Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 40


        is mainly designed to act as a post-breach   production  network components making   Cyber Deception and Response Platforms
        detection  tool  that  is  designed  to  detect   the system authentic and unidentifiable. In   are  recognized  for  their  comprehensive
        adversaries  while  they  are  attempting   this case, these honey components will act   network  and  endpoint-based  deception.
        their  activities  inside  the  network.  There   as possible targets for the adversaries.  They  turn  user  networks,  data  centers,
        is  no  need  to  know  the  malware  before                             cloud,  remote  offices,  and  even  specialty
        being  able to detect  it because dynamic   Adversaries  are  effectively  engaged  by   environments  such  as  IoT,  ICS-SCADA,
        deception is not a pattern-based solution.   dynamic   deception   technology-based   point-of-sale,  telecom,  and  network
        It  operates  sophisticatedly  by  deploying   solutions anywhere across the enterprise   infrastructure systems into traps and a
        honey-components   like   honeypots,   network–clients,  servers,  and  services.   “hall  of  mirrors”  environment  that  will
        honey-credentials,  honey-tokens,  honey-  As  attackers  look  for  high-value  assets   confuse, misdirect, and reveal the presence
        cookies,   honey-shares,   honey-drives,   (Crown  jewels),  they  scan  the  Cyber   of attackers.
        honey-folders,  honey-URLs,  and  honey-  Deception  and Response  Platform as
        documents  inside  the  network,  making   part  of  the  network.  Once  a  scan,  probe,   As a result, Dynamic Deception technology
        them possible targets for the adversary.  or  ping  occurs,  the  Cyber  Deception  and   based solutions can be the missing piece
                                             Response  Platform  will  immediately  alert   in security controls to bridge the detection
        The  deployment  model  of  the  dynamic   of suspicious activity.       gap  inside  the  network  and  provide  the
                                                                                 required visibility and forensics information
           Adversaries are effectively       Dynamic  Deception  technology-based   needed to take proper action while the fight
           engaged       by     dynamic      solutions bring a much needed addition to   against cyber-attacks continues.
                                             traditional  prevention  security  solutions.
           deception        technology-      These  are  based  on  known  attack
           based  solutions  anywhere        signatures,  and  therefore,  cannot  by   Dynamic         Deception
                                             design, reliably detect zero-day signature-
           across      the     enterprise    less  attacks,  address  the  use  of  stolen   technology-based  solut-
           network–clients,  servers,        employee credentials, or effectively protect   ions bring a much needed
                                             against  ransomware  and  spear-phishing
           and services. As attackers        campaigns.                             addition to traditional pre-
           look for high-value assets                                               vention security solutions.
           (Crown  jewels), they scan        As a seamless and non-disruptive addition   These are based on known
                                             to existing security infrastructures, Cyber
           the  Cyber Deception  and         Deception-based  threat  detection  closes   attack  signatures,  and
           Response Platform as part         the  gap  on  security  vulnerabilities.  It   therefore, cannot by design,
                                             provides  a  critical  line  of  defense  for
           of the network.                   detecting attackers before they have time   reliably  detect  zero-day

                                             to complete their attack and cause a data   signature-less   attacks,
        deception  systems  as  a  passive  element   breach  or  harmful  doings  to  the  critical   address  the  use  of  stolen
        in the network, this introduces zero impact   infrastructure.
        on the. On the other hand, it is not installed                              employee credentials,  or
        inline, which means they cause zero delays   The  Cyber  Deception  and  Response   effectively protect  against
        on  the  network.  The  honey  components   Platforms  have  created  a  new  class  of   ransomware and  spear-
        installed are designed and customized in   deception-based  threat  detection  that
        a  way  that  makes  them  look  identical  to   elevates the game against attackers. The   phishing campaigns.

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