   well as the implementation of the Rural Telecommunication Fund.
        providers a six-month period to process the spectrums into the   (October 13, 2023) My Republica
        service. “If a company does not comply with the instructions from


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has   Centers and International Connection Services. Over the past year,
        emphasized  the importance  of activating voice  calling  over 4G   Oman has seen a proliferation of data centers being established
        VoLTE (Voice over LTE) networks for mobile users. This comes as   at key locations around the country. Many of these processing
        a part of the authority’s broader initiative to phase out 3G services   hubs take advantage of the international submarine and terrestrial
        and transition fully  to  more advanced  network technologies.   cables connecting Oman with data networks globally. Presently,
        VoLTE differs from traditional VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)   there are around 21 subsea telecom cables with landing points
        services in that it uses the 4G LTE network instead of Wi-Fi to   along the country’s  shores, with  more such cable links  in  the
        transmit voice  data.  This technology  enables  users  to make   works. Now, in a bid to regulate this rapidly growing sector, the
        calls using the internet while still utilizing their standard phone   Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has initiated
        numbers.  These calls are treated as  regular  phone  minutes  by   a  public consultation  on a  draft regulatory  framework aimed
        cell service providers, most of whom now support VoLTE. Notably,   ultimately at laying the groundwork for the robust growth of this key
        VoLTE functions efficiently even in areas with a strong data signal.   market. Highlighting the importance of the telecom cables sector,
        In anticipation  of the gradual discontinuation  of 3G services   the Authority explained: “International submarine and terrestrial
        starting next year, the TRA is urging users to activate VoLTE on   cables are  critical communications  infrastructure  for countries
        all their devices. This transition is aimed at improving the quality   around the world and are vital to their national economies. These
        of voice communication over the 4G networks. As 4G technology   cables form the backbone of the internet and are essential to the
        becomes more prevalent, devices limited to 3G and 2G capabilities   provision of telecommunication services across the commercial,
        will gradually become obsolete. Users of these older devices will   governmental and consumer sectors. The continued development
        likely need to upgrade to newer models that are compatible with   of these sectors, through the attraction of additional capacity and
        the evolving telecommunication services. The TRA’s decision to   diversity to Oman, is essential to further develop the Sultanate of
        halt 3G services by July 2024 is part of its strategy to optimize the   Oman’s position as a global hub and key location for the siting of
        use of natural resources, such as the frequency band spectrum.   Data Centers and International Interconnection Services.” Draft
        This move is also seen as an investment in modern technologies,   regulations formulated by the TRA envision a set of guidelines
        aiming to focus on  delivering  higher  quality services  to users.   for undertaking, among  other  activities, surveying,  installation,
        This shift reflects the ongoing global trend towards more efficient   operation, and maintenance and repair of international telecom
        and higher-capacity telecommunication  networks, marking   cables. It also outlines Oman’s stance on regulating submarine
        a  significant  step  in  the  digital  evolution  of  communication   telecom  cables crossing in  territorial waters,  the exclusive
        technologies. (November 14, 2023)  economic zone, or the Strait of Hormuz. Importantly, the Authority
                                                               is set to have a central role in issuing final approvals related to
        The Sultanate of Oman is moving to regulate international telecom   surveying,  installation, operation,  maintenance  and repair  work
        cables either transiting its territorial waters or landing on its shores   for international telecom cables on Omani territory or waters. In
        in a bid to enhance the country’s appeal as a global hub for Data   effect, the issuance of the requisite  approvals  and permits for

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