Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 43


        Saudi Arabia Makes Giant Leaps Toward Digital Transformation, Covering

        Key Sectors

                                                                                 impact  on  Saudi  society.  The  Saudi
                                                                                 Customs  launched  the  TIR  (Transports
                                                                                 Internationaux  Routiers)  system,  which
                                                                                 seeks  to  facilitate  trade  through  borders,
                                                                                 as the system reduced the time spent for
                                                                                 trucks  through  the  ports  by  40  percent,
                                                                                 while  the  number  of  beneficiaries  of  the
                                                                                 national  platform  for  donations  launched
                                                                                 by  the  Ministry  of  Human  Resources
                                                                                 and  Social  Development  reached  more
                                                                                 than  250,000.  The  transactions  through
                                                                                 the  Etimad  platform,  launched  by  the
                                                                                 Ministry  of  Finance,  reached  more  than
                                                                                 two million, and payments made through
                                                                                 the application of Zakat from the General
                                                                                 Authority of Zakat and Tax reached more
                                                                                 than 200,000.The Baladi platform provides
                                                                                 full  municipal  services  under  the  smart
                                                                                 cities  sector  while  in  the  tourism  and
                                                                                 digital  culture  sector,  the  Tourist  Visa
        Saudi Arabia ranked second globally in the   reviewed  the  goals  and  achievements   Portal  provides  visas  to  the  beneficiaries
        field of corporate cybersecurity and jumped   of  the  digital  transformation,  as  the   within 3-5 minutes. In the field of financial
        nine  places  to  become  No.  12  among   committee worked under the directives and   technology,  the  Wathaq  platform  was
        the  G20  countries  in  the  e-government   support  of  the  Crown  Prince.  The  report   launched, which automates all procedures
        development  index,  according  to  the   sheds light on the most important digital   of issuing bank guarantees. In the digital
        World  Competitiveness  Yearbook  (WCY).   service  achievements  in  all  government   health  sector,  the  report  noted,  around
        The  high-ranking  reflects  the  remarkable   and  service  sectors  in  the  Kingdom.  The   53  million  appointments  were  booked
        achievements the Kingdom has made ever   report focused on highlighting the efforts   through  the  Mawid  application  and  more
        since it embarked on ambitious Vision 2030   of  government  agencies  in  the  process   than  1.8  million  medical  consultations
        launched by Crown Prince Muhammad Bin   of  digital  transformation  in  various   were  provided  to  citizens  by  the  Sihha
        Salman. The unprecedented progress and   fields,  which  contributed  to  creating  a   application.  n  the  education  sector,  there
        achievements in many other vital sectors   digital  infrastructure  that  keeps  pace   were  34  million  sessions  held  by  the
        too have put the Kingdom in a prominent   with  changing  times  and  meets  the   unified  education  system  for  more  than
        position on the world map. The Kingdom   requirements  of becoming  an ambitious   one  million  beneficiaries.  In  the  justice
        ranked 7th globally in financing technical   nation with a thriving digital society within   sector, nearly 1.4 million people benefited
        development in WCY, which is a yearly report   the  framework  and  objectives  of  the   from  the  Najiz  justice  services  platform,
        published  by  the  International  Institute   Vision  2030.  The  report  includes  a  large   while  more  than  39,000  operations  were
        for  Management  Development  (IMD).   number of achievements and initiatives in   carried  out  through  the  mobile  notary
        According to WCY, the Kingdom ranked 8th   digital  transformation  in  all  vital  sectors   service,  and  through  which  over  119,000
        among the G20 countries and 27 globally   and  areas.  These  include  the  smart   judicial  sessions  were  documented.  The
        in  the  digital  infrastructure  index  within   government  sector,  where  the  number   Public  Prosecution adopted  a strategy
        the  e-government  development  index,   of documentation processes  carried out   of  “Paperless  Prosecution”  to  convert  all
        climbing  more  than  40  places,  and  10th   through the “Unified National Platform GOV.  procedures related to it to digital services.
        globally in average mobile Internet speeds   SA” reached more than 185 million, and the   In  the  sector  of  digital  infrastructure  and
        that exceeded 66.54 Mbps. Moreover, the   number of “Tawakkalna” application users   capabilities,  a  total  of  8,377  5G  towers
        Saudi government has won the Government   exceeded  seven  million,  while  the  Saudi   have  been  established  in  all  regions  of
        Leadership  Award  2020  instituted  by   “Tabaud”  application  ranked  third  in  the   the  Kingdom,  and  more  than  8.5  million
        the  International  Telecommunications   world  in  employing  modern  technologies   citizens  have  benefited  from  the  Digital
        Union.  It  is  noteworthy  that  Saudi   to  contain  coronavirus  pandemic.  The   Giving initiative to spread digital knowledge
        Arabia’s  National  Committee  for  Digital   value  of  contributions  to  the  Joodeskan   and develop digital capabilities, the report
        Transformation  has  recently  issued  the   initiative reached more than SR300 million.   pointed out.
        half-yearly  report  for  the  year  2020  that   All these have had a tremendous positive

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