Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 101


        Balkan States Agree Coordination of 3400MHz-3800MHz Frequencies

                                                                                 The regulatory  authorities of six  Balkan
                                                                                 states  –  Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
                                                                                 Croatia,  Montenegro, North  Macedonia
                                                                                 and Serbia  – have signed  an  agreement
                                                                                 on  the  coordination  of  mobile/fixed
                                                                                 communication  networks (MFCN) in  the
                                                                                 3400MHz-3800MHz band. The agreement
                                                                                 sets out the principles, technical provisions
                                                                                 and administrative procedures to regulate
                                                                                 the deployment of networks using those
                                                                                 frequencies  in border  areas with the  aim
                                                                                 of  maximizing  the  efficient  use  of  the
                                                                                 spectrum,  ensuring  equal access  to  the
                                                                                 airwaves whilst preventing interference.

        Zegona Agrees to Buy Vodafone Spain for €5 Billion

        Vodafone  has  announced  that  it  has  en-  said Vodafone CEO Margherita Della Valle
        tered into a binding agreement with Zegona   in a statement. “My priority is to create val-
        Communications to sell 100% of Vodafone   ue through growth and improved returns.
        Spain. Under the terms of the agreement,   Following the recently announced transac-
        Vodafone  will  receive €4.1  billion  in cash   tion in the UK, Spain is the second of our
        and €0.9 billion in redeemable preference   larger markets in Europe where we are tak-
        shares. The news comes after anonymous   ing action to improve the Group’s competi-
        sources speaking to Bloomberg recently   tiveness and growth prospects.” Della Val-
        confirmed that the two firms were close to   le was made permanent CEO in April, and
        inking the deal. Discussions between the   since then, the firm has announced numer-  said Eamonn  O’Hare, Zegona’s Chairman
        two parties were reportedly initiated back   ous large scale changes to their operations,   and  CEO,  in  a  company statement.  The
        in September. “The sale of Vodafone Spain   including the merger of Vodafone UK with   takeover  is  expected  to  close  in  the  first
        is a key step in right-sizing our portfolio for   Three UK and cutting 11,000 jobs globally.   half of next year. The Spanish mobile oper-
        growth and will enable us to focus our re-  “We are very excited about the opportunity   ator market is notoriously competitive, with
        sources in markets with sustainable struc-  to return to the Spanish telecoms market.   Vodafone struggling to hold its own against
        tures and sufficient local scale. I would like   This financially attractive acquisition marks   market leader Movistar alongside Orange
        to thank our entire team in Spain for their   our third deal in Spain after successful turn-  and MasMovil.  Della  Valle’s  predecessor,
        dedication to our customers and relentless   arounds  at  Telecable  and Euskaltel.  With   Nick Read, had long hoped that market con-
        determination to improve our organic per-  our  clearly  defined  strategy  and  proven   solidation would be the answer, which was
        formance. However,  the market has  been   track record, we are confident that we can   shattered after the merger of Orange and
        challenging with structurally low returns,”   create significant value for shareholders,”   MasMovil was announced last year.

        FCC Poised to Increase  Minimum Broadband  Speed  Benchmark  to


        The  Federal Communications  Commis-  – universal deployment, affordability, adop-  the benchmark at 25Mbps/3Mbps in 2015
        sion (FCC) has confirmed that it plans to   tion, availability  and  equitable  access to   and has not updated it since. The NoI also
        evaluate the state  of broadband  across   broadband throughout the US. In addition,   seeks comment on setting a separate na-
        the US, as required by section 706 of the   the Notice of Inquiry (NoI) proposes to in-  tional goal of 1Gbps/500Mbps for the fu-
        Telecommunications Act of 1996. As part   crease the national fixed broadband speed   ture.
        of this inquiry, the watchdog will focus on   benchmark  to 100Mbps (download)  and
        the universal service goals of section 706   20Mbps (upload). The FCC previously set

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