Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 29


        Zain Scoops 7 Awards, Including ‘Best Brand’

        Zain  announces that  its  brand has  been
        identified  as  the  ‘Best  Telecom  Brand’  in
        the  Middle  East for the  third consecutive
        year  during  the  Telecom Review  Summit
        Excellence  Awards  gala  ceremony held
        recently  in  Dubai.  The  'Best  Brand’
        accolade  confirms  the  ongoing  impact  of
        Zain’s investment in 5G network upgrades
        and  unique  digital  offerings  that  enhance
        the customer telecom experience, ground-
        breaking  media campaigns, focus  on
        corporate  sustainability  and diversity
        and  inclusion  (D&I)  initiatives,  making  the
        company one  of  the  most  respected  and
        recognized corporate brands in the region,
        since its introduction in 2007. Distinctively,
        Zain  Saudi  Arabia  was recognized  for its
        successful  transformational  and  digital
        growth in recent years that has taken the
        operation  to new heights.  The  operation
        was  awarded  four  prestigious  awards  for
        the  ‘Best  CSR Initiative’; ‘Best  Standalone
        5G  Network’; ‘Best  Cloud Provider’; and  a
        Global Merit award for the Chief Technology
        Officer  for  his  efforts  in  the  successful
        5G  rollout that  placed  the  Kingdom on
        the  5G  world  map. ZainTech received
        two awards  for the  ‘Best  ICT  Investment’
        for  its  agreement  to acquire  BIOS  Middle
        East, a managed cloud service provider   on various media channels  across  the   various operations, the company’s market
        and  ‘Best  Enhanced Service Provider’  for   region have captured the hearts and minds   leadership  saw it  increase  its  customer
        its  Drone-as-a-Service offering. ZainTech   of millions  of people. Zain’s  Ramadan,   base  by  34%  and  revenue  by  231%  year-
        was established in  October 2021  with   Eid  and  other  television  commercials   on-year in 2022, processing approximately
        the  primary  aim  to  offer  enterprises  and   throughout 2022, for example, received an   US$  3  billion  transaction  value  annually.
        governments  across  the  region  a unique,   impressive 250 million views on YouTube,   Sustainability  and  good  corporate
        one-stop shop across the full stack of ICT   indicative  of  the  brand  power  of  Zain.   governance lie at the heart of every aspect
        services. The two awards are testament to   Today, Zain Group and its local operations   of Zain’s  day-to-day  operational  activities
        the  ongoing  progress  that  the  new entity   boast  over 13  million  fans  on Facebook,   in  pursuing  its  sustainability  agenda  and
        has  attained  in  signifying  itself  as  a  key   more  than  7  million  followers on  Twitter,   supporting the communities it serves. Zain
        player in this  lucrative  and  fast-growing   2.6  million on Instagram and 750,000  on   is  passionate  about curbing the  effects
        sector. Telecom Review is a leading industry   LinkedIn,  totaling  more  than  23  million   of climate  change,  children’s  rights  and
        publication,  and the  multiple  awards   fans and followers across its social media   safety, capacity-building, education, socio-
        recognize  the  outstanding  performance   footprint. Zain continues to introduce new,   economic development, and environmental
        of Zain’s brand and  enhanced customer   dynamic services to its customers, evident   stewardship.  The  company’s  focus  on
        experience  across  its  markets,  reflective   by the expansion of Zain’s digital services   environmental,  social  and  governance
        of  the  company’s  significant  investments   and  API platform ‘Dizlee’  in  offering  over   (ESG) indicators, ensures that ESG issues
        and pioneering innovation in digitalization,   50  unique  and  appealing  content  and   are  integrated  into the  business  strategy,
        better  serving  individuals,  enterprise  and   gaming services, as  well  as  the  growth   and Zain’s Corporate Governance structure
        government customers across the region.   of Zain  Esports  that  has  attracted  over   and sound practices in providing accurate,
        In its 2022 global ranking, Brand Finance, a   30,000  gamers  and  50  million  social   timely, and actionable  information in  a
        leading valuation and strategy consultancy   media views since  its  establishment  in   transparent  and accountable manner  has
        based  in London, valued  the  Zain  brand   November  2020.  In  the  Fintech  space   won  the  confidence  of  local  and  global
        at  USD 2.4  billion, a 9.6%  increase  year-  where  Zain  provides  far-reaching  benefits   investors.
        on-year. Zain’s marketing  campaigns   to needy  and vulnerable  groups across

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